Food Guru
When my Gunnar dog was a pup, I would take him for walks in Home Cheapo to tire him out when it rained more than one day in a row. I had to keep him out of the garden department with all the plants, because he thought it was indoor plumbing! I would put a rug mat from my car in a cart and lift him into it to get him into the store, then I would take him out on a leash when I got to a quieter aisle. No one EVER told me not to take him in. I told people he was really good at picking stuff out because he watched HGTV all day, so he was there to help me decide on colors.... I told employees that I wanted to compete him in agility trials (true) so the noisy environment was good preparation for him.
I haven't found the cull department yet....hmmm....never think of it. Sounds like I have to put that on my list.....Biscotti could use a trip to Home preparation for agility trials.....
So, who here has gone into a store with no money, then ran back out to the car to tear it apart looking for some stray dollars you may have forgotten??? Show of hands!
I haven't found the cull department yet....hmmm....never think of it. Sounds like I have to put that on my list.....Biscotti could use a trip to Home preparation for agility trials.....
So, who here has gone into a store with no money, then ran back out to the car to tear it apart looking for some stray dollars you may have forgotten??? Show of hands!