Out with the Old, In with the New


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Today was interesting. I split RR12 with another girl. She did the first half, I did the last half.
Got turned around a few times and confused myself instead of trusting the direction sheet and the flow of the mail.
I started out wrong, though, by thinking I was supposed to start on one road instead of this other one. Once I got it figured out, things went a little smoother.
When I got to the end of my half of the route, I looked and saw I still had a ton of mail. When I looked thru it, I realized it was mostly for the apartments on the route, which the other girl was supposed to do.
I called and was told to just bring it back because I didnt have a key to the CBUs. As I was going down the road delivering what mail I could, I pass the other girl.
I deliver this one box and call again telling the postmaster I just passed her and to call her to come deliver this apartment mail. I was told to go to the apartments and wait for the other girl. She finally showed up about ten minutes later.
We go to the units and she takes a bit of the mail, I take the rest and we put it in the correct boxes. Im still putting in mail and she goes to leave. I said she has to lock the boxes up and she says thier broke just slam them and they'll lock. Im like....okkkayyy.....for some reason I believed her and did just that. In reality I should of called again and told them about it and they would of told me no.
Then when I get back, I and the supervisor see all these totes full of smalls (packages that will fit in mailboxes) and box packages sitting back by the casing area for that route.
I said, " What are these doing here? "
Turns out, the other girl brought them all back from the apartments they were supposed to be delivered at. She says thats what she was trained to do.
First of all, you dont bring back mail, especially packages. There was no reason those smalls should of not been delivered to the proper CBU. She said the office was closed and was told by whoever was training her to bring them back.
No one would be training her that.
I was asked to take the smalls back out and deliver them and scan them as delivered. I was also asked to find out if the office was indeed closed. I think they were wanting to make sure or find out if she was lying. It was closed. The sign said though they were open Mon-Fri 9 to 5, but the door was locked and no one came when I knocked.
I got back and told them when I got back.
I also told them I couldnt get the boxes to lock and was told they were broke by the other girl. I was told I should of called like I had done with the other boxes on the main route I do. I should have. Its a big deal to leave the mail unsecured.
One of the supervisors went back out to make sure they were properly secured.
Tomorrow I do 13 again, and then have to sub on RR3. I will hopefully do better on it if I just trust the route line of travel and the flow of mail.
Sunday I have to go to another city to do Amazon. Yuck.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Was this gal new? That shared the route.

Do you get the route mail already sorted? Who does that part? This is interesting, as I never realized the tech and controls behind this adventure before someone opened my mailbox to deliver. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Yes, she is new, but no one there would tell her to bring back packages. The large boxes can be but you have to scan them at the delivery site as attempted and write BC ( business closed) on each package and the date. The smalls were small enough to put in the individual CBUs and there was no reason for those to be brought back.
Some mail you have to case but the DPS ( direct postal sorted) is already supposed to be in order. For whatever reason some of the mail was out of order.
Yeah, there is alot that goes on behind the scenes just to get you your mail. Makes you alot more appreciative of your carrier.


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Im ticked. Yesterday, I was doing RR11 again, by myself.
I cased it a⁹ll, marked packages, out the door before 9am.
Was doing great in time. Probably would of been done by 3pm.
Next thing I know, I get a call that another postal worker is being sent out to take some of the mail. Im like WTF?
I call and ask whats going on. She says, You're really calling about this?"
I said, "Yeah". Why are you doing this? I dont need help."
Basically was told just do it and not question it.
I was p/$$d.
So my great time slowed way down because I was upset.
I talked to my trainer later told him what happened. Told him they made me do a green card instead of evaluation. He's going to ck on it today as he said since they sent help when I didnt need it that I should get the full time.
Ive been thinking, and may be paranoid or just overthinking, but here goes...
Last week when I was asked if I wanted to go to do a route in Hendersonville, and I said I didnt know that town very well, didnt go, but was sent there Sunday to do Amazon, possible retaliation.
Was supposed to do Amazon Monday, was called and told not to come in.
Last Saturday after finishing RR13, came back and had to help the girl on RR12. Ok, fine. Came back and was asked if I wanted to try a city route. Wasnt much there and was supposed to only take an hour, but since there wasnt a line of travel sheet to take, I was concerned it would take me longer.
Supervisor decided it would be too much if a hassle and sent me home instead.
So yesterday I get cut hours? Sent help when I didnt need it?
Im off today. Ive had 3 days off this week. Since I started there over a month ago, Ive only had one day. This week three?
Things that make you go hmmmmm........
Then this lady that wants me to sub for her calls and asks me where they put the schedule for the subs. I told her but got to thinking why did she need to know? I think she's using me. Just a feeling.


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
One thing I forgot to mention. On the Mon I was supposed to come in to do Amazon, my supervisor said that since I worked Sun, and there wasnt enough packages to have me come in, he'd have these two others who didnt work Sun to come in.
Soooo, you told one person to stay home because there wasnt enough to go around, but bring in two people for not enough packages to have me come in?

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Soooo, you told one person to stay home because there wasnt enough to go around, but bring in two people for not enough packages to have me come in?
I agree, that's questionable. Put that to your supervisor and ask why it's that way.

Are there several newbies who need training, hours, etc? Are there more carriers than needed in that location? Gotta be a reason and not necessarily "you". 🤔

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