Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
It was a dark and gloomy summer night.

OK ... at least it was dark. We were in bed sleeping when we heard a pounding on the front door of our house and someone shouting "Help Help!"

My husband sprang out of bed and ran to the door. Then he ran BACK to the bedroom and pulled on some underwear :ep and then he ran BACK to the door. At the door was our neighbor a twenty something good looking young woman wearing a big towel only!

Apparently the person who lived with them (a cousin) had gotten drunk and been in a fight with another 20 something down the street. After the fight he had high tailed it back to his basement room to lay low and had not told my neighbor lady nor her hubby anything about his little "problem". Now about an hour later the other party to the fight had tracked him down to their house and was stone drunk on the front porch trying to gain entry into her house!!

My neighbor had ran out her back door and over to our house for help. I immediately wrapped myself in a sheet and called the police. While my hubby (still in his underwear) got the story from my neighbor in her towel. Meanwhile her hubby had gotten up and was on the front porch ... in HIS underwear of course ... yelling at the drunk with a gun pointed at the crazy man! The drunk man - also the ONLY one in clothing - was screaming at her hubby "Shoot me man! .... Just go ahead and blow my head off!".

In response her hubby (still in underwear) took the gun barrel (the gun did not work we found out later and was completely missing it's firing pin) and clonked him on top of the head. About now the police arrive. The drunk is sitting on the front porch rubbing his head and crying and all the rest of us are in the front yard in underwear, sheet or towels. So then the police man (poor soul) had to make out his report.

For some reason he seemed most interested in why there were four nearly naked people in the front yard. :lol: :gig The neighbor man gave his statement to the police. When he came to the part about "Then I took out my gun..." the police man said to him, "No you didn't." :th The neighbor tried once more to tell about the gun, but the cop just told us all to go to bed and told the drunk to be gone as well. Then things settled back down and the naked people went back into the right houses :clap and went to bed.

Interestingly the cousin that had been responsible for the ruckus slept a nice drunken slumber in his bed and missed the whole thing!

My, my ... I DO LOVE living in the big city. :sick


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
:lol: Excellent story!!! :lol: :lol:

Quick question, though.....they don't sell robes in your town? :D


Been a long, long, long, long, long time since I slept nekked, FF....you gotta forgive me! :hit


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
ok this was the most ridiculous thing to read first thing in the morning!!! thanks FF - what a hoot!

and just proves my case for wearing barn clothes to bed - just in case!

i'm howling about this line:

Then things settled back down and the naked people went back into the right houses and went to bed.
ah yes the city... home to a million stories.

thanks FF!!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
The Big Melt is ON!

42* balmy degrees and everyone is very happy.... especially the hens. i need to shovel out the hen house and they will love the new straw....and they are ranging far and wide after being cooped up for so long!

as for me, i was out there with out a jacket and it was heavenly.

yesterday we had a banner day. we went to town and:

1. got all our errands done
2. got home with plenty of daylight to get all the evening chores done and everyone tucked in
3. NO ONE was laying dead in the yard!

whew! i'm such a worry wart when we are gone... so it was a -A day!!

heading out for more fresh air....... and much less snow! melt demon snow, melt!
