thanks everyone! we really had a good teamwork day. we took down most of my hay that the Old Man Neighbor has been gunning for. i gave a huge pile of it to the goats and then put some on a drying rack for later. those ladies had better milk like the dickens tomorrow - they were slackers today.
anyway - we had a fun time. he weed whacked it down and i raked it up. good teamwork - and we had a fun time doing chores this morning. we've had perfect weather the last couple days - cool mornings, low humidity, and sunny blue skies. i'd have nothing to complain about if it was like this all the time! well. except for the pigz.
speaking of - we had a landmark day for the pigz. Ti and i went down to give them a midday meal - and called. and no pigz. so we called and called and called and shook the bucket. and then there they were - WAY down at the end of their new area! so they have been roaming around snuffling up the underbrush just like we hoped.
and the other good news is that he is going to be home early from work - so we can do evening chores together also. and then its 4 days off! i think we are going to work on the Meat Balls (meat chix) tomorrow. some of them are getting ridiculously big. they do this slow weird march every night.. its really funny to watch.
so thats the scoop. i finally came in - i wondered why i was so warm... its 90* out there!