Rest in Peace 1980-2020
My mother and I had a bumpy relationship all my life, which lead me to me finally giving up and cutting contact with her 3 years ago. Not for lack of trying from my side, she simply would not allow things to work between us. My father and I (thanks to my mother) never had a good relationship, until he moved into a care facility and my son was born. We finally clicked and had a wonderful, wonderful few months, before he sadly passed away, much too soon!
My grandfather and I never got along either... We could not have a conversation without arguing. Then my father and gran passed within weeks of each other. The double loss knocked the wind out of my granddad and we finally met and connected and got along so well! I treasure the few years we had before he too passed away. It's so wonderful to have a good loving relationship with a parent and grandparent. Beekissed, your mom sounds so amazing and she raised an amazing daughter!