Abinormal Butterfly
little happy bombs of pure fatty goodness!
8 oz almond butter
8 oz coconut butter
1 stick butter
Melt together and add shredded coconut, dried fruits, nuts, seeds. Whatever sounds good. I do coconut, tart cherries, sunflower seeds....
Then you pour it into whatever you want to shape them. Muffin tins, cake pan, whatever. Then cool. Then coat in really dark chocolate.

little happy bombs of pure fatty goodness!
8 oz almond butter
8 oz coconut butter
1 stick butter
Melt together and add shredded coconut, dried fruits, nuts, seeds. Whatever sounds good. I do coconut, tart cherries, sunflower seeds....
Then you pour it into whatever you want to shape them. Muffin tins, cake pan, whatever. Then cool. Then coat in really dark chocolate.