Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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My allergies are not mold related. I know plenty about wheat, eggs and oils, but nothing 'bout no mold allergie.

I am also a blue cheese junkie.

After you eat it do you get a runny nose? Cruddy throat? Hives???

If not I wouldn't worry too much, but watch carefully for any reactions.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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ah the secret life of barncats......

so the other day the dogs and i were working in the upper garden when.. a tiny piercing scream called my attention. yikes! the hard working D-O-G-S found a bunny nest. so i called them off.

and if i had any question about Kai's hunting instinct...wow.... its there are strong as oak. i had to drag her, with both hands down the hill...and she is strong! wow! them bears have no chance whatsoever. but we are calling her Kai Akita Bunnykiller for now. which doesnt exactly strike fear in the hearts of larger animals but them bunnies packed up and left for sure.


so then there i was on the horns of a dilemma. now i dont mind paying my tithe to nature... but a bunny nest right next to my radishes? but then... while we can butcher just about anything, bunny is not on the menu. so i did what anyone would do.

i went and got Shine our King of Barncats. also known as The Destroyer, Slayer of Villains, Dark Lord of Death on Four Paws.

it was just about dusk and we had to lock him up in a few minutes....we lock the cats up at nite lest they actually get the keys and take the truck into town for a hootenanny....

but i made sure he knew what was where. the next morning i opened the barn......and both barncats zipped out.

later when i went to check both Shine and Bob were up at the bunny nest.

but i got to thinkin.....we only showed Shine where the nest was!

it was amazing and my eyes were made wide open on this one. so not only do barncats hunt in a pack...but they spend all nite strategizing? we left them to their terrible work.

and yeah when we checked later the bunny nest was..um.. empty. and Shine was sitting like a poobah patting his belly.

Barncats = worth their weight in gold.

in other news i made lemon bars and they are very very good. whoooot!

off to milking - yay! come on cheese!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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And yet another reason why I think cats are scary. They are forming the insane cat army and will take over soon :D


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Yup, we had a nest of 8 bunnies in the strawberry patch one year. Ugh. Thank you, neighbor's dog. It was in the front yard, not fenced, so our killer poodle couldn't get to it. He loves baby bunnies for dinner or a snack. Better than chipmunk or mouse. So tender and mild. :p

You are going to be drowning in cheese this year, ofg! You can ship the excess my way...... :D I am not having too much fun milking Ginger right now. I had two full days in the massage office Thu-Fri and my hands are too tired to milk those teensy teats easily.....I've been dreaming of a milking machine, but it feels like selling out! :rolleyes: I talked to dh about it this morning and he said, "Let's put it on our goat statement." Our. Yay! Although I make plenty of decisions myself, I feel we need to agree on larger purchases. It will be a while, but it looks like I might get a machine before the season is over....hopefully before my hands fall off. Two more ff's coming up in the next two months.

I can't imagine having so much milk all at once! Woohoo! You must feel rich every time you milk. I'd need to get a real filter, too, I think....right?

So many cheese recipes, so little milk..... :lol:


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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do U think they can run the government better
At this point I am willing to give them a shot :D

I had an Irish Setter who was partial to bunny. She would dig up and eat the kits, then take care of mama and leave the body on the front porch to show what a good job she did :sick


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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Zilla, i aint kissing that pup anytime soon.. thats for sure!

do U think they can run the government better gig
mlynd are you KIDDING!?! ha of course they could! their only opposition would be from the "Far Left Slow Moving Field Mouse" crowd and who cares about them anyway?

but it wouldnt be a democracy.. more like a potentate-ship!

i could just see it, Nicholas would be the slick talking, handsome politician - he's got cool 'war' scars and a good story. Peep could be the head of state - she's a "i'm not the milk and cookies type" battleaxe with a chip on her shoulder and her finger on The Button.

Pepper could be the over-large, inhaler using, out of shape, head of the Dept of Health telling everyone to 'get out there and run for an hour a day."

Little Mo would head up the Dept of Adorableness and would do a fine job.

Shine would be the head of the CIA and Bobbi, the elusive other barncat, would run off the books black ops arming the people of crappy 3rd world countries who have the misfortune to be strategically located. after a "coup" backed by the world's do-gooders, they'd rush in and have mock elections and prop up some puppet govtment and call it a day.

the fate of the dogs would be...well. they'd be called "lobbyist" but they'd have to be on the right side or else.

the rest of the rabble would just stand around and fight about who gets the most kibble for their pet projects while the masses were hypnotized by American Cat Idol and just marched along quietly.

could the cats do a better job. oh yeah. sure. i'd vote for them.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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I can't imagine having so much milk all at once! Woohoo! You must feel rich every time you milk.
you said it, Free!

actually i kinda feel a little vindicated by the whole thing. every time i come in with a huge bucket of milk i have a little spring in my step thinking of all the mean, negative folks (like the MIL) in my life who told me that i cant do this or a cant do that.

alot of folks ask me how i did all of this (farm thing) and honestly there is nothing special about us at all. we just 'heard past' all the negativity and got out there and did the work.

even some of the folks who kept it to themselves are taking a renewed interest. a family i know on the west coast has decided that the "fly over zone" may not look so bad now that the radiation has showed up in their milk (they are NOT moving in with us!).

and another family who refused to even eat our eggs let alone even try our goat milk just found out that one of their kids has GI problems and they are pumping her full of probiotics. when their dr recommends that they find a source of raw goat milk, i'm gonna laugh. a lot. like a lot a lot....i might even snort and fall over laughing. they arent moving in with us either.

this morning i'm having a plate of our ham with our goat cheese a goat-puccino and some other goodies. so yeah.. i feel pretty rich right now.

even if i'm so poor that i have to eat a turkey from the yard. ha!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well you can't blame Kai, rabbit tastes GOOD.

Barn cats are very useful as well. Another comment for the what I did to save money today thread....fed BOTH dog and cats for FREE.

People used to bring the local wild bunnies to the vet office to "save" constantly in the spring when I worked for vets. We would all patiently explain they would just die, to let them go. We lost a couple clients over this, people get outraged. But some people insist on trying anyway, and the vets gave the best advice they could, but the bunnies ALWAYS die.

We had a whole bunch of the cute little hoppers here when we moved in, all over the mountain. But then Bandit the bear dog arrived.....we hardly see hide nor hair of them now.

Can you pass me a hunk of that cheese you have out there? You seem to have quite a supply.....What varieties are you cutting today?


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 7, 2010
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Southren Indiana
I think they would get my vote I know politicians are self absorbed but at least Cats are expected to be that way:lol: so do u think they need a campaigning manger ?? I know Chesi would love the job

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