Always doing laundry
Must. Not. Look. 
They are sooooooo cute! The ducks, not the pigs, that is.

They are sooooooo cute! The ducks, not the pigs, that is.
just hang the buckets on the fence, baby! we get those kinda "S" shaped ones in the horse section of TSC and hang flat sided buckets out of reach of the poultry. works like a charm. and nope, they wont get under.... once the males get too big they just cant fly and my duck hens tend to stay grounded once they get to laying age. we've clipped wings but havent really needed it. the geese couldnt fly if they had a first class ticket and a mileage plus card.I just can't bear the thought of fowl.....fowling the goat's water every day.
We were having that problem until I put the goats' water bucket in the center of an old tire. The ducks can't get their bills in it anymore and the water stays as clean!freemotion said:How does the average duck dress out compared to chickens? Geese? Maybe I should consider using my kid weaning pasture to raise some larger birds next year. I just can't bear the thought of fowl.....fowling the goat's water every day. But it just dawned on me that I have a fenced pasture that some larger birds could be grown out in, once they are too big to fit through the 4x4" openings in the goat fencing. And water fowl won't dig under the edges of the fence like chickens will.....will they? Is flight feather clipping enough to keep them contained?