PamsPride's Journal-Free Kindle Downloads!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Went to WIC...WOW has that changed! Now they offer fruits and veggies...up to $6 a month, whole grains, tuna or salmon, and no more cheese. The juices sizes have all changed. Milk amount has changed. It seems that it is one amount across the board now and not picking between one item or extra cheese and less milk. Only one dozen eggs a month...I used to get two.

Got baby girl weighed while I was there and she is now 14 pounds and 2 ounces! She has gained 10 pounds in 10 1/2 months!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Women, Infants & Children. Food program.
Here in MS we still have not gotten vouchers or a card that you can take to the grocery store. We have small warehouses where you can go to pick up your ultra-high-temp milk :sick your processed cheese product, juice with high-fructose corn syrup, baby formula, dried beans, tuna or a few other things. It's been a while since I was on the program, but the warehouses are still open & running, so I know they haven't changed.
Always seemed stupid to me. The one good thing is that they gave me a pump when I went back to work & was nursing my youngest.

I hit submit instead of preview, oops. Pam, I have to chime in and say that I feel for you on the Church family. If it doesn't run like a loving family, it just doesn't work. I've been the oddball in almost every church I've been involved with. When I was younger, a church experience drove me out of the church and away from all the "hypocrits"and into Paganism. I got brought back by strange set of events, and was made to understand that I don't have to be involved with a brick & mortar to worship. Not suggesting you leave the church, if you all are comfy there otherwise. I guess I just wanted to commiserate and let you know you aren't alone in it.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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hikerchick said:
What is WIC?
Women, Infant, and Children Program. It is called something different in different states. It is a food program that provides milk, cheese, cereal, peanut butter, juice, eggs to pregnant/nursing woman and children under the age of five.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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noobiechickenlady said:
Women, Infants & Children. Food program.
Here in MS we still have not gotten vouchers or a card that you can take to the grocery store. We have small warehouses where you can go to pick up your ultra-high-temp milk :sick your processed cheese product, juice with high-fructose corn syrup, baby formula, dried beans, tuna or a few other things. It's been a while since I was on the program, but the warehouses are still open & running, so I know they haven't changed.
Always seemed stupid to me. The one good thing is that they gave me a pump when I went back to work & was nursing my youngest.
We are still on vouchers here but I know in some states you get a debit style card and can just run into a store and get one gallon of milk if you want and not have to redeem the rest of it until you want to! That would be so much easier! Our vouchers now are divided up into four weeks and you have certain foods for each week...even though you can redeem them all at any point in the month. But you have to redeem one whole voucher at a time.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Well, at least you can get fresh veggies :thumbsup
Lousiana had the debit card program, which was my first experience with it. That was nifty. I could take the card to the farmer's market.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Waiting on my mom to arrive...

Thanks Noobie!

I would love to go to church that has contemporary worship services but VERY conservative views. I just have this ideal that a church congregation should ACTUALLY help each other! Like with this couple moving...EVERYONE in the church knows they are moving right now, she is pregnant with twins, has a one year old, her MIL goes to the church is older and single, and her family does not live close. So people should just volunteer to help them move! I will have to say that the small men's group that the boys and DH go to do a LOT!! FREE oil changes every three months, helped a widow move, and a few other things. There is only about 10 or 15 men in this group my DH says...and he and the boys are 5 of them. But it is mainly this small group and not a church attitude as a whole.
I would love to go to a church that has at least 5 other families with 5 or more children that homeschool. A church that has a Ranger program. A church family that exchanges clothes amongst each other. I know...snap back to reality!
I am raising my kids to believe this way! I have pounded it in their heads that they are to help each other! No ifs, ands, or buts!! That if one of them is remodeling a bathroom then the other 5+ me and DH better VOLUNTEER to go help them! No wait to be asked by the one doing the work. There is NO reason why one of my kids should have to pay labor costs to do remodeling, reroofing, building, etc on a project when there should be a minimum of 8 adults to do any given their spouses!! My mom says I am living in a dream world because once my boys are married they will go to their wives family things and not to mine. :rolleyes: But, I am trying to raise my boys very tight knit so that they will help each other and they will be close. I have this ideal that my kids should all live fairly close. One of can raise chickens and share eggs amongst the whole family. When it comes to canning and freezing that the ladies (DD's and DIL's) will all get together and help put up food for the each family.
I am pushing my 14 yo to be an electrician. He totally has the mind for it and usderstands all of that electronics stuff...don't ask me I don't have a clue! He is just like my DH. My 14 yo is very serious and exacting which is what I feel dealing with electricity needs.
I can see my 12 yo as a tow truck driver...not sure why entirely...I just do. He is VERY compassionate!! He would go the extra mile for a stranded motorist.

My mom is here. I will have to finish later! LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Pam you are so good. I would love to have you as a neighbor. So motivating. I would get so much done when I have someone else around.

You know my dh Grandma originally bought 40 acres in No Ca hoping her children would stay close to one another. One lived on the property for a long time and moved to Mo. a couple years ago. There is still one son there. Now that Grandma has died they are fighting over the land and the money from the sale. It is so sad. I tell them all the time if she was here she would be kicking some serious butt. Money creates more problems than it's worth. :idunno

That young mother is hopefully going to learn a lesson by receiving your help. Maybe it will help her to be nicer. Maybe??

We have WIC her in Ca. I never went but my sister did. Right now I am fully taking advantage of a couple food box programs in my area. One is 25 bucks and includes a huge box of pantry stapes, a cold box which can contain anything from, juice, milk, cheeses to meat and yogurts. Sometimes it is heavy with dairy other times none at all. But then there is a veggie isle. Depending on whats in season. The last couple times have been great. I think maybe because of the holiday.
My veggies included:
10 bell peppers
5 cucumbers
10 purple potatoes
5 huge onions
2 huge bags salad mix
10 zucchini
10 yellow squash
and 20 small butter nut squash.

The veggies always vary but I usually take everything they offer. Last week I canned the squash and dehydrated the onions. The veggies are always in pretty good shape. It's like an aisle at the grocery and they write quantities on a white board. The place is great. I now know about 8 - 10 moms who are going there. I make a game out of it to see how and what I can create in the kitchen. Keeps things interesting.

A couple weeks ago I ordered a meat box from another program. It is amazing to me that with a couple visits a month and shopping sales how much I save. I am really kind of embarrassed to say what I used to spend. But now it's about 1/4 the amount. Crazy.

Realistically my pantry is so darn fat right now and I have canned so much we would be good for a while. But I like to go often for the veggies.

I did some sewing last week. Got the bug again. Made an apron as a hostess gift, new valances for my kitchen windows, a matching under counter curtain for the laundry room, and a flannel nightgown for my 4yo. I found some amazing Mini Mouse flannel a while back at the goodwill for almost nothing. It turned out great.

Not sure what I'll do next. I have enough fabric for a matching table cloth and napkins. Maybe for special occasions. I would hate if the kids spilled spaghetti on it or something.

Well, I guess I filled up your journal enough. Have a great night. Don't work to hard this weekend.



Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I just decorated gingerbread houses, snowflakes, and bells with the kiddos! We made a brownie mix on a cookie sheet and then cut them out with large cookie cutters and then decorated them with different colors of icing and sprinkles! It was a lot of fun!!
I took a couple pictures and then my camera battery died before I could get pictures of everyones creations.

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