Panther Creek Homestead - When Mama is sick......... PG 2

Panther Creek Homestead

Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Central Missouri
Sheer curtains, what an idea. Mom suggested that I use sheets, but I don't have any light colored sheets only dark colored and I thought maybe not enough light would get through to ripen the berries. Thanks for the idea and I love repurposing someone else's trash.

A little tired this morning. Last night was the first night of our town fair. When I say town I use that term loosely. First the town is about 200 people. Secondly, this is not the town where P attends school but is the town where I graduated from and where we are trying to get moved back too. All my family is from here and I know everyone and it is just proud, clean and family orientated.

So with the big tractor pull looming to start, it came a gully washer. I mean rained like a cow peeing on a flat rock. So we waited out the rain and cousin R and Dad tried to rework the track. About an hour later they were pulling tractors. Only to have it come down in sheets again and had to call the whole pull. I felt bad for cousin R since he had been working on the track for about 2 or 3 days. But did get to catch up with some friends and talk with my brother.

Today I take Mom to chemo and yesterday I spent the better part of the day at her house, doing laundry, cleaning and giving her a bath. She is doing very good from what I thought she might be, but just stays exhausted.

It is foggy this morning and 75. No chance to work outside except the normal chores. So may try and cann some pickes this afternoon after getting home from the doc.



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Did you just say it "rained harder than a Cow peeing on a flat rock"? :lol: That is the funniest thing ever.

What is it with all you Mo. girls. AHHHH!!! I just need to tell you I want to be a Mo. girl really bad. My dh has family in Seymour. We took a trip there this past Easter. Found it to be just beautiful.. If I could only convince my dh to move.

My elderly German neighbor set up row covers on her garden this year. A pvc structure covered with some type of white fabric. Very sheer, seems to be doing the trick. No birds getting in at all. Old lace would probably work for your berries as well.

I have a wild blackberry in my field. Last year I convinced my dh to leave it be. It has a ton of flowers on it and berries in the works. But I got to tell you, it has the biggest scariest thorns you have ever seen. I am not to sure it's worth keeping around.

Have a great day,


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Oh, what kind of tractor do you pull? My papa does antique tractor pulls, he has 4 john deeres right now (an A, B, M, and MT) but he only pulls with the MT. It was my great-granddaddy's and he did a total restoration.

Panther Creek Homestead

Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Central Missouri
tanks - Well yes we do have funny sayings around these here parts. And here comes another.

It is HOTTER than 2 weasels breeding in a bread sack. Not really on the temperature scale but on the rained two inches and 85 degrees scale. I walked out the garden and immediately started sweating. Guess I shouldn't be complaining, but I HATE sweating.

Lori - Well officially I don't pull tractors. My dad has a Case DC and a cockshutt, my brother has a Case DC and Case 410 power house that runs on blue fuel. Counsin R has several Fordson Majors.

Well off to show hubby Big K the finds I made at the Habitat for Humanity Resale Store.



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ooo what did you get??? I look over the Habitat stores web site all the time but really don't go. I don't really need anything. I am afraid if I went I would buy things just because they were a good deal.

I was going to cal my Cousin today and see it they got any of that rain yesterday. She has been having to water the garden. Imagine that!! :p

Stay cool!!


Panther Creek Homestead

Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Central Missouri
Tanks - Yes we have been having to water our garden also. ANd I am trying to do battle with both the striped and spotted cucumber beetle. Both of which seem to be winning. Have lost all the cucumbers except 2 and they don't look good.

We I went to the resale store to look for a one piece fiberglass shower stall for our bathroom. No such luck. But almost came home with the pieces to make a mini greenhouse. Need to go without my Dad. He sometimes poo-poos my ideas. But I did find a bike in excellent conditionfor my son for 8 dollars and my daughter has been begging for a desk in her room. Found on with a top that opens for storage for $7.00. It had lots of stickers and needed cleaning but I am getting ready to redo her room and will probably paint it. They were both super excited.

Today is mine all mine. Well kinda, lol, the kids and I are homeuntil about 9:30 when i have my weekly cleaning job. Maybe I can try and get some pickles made and canned.


Panther Creek Homestead

Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Central Missouri
Okay day in a nutshell -

*Cleaning jobs - check
*5 quarts of Kosher Dill Pickles canned
*tomatos weeded - check
*discover a tomato blight - darn it!
*run to town for fungicide, epsom salt and 7 dust - after going to 4 stores - check
*one row of tomatoes tied up - check
*zucchini, cucumbers, tomatos 7 dusted - check
*tomatos sprayed with fungicide - check
*supper started - check
* ready for bed - check!!!!!!!!


Panther Creek Homestead

Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Central Missouri
Well it has been a long time since I have updated, but have been trying to keep up with you all by reading time to time.

When it rains it seems to pour and that is when I start to question my endurance. Don't know if I told you all but my Mom has emphysema/COPD and is also fighting breast cancer. I have been taking her every week to chemo and she has been doing pretty good.

Then last Saturday Dad called and we had to take her to the ER. She is still in the hospital today and we are not sure when or if she will get out. Not to bore you with the details but we could sure use a prayer or two.

That was the raining and pouring but on top of it. This is the first year that i have had a tiller that operated past the planting of the garden and needless to say all the prior years i lost the garden to weeds. BUT this year I have been diligent in keeping up and have been so proud of myself for that, but now that the weeds are gone, I guess the rabbits can find the plants. They ate all my lettuce and carrots, my radishes bolted, they ate the 2 plantings of green beans. Now that there is nothing for them to eat and I have them under control, I have both striped and spotted squash beetles. DANG IT. Then went out to spray for them and noticed that my beautiful tomatoes have got some sort of blight and the cucumbers have wilt.

So with my head hung low I said a prayer that if the garden didn't show any produce to eat, let me find another way to store for the winter to feed my family. I prayed hard and then let it go and started spraying........

AND God answered. A friend dropped off 4 of the biggest best tasting cantaloupes. While thanking him I mentioned that the dang rabbits had a hay day with my beans and today he brought me 4 bushel of beans. He had got them pretty cheap at the farmer's auction. I did pay him for them but I could have never gotten the same amount in cans from the grocery store for the same price or quality. Also Praise God, Big K found corn for $4 a dozen and I was able to can 15 dozen ears last weekend.

So for all you all that are having problems in the garden remember that a small prayer can be answered in a big way. So send up a prayer and let it go and keep your nose to the grindstone.

Hope everyone else is doing good. Now I gotta get back to snapping beans.


framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Keep your chin up girl. Praying for your mom and strength for your family. Amazing what happens when we ask... we receive! At least you didn't let your garden get you down. I think most of us are struggling with drought, too much rain, blight, and various other things in the garden this year. Do you have a dog for rabbit patrol? You could also maybe trap them.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
great work on the blessings that poured in!!! i'm fighting the weeds too.. its easy to be discouraged. but like FF said, chin up.

hope that your mother is better.


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