Mountain Sage
If you are fond of pallets, consider buying one of these tools. I've coveted one of these for years. @Beekissed recently struck paydirt with some super pallets. Looking forward to seeing your pics of progress on your project, Bee. (hint, hint, hint!!!)! Of course! Got just a handful of these mondo pallets from a sheet metal place, but have rented larger trailers and have borrowed my sons to get many, many more of them. If I had to guess how many they had I'd say around 60 or so....and they get them in more and more all the time, so I can go get those also if no one else starts getting them before I can.
These were an answer to prayer, as I have been praying about fencing for the sheep and in a quandary how I would manage to build it cheaply, as I prefer to do all things here if possible. Well, God answered....BIG time. Praise His Holy name!!!!!
They will be used for sheep fencing, though they would likely hold in elephants just as easily if they were wider. They are 10-12 ft. long and 4-5 ft wide, constructed of 4x4s and 1 in. boards or 1 in. plywood. They are used to move bundles of sheet metal around at a sheet metal place about 15 mi. from here.
We'll also use them for rafters in the pole shed we are building onto the wood shed and also be used in building my permanent sheep barn and paddocks. Both sons want to use them to build ground blinds as well, but if we continue to get these, the possibilities of what we will build with them are pretty endless.