she's not letting her babies nurse very much .... but worse, she's head butting them to the ground and pinning them.
so we put her in the milkstand and made her stand there so their tummies are full. and the neighbors gave us bottles and nipples for tomorrow.
we separated her babies - and Debbies - for the night. when i put Nibbles in the pen with the babies she tried to bolt and started to stomp at them.
so unless anyone's got a better idea - all the "milk stealers" are in the pen tonite together. they all get along and it will NOT be cold tonite ( 53*) so they should be ok. but there is a lot of crying out there.
any other ideas?
we had been toying with the idea of bottle feeding Nibbles' babies so i guess the decision has been made for us.
stupid Nibbles.
(she will stay on staff in a reduced capacity. at this point the only thing that is saving her is her amazing milk)
Sounds like Nibbles wants the full life of a dairy goat, kids pulled at birth and all she does is eat and get the spa treatment. Good thing her milk is wonderful and she is a good producer! Sheesh!
If it makes you feel any better (it won't, I'm pretty sure) I have to pull Ginger's kids at birth because she is the opposite. Won't wean or share milk with me.
What a pain. It is one more chore for you....3-4 times a day! I'll be sympathizing with you in two weeks or so. Then again a few weeks after that. Maybe you can sell them as bottle kids.
well - i need to get them on the bottle first. the neighbor mom was HILARIOUS - i think she's coming over tomorrow to make sure i'm doing it right. she told me my Klingon Management Techniques wouldnt work at all.
apparently i have to snuggle them and make booboo noises at them. something about scratching their butts.
great. now i'm a goat-butt-scratcher. oh how far i've fallen!
we just went out to check on the babies -- and two of Nibbles' got out of the pen. sigh.
so we just took down the pen and hopefully they will be ok. today we worked on getting half of the turkey house cleaned out. we'll the rest of it done tomorrow and just put all the babies over there at nite. this way i can get Debbies babies headed toward grain... and get most of Debbie's milk in the morning ... and we can bottle feed Nibbles' babies.
hey SD! nope we Klingon Dwarfs are more like "take this bottle or DIE!" and "there is no CRYING in farming"
then we all sit around and sing song of our valor and say things like "today is a good day to die" - and i've been known to use my beatin' stick like a batleth. its pretty awesome.
hi Tanks! today we put Nibs in a half nelson to make her just stand there (on the milk stand) and nurse the babies. and lets be fair - she'll do anything for snacks so we loaded up the feeder. she wouldnt have cared if the dog nursed off her as long as there is sweet feed involved.
but Debbie let the babies drink off her last year.
this time we might just switch to bottles. it will be a pain but i'm not holding down Nibbles for 8 weeks. this way we can get the babies used to the bottle then pawn them off on some sucker... i mean find a good and loving home for them to folks who want bottle babies.
we'll have to ask Ksalvango, but apparently folks WANT their goats to be bottle fed. me. no. i bottle fed a kitten for 4 weeks and it nearly killed me. plus - explain a goat in your bra when you are walking around in the general public. i dont care how cute they are - no way.