Oh wow! I just learned I'm gay! (I'm wearing jeans and a flannel shirt today, and my hair is not quite down to my shoulders!) My hubby got a membership to BJs, but I've found it's not worth it. There's not much that we buy in there that we can't get for the same price or cheaper elsewhere, so why pay?
Interesting this topic comes up here today. Today on Facebook, my 14-year-old sons status is "I'm gay.Click like if you agree".....
He is NOT gay and so I sent him a big long note talking about how I have gay friends and such that would see these things (they are his friend too) and how I wanted any anti-gay teenage stuff to be off limits on Facebook , that he should promote tolerance of other kids who are different, etc., so and and so forth, ad nauseum.
He tells me this morning that he had Facebook open at his friends house and they posted that to his status while he was asleep. He had spent the night at their house.
I told him then he better make sure to close it before he goes to sleep!