Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Awwww! What a little cutie! And what a wonderful present for her birthday! She is going to enjoy having her own little flock so much..She just loves chickens expecially the baby ones. I've been teaching her how to take care of them also.
Did you notice those black boots she wearing? She calls them her "chicky boots" I bought the smallest pair I could find and they are still way to big... My wife bought her pink ones that fit her but she won't wear them because their not black like Paw Paw's Chicky Boots. Grand kids are the best!!!
Shhhh... Don't tell... but in November she's getting 6 of my buff orpengton hens, a rooster, chicken yard and a coop for her third birthday. It's ok - I've already ok'd it with her Mom and Dad