Super Self-Sufficient
It might help to use a piece of plastic, like an old shower curtain, hang it over the door as you close the door so the lock and door handle/knob, is protected from any blowing freezing rain type of stuff. You will have to do it from the time it is thawed out and dry, in the lock mechanism... just a suggestion. I had one truck that would seem to always freeze around the door gasket.....and the lock... and it did help. Now I am able to mostly not have to go out when the weather is like that... and I park it where the sun does get on it before I usually have to go anywhere... but a few times I have used an old piece of plastic... he//, you can buy a shower curtain liner for a couple dollars and it will last a season.. even a plastic garbage bag hung on the door as you shut it will deflect any water/snow/wet... but not as heavy to stay in place if there is wind like a longer piece of plastic.