Yard Farmer
My DH got quite a chuckle as I yelled at my TV last night when this story aired on the news.
"It's not just about nutrition you idiots!"
"It's not just about nutrition you idiots!"
When you have enormous companies buying into organic, you can bet your patootie that they are going to push quite hard (with quite a lot of money) to define organic in a way that suits them best (bottom line, of course). This comes from getting into organic as a "market" only and not as the right thing to do. Of course, you can do the right thing AND make money at it!sylvie said:I smell a change in the definition of the term organic coming. I hope it won't be near to impossible to measure up to it. A move like that would diminish the market again.
As for many things, vote with your pocketbook. I have never had such low turnout in my 3 years at the farmer's market. People like the idea of organic, but it's an intensively laborious way to grow food and it is NOT going to cost the same as something sprayed nearly to death in another part of the country/world and shipped to America, gassed into ripeness and then left on the shelf for a week. And, why should it?reinbeau said:I would, too, but as usual, where there's money to be made, there are corners to be cutIt's up to us, as consumers, to make sure the organic providers know we're paying attention, and we're not going to buy quasi-organic jumk in lieu of the good, organic products that can be produced.....