A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Not to mention that someone in a bad mood could take references to their president as the cause of the apocalypse a tad annoying 
It was like that scene from Forrest Gump, only this was *real* not computer-generatedlorihadams said:Did you see the crowd that was there!!!
I couldn't believe how many people came to see him sworn in....I was surprised that everything was as peaceful as it was.
totally 100% agreeBeekissed said:I don't think this will happen at all....I predict that every word that falls from this man's lips will be greeted as rose petals, to the media. I doubt very seriously that anyone will criticize this man and it makes it to print. We've already seen how this man~out of nowhere(with a muddled and questionable past history) has been called "the messiah" and "a savior" by our media. I've never seen, in the history of this nation, as big a following of any one president. And for as little true merit.And he will take the full brunt of comments on how the country is being run.
I don't think he will have any trouble at all at gaining and keeping public favor....he's already shown this in the election process.
Again he is the first African American to be elected becasue he was born in Kenya(thereby not eligible to be president legally). But as to the first black president he is far from. Go to & click on your 5 black presidents, Lincoln, Taft, Harding, Coolidge all had black ancestor's. They also mention Jefferson but his was his children he had with the black servant lady he fell in love with.hoosier girl said:I found one statement I heard (a few weeks ago) to be pretty profound and it has really stuck with me. In a televised interview, an elderly African American lady made the comment that she has lived through the era of segregation to an African American person being elected to lead our nation. Regardless of your political views, that is pretty incredible for that much change to occur within one life time.