Our President is a Nobel Laureate

Jan 24, 2009
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Ldychef2k said:
I do not appreciate in the least being called a member of "the dark side". I am an American, a conservative, and I protest publically this administrations policies, as is my right under the Constitution. That was an uncalled for characterization of those who oppose your viewpoint.
Sorry not trying to be offensive. Star Wars would have been kind of boring without the Dark Side. The movie series was a political commentary. The dark side in the movie was not meant to portray the dems.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
Actually the idea of awarding a peace prize with the idea of encouraging (attempting manipulation) of our President is kind of sleazy- a prize should be for succeeding at a goal. Luckily I do think the Obama is both intelligent and rational enough to say thank you politely, be a little pleased with himself, put it behind him and try to do what he feels is best- my only question about his beliefs is whether that best puts the US citizen first. I think so but keep watching after the Jimmy Carter fiasco where idealism not tempered with reality caused so much misery that needs correction now.
Well- time will tell.
But I find that European countries are very, very hypocitical about the US. They like to use us to do the dirty work they want done, then point fingers at us while smugly taking the advantage. Actually what has irritated them is not the bad situations that result, but the loss of face.
Oh- that sounds like "liberals" too- they want the advantage of having money to throw at social causes while decrying the nasty people who make it. They want the US to save suffering people all over the place while not actually hurting anyone in the process. They try to apply the kindergarten ideals of "it's not fair", "play fair" and "share"in an adult world. Probably makes them feel superior to the people who actually get in the trenches and make things happen.

But the real world is full of bullies and fanatics- we don't make them that way no matter what they choose to say. Negotiation only does so much.
Ghandi got rid of the Brits so that the Hindus and Muslims could eat each other up with little restraint. What a shame such lovely thoughts don't work.
You really have to keep an eye on the "liberals" lest they really screw things up.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
keljonma said:
I am praying that the award gives him incentive to continue working for a more peaceful world.
I heard a blurb from his acceptance speech, and that's exactly how he sees it. Just a beginning and another reason to really push forward.
Jan 24, 2009
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Actually Obama has proven that he's not a liberal. A liberal would have repealed the Patriot Act. Obama want's it reinstated when it expires. He also didn't push for single payer health care. He has reached out at every opportunity to include the current flock of republicans in major decisions. he has conservatives in his cabinet. The only thing you really need to watch out for is that he won't so easily dispose of human life as our last leader did.

I think you will find that he will accomplish quite a lot with diplomacy. A lasting peace is pretty much impossible. Diplomacy waste a lot less bullets and human lifers than war does. He has already accomplished quite a lot. I think Americans would be a little less enthusiastic about war if there was a war on our soil. It's not too hard too bomb other people in to submission knowing that we can continue our lives un affected except for the families of our soldiers that die. It would be a different story if we had the real fear that we might not make it back from Safeway or that our children would get bombed in their school. I worry a lot more about the conservatives myself. Sarah Palin terrified me. I could see her pushing the button so she could meet Jesus.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Big Daddy said:
Actually he's done quite a lot and is heading our country in a direction to accomplish more. It is well deserved. I know the dark side does not appreciate the fact that he is actually trying to make us a member of the world and treating other countries as though they are something other than just items of interest for our corporations. Hopefully he will be further inclined to stay the course and the US can rightfully sit at the table with the rest of the worlds leaders. Not just because we have the biggest military. Hopefully he will settle our differences with Al Quaida and the Taliban since we will never be able to kill them all. or control them.
Geez, BD. Please do not use that phrase in association with this president. It has too many bad associations with it.
Jan 24, 2009
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me&thegals said:
Big Daddy said:
Actually he's done quite a lot and is heading our country in a direction to accomplish more. It is well deserved. I know the dark side does not appreciate the fact that he is actually trying to make us a member of the world and treating other countries as though they are something other than just items of interest for our corporations. Hopefully he will be further inclined to stay the course and the US can rightfully sit at the table with the rest of the worlds leaders. Not just because we have the biggest military. Hopefully he will settle our differences with Al Quaida and the Taliban since we will never be able to kill them all. or control them.
Geez, BD. Please do not use that phrase in association with this president. It has too many bad associations with it.
I was trying to be inclusive and say something our conservative friends could relate too.
Jan 24, 2009
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me&thegals said:
keljonma said:
I am praying that the award gives him incentive to continue working for a more peaceful world.
I heard a blurb from his acceptance speech, and that's exactly how he sees it. Just a beginning and another reason to really push forward.
I wonder if it will affect his decision on the extra 40k troops that they want in Afghanistan. I would preferto see them give up on that one. They either need to get extra troops or get out though.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
enjoy the ride said:
Actually the idea of awarding a peace prize with the idea of encouraging (attempting manipulation) of our President is kind of sleazy- a prize should be for succeeding at a goal.
I actually agree with this. It could be, though, that we as a nation were heading into such a terrible abyss that even one step back from it is seen as tremendous progress. I don't know. Do nomination committees explain their reasoning?

Oh- that sounds like "liberals" too- they want the advantage of having money to throw at social causes while decrying the nasty people who make it. They want the US to save suffering people all over the place while not actually hurting anyone in the process. They try to apply the kindergarten ideals of "it's not fair", "play fair" and "share"in an adult world. Probably makes them feel superior to the people who actually get in the trenches and make things happen.
As a "liberal," this really is fairly offensive. And a bit simplistic. You really CAN apply kindergarten ideals to real life, obviously bringing them a bit more up to par with world politics. There really ARE countries that don't start or participate in wars, massive consumption and other things liberals abhor who are doing just fine. As for liberals standing back with self-righteous indigation while non-liberals get in the trenches to get things done??? Ummm... I guess I'm just not seeing this one.

Perhaps it would help if we all acknowledged goodness, kindheartedness and intelligence on both sides. I really dislike this polarism. I am married to a conservative, much of my family is conservative, many of my friends are conservative. They are all good people, some wealthy, etc. I also have very liberal friends and family. As for who's in the trenches, I don't think you would appreciate my answer. But I will say it has not been the convervatives who spent years in Uganda, inner-city DC schools and India. But, I am looking at a very small sample of the political population...

You really have to keep an eye on the "liberals" lest they really screw things up.
Wow, don't hold back. I don't usually notice you to be so outspoken, so I'm assuming this nomination has really upset you.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Yes, you have to keep an eye on the liberals so they don't really screw things up, just as much as you have to keep an eye on the conservatives so they don't really screw things up, and as much as you have to keep an eye on ANY political party with any power significance whatsoever so they don't really screw things up. Ahem.

Anyhow... I have to say, I join apparently most of the rest of the world in thinking that it is pretty bizarre and pathetic to give someone the Nobel Peace Prize for, basically, being a lot less of a screwup than their predecessor, and being good at preliminary diplomatic overtures :p However, he *has* done some real good internationally in the last 9 months, not enough to constitute a major body of work, but certainly something for Europeans and others to be happy about, especially considering what went before.

I wonder who else was nominated... I am wondering whether the other top candidates were simply too controversial within the committee to get a majority vote? That sort of thing certainly does happen sometimes.


enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
Big Daddy said:
lasting peace is pretty much impossible. Diplomacy waste a lot less bullets and human lifers than war does. He has already accomplished quite a lot. I think Americans would be a little less enthusiastic about war if there was a war on our soil. It's not too hard too bomb other people in to submission knowing that we can continue our lives un affected except for the families of our soldiers that die. It would be a different story if we had the real fear that we might not make it back from Safeway or that our children would get bombed in their school. I worry a lot more about the conservatives myself. Sarah Palin terrified me. I could see her pushing the button so she could meet Jesus.
If a President keeps war away from his citizens he is doing what he should do. If he does it with diplomacy- fine. If he can't and the big military does- not as good but fine too. I just hope he doesn't make a serous mistake out of ignorance of history and desire for the non-existant ideal.
Europe, North and South Africa, Southeast Asia, India, South America and Pakastan, China, etc have all had wars for generations on their soil- after a few decades, they were all ready to try it again. And again and again.
They never learned and I don't think that they are simply dumb. The longest period of even relative peace and civilized growth was during the period of the Roman Empire. Achieved by very ugly means but in the end no uglier than the mildest result of anarchy.
So far, once the Eureopean countries were out of the mix, North American has done the best. Not perfect- just better.
Would be better is war existed nowhere but again the adult world doesn't seem to work like that.
In that world as it exists- I'm grateful for what local peace I can have. Very, very grateful.

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