LOVE my indian runners!!!! I have 3 adults, one mama sitting on 2 eggs...loser, and a broody hen sitting on 8 runner eggs, and 5 youngsters. I am gonna be overrun with runners!
I love that you don't have to have tall fencing or clip wings and the fact that they look like bowling pins on feet helps too. I love love love them! We have 25 mallards right now too and I would take the runners over them any day! We have blacks but have had chocolates too. I would love to have some blues but there is already a farm in the area that sells blues exclusively so I chose to go with a different color and the blacks are just sooo pretty. My new ones are starting to feather out now.
in the last couple days i've driven about 300 miles (i usually drive about 10 miles a week), been baked in the sun, denied by starbucks, and now i'm eating donuts for breakfast. and yeah - i'll be late for church too.
i've decided that people are totally crazy. first this driving thing is ridiculous. i normally only drive down to our little town, maybe a bit further and thats it. probably 10 miles a week tops - and my top speed is about 35mph. than the rest of the time i'm a passenger but we never really go anywhere... so wow. as soon as i got on the freeway i was all "ohmigosh these people drive so fast!"
which is kinda funny b/c i used to drive pretty fast too and now i'm all nervous about it. i totally need to get off farm more.
then i met up with some folks who dont have any idea what i do and explaining it to them was useless. they asked and i gave them the G rated version of whats going on here. i told them that we are going to "dress" our Meat Balls this week....and they looked at me like i had lobsters growing out of my ears. so i said.. "but you know, i'm not really gonna put little outfits on them." so they were all horrified even tho we were having lunch and most of them were eating chicken in one form or another. then one of the adults told me how stupid it was was we "make" our own food and just buying it at the store was cheaper. they were sitting in front of a plate of "non food", were about 70pounds over weight, on medication for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and their only activity is changing the channel on the tv. then i looked at them like they had lobsters growing out of their ears.
me: (blink blink)
and then i talked about cute little ducks instead.
and i'm totally hacked off at starbucks. i had a thing for a free tall coffee. so i asked for it iced...and they wouldnt give it to me that way. WHAT?? um.. it was 90*, i had been working outside and dripping sweat on their counter...and they were all "no iced coffee for you?" i wasnt asking for a gallon of frappucino - just pour it over ice?? nope. none for me. even the older lady next to me gave me that "you have GOT to be kidding me look.' so i'm gonna write them a mean letter telling them that if their promotions were too onerous for their store to fulfill then maybe they should just knock $1 off their bag of beans and get on with it. or get cheaper ice cubes. i dunno if they were gold plated, water-was-filtered thru diamonds, and then lovingly handcrafted by polar bears ice cubes or what... but come on. jerks. i'm pretty sure that its a sure sign of the coming apocalypse when starbucks gets all persnickity
i'm having donuts for breakfast. i found a small, family run donut shop that sells buckets (that i use for everything) - so i walked out with a couple food grade buckets AND donuts. whoot! now if I lived near Free i'd just get some of her buckets she got for free....but for now - whenever i need more i'll have a great new place to go (walmart is starting to NOT sell them at their bakery) and get more donuts too. yay!
OFG!!! I just got four more buckets from the restaurant, with lids, filled with sauces, soups, and melted ice cream. You can have them if you come get them!!!!! I'll throw in a bucket of wheat berries, too, to help with gas. Woohoo!!!!
Guess you gotta bring your own ice to Starbucks. Sheesh.
eta: I thought I'd lost my crown, but I'm back as the Queen of Glean!
As much money as you have spent over the years at Starbucks, they should roll out the red carpet, throw rose petals at your feet, and have cherubs fan you with peacock feathers every time you walk in the door. Yeah, it's nastygram time!
As for the driving, I am a former pizza delivery driver. I learned my driving skills back in the 30 minutes or free days. I can burn me some rubber Yet every time I drive more than 10 miles North I start cussing about the crazy people. And it gets worse as you go through town and head to Denver. You head South and everyone is all polite and chilled out. Does living in a higher income area automatically turn you in to a rude jerk? If you give up being nice does your income automatically rise? This would explain a few things
Ooooh yeah, I feel ya on the driving thing. I don't do much of it anymore and it tends to be on country roads when I do. So driving by myself on Friday to pick up DS on the other side of the state in my 14 year old car with intermittent a/c was not my idea of fun. Nor was driving home with the little chatterbox talking a mile a minute in the pouring rain with the windows closed and fogged up! to Starbucks. Ours here didn't last! They put one about 100 yards from a DD and they didn't last 2 years. I never went in, but then I'm totally intimidated by the whole ordering process.
I swear I dreamt about buckets last night. My deck was covered in them. Wonder why??
I hear ya on the driving. I hate driving and avoid 270 like the plague. I get nervous if I can't see fields. Plus, I figure that knowing every back road around is a pretty good SS skill Enjoy those donuts and the rising temps plus humidity.
Heh, you should write to Starbucks. Listen to this:
On Saturdays I used to always go to the same one and order a "decaf venti latte"....every time. After awhile they just asked "the usual?"
On Mondays I always went to a different coffee place, a small independent one. Same thing, I always asked for a 20 ounce decaf latte. One day I drive up to the independent one and I just say "20 ounce like usual" and had spilled something in my car so I wasn't paying attention. I turn around and say, "and you remember I want that decaf!" The girl at the window says "I already started it" even though that same lady had been making my coffee for about 6 years and I always asked for decaf. Hubby says she didn't remember because I'm not a big tipper. In any event, she made me PAY for the second coffee.
The reason I'm telling you all this is that the following Saturday, I told the story about the non-starbucks place to the people at Starbucks. They were outraged, and said that all three of them would have at least asked "decaf?" since I always took it that way, and handed me a FREE card for a starbucks coffee. I told her, "It wasn't a Starbucks, though" and she said no problem. The card read something to the effect:
Starbucks wants every customer to be very happy, please accept our apologies and take this free coffee with our compliments.
So I betcha you could get a free Starbucks and get those stupid girls in TROUBLE!
It was weird though because at the bad coffee place, there is a sign that says "friends don't let their friends drink Starbucks" But Starbucks is the one with the policy the customer is always right.
Starbucks will generally give you a cup of ice water for free - you could have gotten the coffee, asked for a cup of ice (hold the water, please), poured the coffee into the ice, handed the paper cup back, said "thank you" with a big ofg smile, and headed off on your merry way.