Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well...i just spent a good hour or so hiking through my side yard...
and i aparently bought the land where asphalt shingles go to die...
theres PILES of them...
i mean if you couls sell old shingles, id be a millionaire...wait...can you sell old shingles?

some look like they were put there BRAND NEW piles of them still partially wrapped in plastic...others look liked theyd been literally dumped in piles all about the place...i swear, theres THOUSANDS of old roofing shingles back there! ive NO idea how im going to handle that, i cant get to anything easily to start shifting things because it would be acase of mounainering over stuff and under shrub, but i can definatly tackle it pile by pile as the goats clear out the brush...i just dont know what im going to do wiht it all.

some of the newer piles still half wraped i supposed could possibly re-used if i can remelt the glue and pry them apart carefully...
but the piles of what looks like tear offs...those are going to have to be hauled off somewhere id think...
the neighbor said he used ot be in i guess he must had done roofing and rather than pay to dispose of the tear off shingles he was just dumping them onhis own land.

i only managed to get about 1/2-3/4 an acre back at which point the shrub gets quite dense and i couldnt see any more piles of shingles, so i guess thats where they stopped...but oh my goodness, its liek the roofing graveyard back there!

there are some old pallets that would definatly be salvagable when i can get to them, not the heavy duty ones, but thinner wood but still in good shape that i could definatly use...
theres also a small barn back there burried deep in the shrub, at the back area of where i got to...
its old, and im not sure what used to live in there but it has good bones and could probably be salvaged...when i can get to it that is lol, you have to corss the river hades through asphalt shingle hell before you can get to the place.

i also found multiple car bumpers (no cars, just bumpers) and a few toilets, and plenty of general trash (plastic, oldtarps soda bottles ect)
this is gonna take ALOT of work and im going to need to go a bit at a time...

ive just no idea what im going to do wiht all those "old" asphalt shingles...
they were broken from being out but most looked in relitivly good shape...
wonder if theres any recycling programs for them in TN that would be willing to come and haul them, i know they grind them up to turn into asphalt patch and such now...i dont want to make anything off them...but i dont want to spend a small fortune having them hauled off either...and theres ALOT of them *grr*
i dont understand people. judging from the little barn i found, at one point this was a nice little home stead...and they just turned it into a dumping ground *grumble*


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Foxy call SMC recycling and see if those are something they recycle or if they know of a place that does. I know they'll drop off a dumpster for you to fill with recyclables. 731-645-6302. I might could help a bit later, right now though, my house is upside down.

Dozer is adorable!!!!!!!! Lemme have him :lol: He looks like my old APBT, same spots, even the "bullet hole" in the back of his head :D Congrats on the pups too! I like the little baldy girl, she's CUTE!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ill definatly give them a call tomorrow and see if its something they would recycle, i know theres a place in nashville that does asphalt recycling but ive been unable to get an email adress and they said id be sent a fre info packet but when i click on the link for my free info, it takes me back to the "drop us a message for your free info" page *doh*
id definatly prefer to send them off to a recycling program, theres sooo many that it would definatly be worth it for a company to come out ad get them all...

im in no real rush, cant even raly get to the stuff yet...
im hoping a couple of cattle pannels will make a deacent enough movable goat pen that i can just slowly move it back bit by bit untill i can get to the piles...
worst comes to worst id have to hire a dumpster for a couple weeks and just fill it up wiht as much as possible as quickly as posible...but id rather they not sit in a land fill forever if i can help it.

some good news though other than the potentially salvagable mini barn...
while in my travles i found at least 3 wild raspbery bushes out there in the small area i did cover, and a bunch of the shrubs/brush had tiny blue berries in clusters, trying to figure out what they are now but will go and get a picture tomorrow at some point (planning on taking a machettee to some of the shrubbery so i can get a better look further back :)

the crestie pups are growing like weeds, in a week theyve literally doubled their birth weights :)
but the home i had lined up for the powderpuff female fell through so now i have both the puffies looking for good homes, its frustrating and why i typically like to have a long waiting list, but hey, what ya gonna do, its my own fault for slacking on this one.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
You could get to one of those pallets then start stacking shingles on it. Every bit helps the mess get smaller.
The recycling place might pay for them, but if they are a hassle- you could post them on Craigslist. Wearing boots is a good idea, since it might be hard to see everything around there.

I can really sympathise about this. My good friends bought a property then found a dump on it. A bunch of huge stacks of sheets of glass. Mostly broken. :hide Some of the piles are buried under layers of pine needles and you dont know when the "ground" will be all crunchy and you'll sink some into the piled stuff. It looks like a window store was caught in a tornado, then the forest grew up to hide half up it.

I told them they should either get a kiln and start melting it and making glassware- or learn how to to make stained glass.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I use cattle panels for a movable goat pen. You'd need 4 of them, as well as some posts and a way to link them together. If you want a shelter in there, see if you can find a either a used calf house, or large dogloo. That w/some water and a flake or so of hay a day will be good for a temp pen.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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denimdeb, thats what i was thinking, cattle pannels and spring clips with a large igloo style dog house for them...theyll eventually have a barn of their own, but i figure while there kids and being used primarly to do some brush removal it would work out well.

dragonlaurel, thats kinda how mine is only it was the roofing store...its insanity back there, luckily i think the heavy brush put an end to the mass dumping before they could get all the way back, and then the brush growing up around it probably kept them from dumping more...
the owner lost this house because it became forclosed on, it was either loose the house and the acerage or loose the 2 houses and all the land (this house is 4 1/2 acres, the next door house is 1/2 an acre) so he kept the 1/2 and his house and this one got sold off, the guy bought it for $10,000 (thats how much was owed on it...) if theyd taken care of the land and done something with it other than dumping junk...they probably could have kept it extra $50 a month is all it had to bring in for them...but nope, instead used it for dumping and forgot about it...
such a shame...

not anymore though, its gonna take me forever to get this place back to its former glory...but ill get it there!

that mini barn if it can be salvaged will see life again...
theres a bunch of old windows in there too which im planning on dragging out and turning into a cold frame...
theres not enough or id be building a small green house with them, but with 4 i think i can put together a deacent cold frame :) thats assuming the glass is still good.
theres an old porch swing in there too...i doubt itll be salvagable, but wouldnt it be lovely if it could be?!
I saw an old refrigerator/small ice box i THINK at least back there too, but couldnt get close, might make a deacent planter...
itll be interesting to see what else i find...the old toilets and the car bumpers were rather odd wandering around and i actually said aloud...what the hell?!

makes ya wonder what folks think...i mean i know its easier to just dump it than it would be to actually take it to a recycling of land fill place...but seriously?!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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In aerial photos of the house we're living in now, you can clearly see a pond. All we could see when we bought it was tall grass and briars. Once that was cleared out, we found out they (the people who lost this house) had filled in the pond - with junk! Chairs, bed frames, a cash register (empty, darn it!), you name it and it was probably there. Also several hundred computer monitors, piled up in an old building. People can be so weird!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh no worries, ive got no plans to do anything stupid

ss, the prevous owner tells me he "thinks" he remembers there being a smal creek and a little pond in there somewhere...
im officially not in a flood plain so it must be close to the back line, but you cant see it...
its probably ben filled with junk too.

such a shame when people do that.
gotta wonder what they are thinking, they could have sold the monitors and the register at the very least lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the babies are a week old today so i figured you might like to see some pictures...
there still in the funny hamster stage and willbe for a few more weeks, but there growing like weeds lol

"Hope" the powderpuff female has taken over lead as the largest in the group and shes going to be beautiful!
im expecting her to be about the same size as her momma (around 9 1/2lbs) full grown as shes gaining fast, proportionatly, but fast lol



i must admit shes tempting to keep, but nope, cant do it...cant raise 2 young pups together, dozer deserves his puppyhood, and my next (and last) crestie is going to be a hairless female.
would love for her to stay semi local though so i can keep up with her, shes going to be GORGEOUS!

"Faith" the hairless female has dropped to the bottom of the pack and is now officially the smallest, origionally i was expecting her to hit 9 1/2 -10lbs but now im thinkging closer to the 8lb range full grown. shes going to be realy pretty, shes already developing her freckling and i LOVE frecked cresties.



shes pending a deposit, and if all goes according to plan will have another female nekki crestie to snuggle with :)

"Pilgrim", the powderpuff male has taken up spot from smallest to middle of the pack (and isnt far behind hope)
im expecting him to end up right around 8 1/2lbs if this pace keeps up. hes going to be a pretty boy!



and then theres dozer, who has more than doubled his weight since he first arrived...hes now 4lbs 7oz!


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