PamsPride's Journal-Free Kindle Downloads!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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My OB called and said my blood work came out fine! What they tested for I have no idea but she took blood on Wednesday when I was in for my appointment. I am assuming it is for preeclampsia and toxcemia because that is what I am being monitored so closely for.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Great news - I know with your history you worry. But sounds like this one is gonna be different and healthier for you.

Just keep on taking care of yourself.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
PamsPride said:
We did have issues a few weeks ago because I let the kiddos keep the Toys R Us and the Target toy catalogs to look at and all I heard was "I want this! I want that!" Non-stop!!!! They about drove me crazy!! I threw the catalogs away and within two days they stopped doing it! Learned my lesson on that one and I will not be giving them catalogs like that again! We don't have cable so they are not used to all of the commercials telling them about all the cool stuff that they just can't live without either.
When our two were growing up (80's), they were allowed to have the Sears or the JCPenney regular catalogues. No, not the toy ones.... :D They were each allowed to circle everything they liked. There really weren't that many toy options shown in them back then, maybe 10 or 20 pages tops.

We haven't had tv for 6 years so when I go somewhere and hear the commercials, I am appalled at the manner in which most portray parents.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I gave my older three boys the Gander Mountain catty to look thru. I think there are a million things in there that I want!! The boys asked all of their grandparents for Gander Mountain gift cards. I love the fact that everything they need for Royal Rangers and camping is perfect for becoming more self sufficient and to have in case of an emergency!!
After they had their birthdays they had over $300 in Gander Mountain gc!! They were all able to put their $$ together and get a .22! Plus a few other items! They were thrilled! The older three boys are a lot more sensible because they understand $$ and how to add up the items and they negotiate with each other and decide on what item(s) to get and get a NICE big gift rather than just a ton of little ones. Number one on the list after Christmas is a Deer target to shoot arrows at. I know that my mom is giving them enough gift cards so they can get that!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I made the Christmas Balls the other day...the ones with Oreo's and cream cheese and then covered in white chocolate. The kids downed those in ONE day!!!!!!
13 yo made up a chocolate cake and mixed it with half a can of chocolate frosting, made them into balls, then we dipped them in mint chocolate to cover them. Then I drizzled white chocolate over top of them! The kids are already trying to eat them and we just put them on the tray!!
13 yo is now making up a box of lemon cake mix which we are going to mix with half a can of cream cheese frosting, then pick up some more white chocolate to cover them with tomorrow! That just sounds so YUMMY!!
I think I am going to make at least one more kind and them make up a box of them to give to my BIL & SIL for Christmas. She especially LOVES homemade cookies but she does not bake at all!!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I accidently found out today what my mom is getting me for Christmas!:( :) DH is taking the kids out shopping tomorrow for my gifts....a Christmas tradition. So I tried to think of something that he could easily get, take the kids with him to get it, and have them all be able to get me pieces or accessories to go with it. So I thought of Resin and all of the supplies so I can make some jewerly, especially for DD. So, I called my mom to run the idea by her to see what she thought. And she said "No". I could immediately tell that is what she got me!! Then she said "Well I guess you can't have to much stuff to go with it." Ooops!!
So, now I am just suggesting to DH to get me stuff for the baby.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Do you make lots of jewelry? You don't have any posted on your website, or at least any that I can fine. I use to make jewelry all the time but seem to have gotten away form it for some reason. (Maybe because I am to busy tending animals and stuff).
Tell me more about this Resin and the supplies. I have not looked at jewelry making stuff for ages and that does not ring a bell.

Your DD is absolutely precious. Love all the stuff you make for her.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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2dream said:
Do you make lots of jewelry? You don't have any posted on your website, or at least any that I can fine. I use to make jewelry all the time but seem to have gotten away form it for some reason. (Maybe because I am to busy tending animals and stuff).
Tell me more about this Resin and the supplies. I have not looked at jewelry making stuff for ages and that does not ring a bell.

Your DD is absolutely precious. Love all the stuff you make for her.
I think they are waaaayyyyy back at the begining of my blog. I made Femo clay (sp?) necklaces for my DD that turned out super cute!! I have also made nice adult jewelry.
This is what I want to make with the resin:

I already have flamingo fabric, a purse in the shape of a flamingo and a flamingo bathing suit for DD!! So I just HAVE to find some flamingo stickers and make this for DD!!
If you look through the lady's items she has some other really cool/cute things that I would also like to copy to make for DD! (Some of it is a little weird for me though.) I love how she uses candy sprinkles!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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As soon as DH gets home today he is taking me to meet up with my mom and then taking the kiddos Christmas shopping for my gifts.
I would like to know who replaced my DD with an alien BRAT child this morning?????????? Maybe it was just waking her up an hour and a half earlier than we are usually up but, she was just a BRAT this morning!! Thankfully she has been back to her normal self since we got home from dropping three of the kiddos off this morning at Christmas play practice! Now she is just snuggled up on the couch with 13 yo who is home early from hunting.

I have 4 (well actually 5) people left to get gifts Dad, brother, DH, and BIL. Then I need to go get something for my mom but, she will be out shopping with me today so that will be kind of hard to get her gift!
For my brother I want get a gun case for his gun that he just go himself for his birthday. My dad some long johns. DH a DVD recorder. And for my BIL & SIL I am going to make up a variety of the Christmas & cake balls and then get some dog toys because they have 7 dogs.
I going to see if DH can stop at CJ Banks and get my mom a gift card while he is out to save me the trip and then I need to figure out something else to get her.

I think my cord is officially fried for the laptop!! BOOHOO!!! So, I only have about 1 hour left and then we have to get a new charger pack or no laptop because I have no way of running it or charging it!!
I am hoping DH can stop by Best Buy or Circuit City today and look for one. I am just hoping one of those two stores have it! The bad thing is that he wil have all 5 kiddos with him to drag in and out of stores today so I am trying not to put to much on his list today. I may just do it myself since Circuit City is right next door to Gander Mountain where my mom and I are going. I asked him to get me stuff for the baby for Christmas. I want some terry cloth fabric for making inserts for the cloth diapers at J's and then another Bum Genius cloth diaper from Target and a cute preemie baby outfit and then whatever the kiddos want to pick out for the baby. I still really NEED a carseat but I don't know if I should just get one now or wait until after my baby shower Jan 17th that my mom and BFF are having for me.

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