coolness, well im all sorted here for things i need to do so im going to just run a quick looksee on craiglist, then get drssed, should be there about 10:30 ish.
coolness, well im all sorted here for things i need to do so im going to just run a quick looksee on craiglist, then get drssed, should be there about 10:30 ish.
See ya then! I just got 3 trash bags of clothes out of the closets ready to give away. Hopefully my friend will be here soon to get those. They're cloggin up my foyer right now Eh...something new for Dozer to sniff
Had fun with ya! Kita is sniffing for that dog that's been here She did great at the vet, and I took your was only $44 this time Thanks for the tip!
Didja see all those wild turkeys I had to stop in the middle of the road for?!?! I quickly counted about 11, but I know there were more just into the edge of the woods. They love those pine groves here on our road. I haven't seen a flock that big in a while though!
lol, lunch was lovely and dozer slept the enitre way home, tuckered out from all the luvins lol!
i did , that one turkey that took off and flew into the tres over the truck doubled back and almost landed on my car, i actually heard him catch the corner of the soft top had he misjudged by about anohter inch or so id have had a cannonball turkey comming through my roof LOL!
and YAY for savings at the vet WOOT!, its always nice when you can walk in there and go, nope, dont need that this time yay for insider tips...its kinda like insider trading, only not illegal
had a lovely morning and lunch, then picked up my new plate for my car and home where i put away my goodies (im so thinking about using some of those limes as a marinade ) and am now chilling for a little while before bundling back up to go swtich my plate.
tomorrow got to run into henderson to get the gas bill paid and pick up an envelope big enough to send the CT plates back to dad along with a transfer of ownership form that should have been filled out but the guy i talked to didnt tell me that...he said just have dad fill it out and send it back to me and i can drop it in so no additional cost for postage on my end that way beyond sending the plates back to CT. i might see if the piggly wiggly still has sunday papers in (they did yesterday but i wasnt going to pay $1.50 on my debit simply because i didnt have cash on hand), i only want it for the coupons and the paper to line jacks cage lol.
then this place is getting a thorough cleaning.
and thursday is grocery day. so i think this afternoon im going to be working on my shopping list.
got some "additional expenses" this week as i need kitty litter and will need a bag of dog food soon so ive got to account for that...and i want refils for my febreeze plug in for the livingroom (still ok on the bathroom might need one for the back bedroom though too.)
im going to allow myself $45 to buy 2 weeks worth of food (about $50 after taxes) plus $20 for none grocery needs (trash bags, kitty litter ect)
right now ive got Dixie slated to go home on the 12th or 13th, little hope (squeeker/london/not sure yet) is due to go hom on the 20th (her mommy has decided to take a few days off work and drive down to pick her up instead of waiting untill february ) now i just need to get little man sold and ill have my house back to some kind of normalcy by the end of January lol. As much as i love th babies, im sooo glad i dont do this as some kind of job/full time thing...i think id go nutz if i had regular litters of puppies on the ground lol.
so pups will get baths on friday, nails done ect and shots due on monday. (each will get their final bath the morning their due to go home so they go home pretty and clean and sweet smelling lol).
so yeah, thats the plan for this week. im realy hoping to pick up the cage stuff on thursday from lowes to get the hutches started this weekend got to put together my cut list so i can have them do the big stuff there for me and so i know ive got all my peices...
and hopefully ill have my starter bunnies comming in before the end of january
Darn it woman! I had gotten a couple papers I could give you a LOT of cage lining!! I can share the coupons too since I never use them all, just some of them are things we can use due to all the diet specifics we have. time Lime as marinade ought to be really yummy!!! We use them for that. That's why I juice them. I have a half gallon of juice in the frudge for marinades and fish...and mexican dishes.
Sorry about the turkey torpedo If I would have seen them and slowed down sooner they woulda just mosey'ed on across the road, but I think I highly upset them instead
lol, not your fault, wild turkey have it in for me....there constantly trying to cannon ball my car!
im hoping when i get my yummy back yard turkeys they wont try to kill me quiet as often as the wild ones do
you know my magic bread i was telling you about...
yup just ate the last 2 peices LOL...
to those out of the loop, i bougt this loaf in the middle of november, its been in my fridge since then...and is about 2 weeks past its best by date...
yup, it was still good....
terrifying LOL.
i can only imagine the amount of preservatives that must have gone into that one loaf for it to sit in the fridge with no special packing for over a month and still be wasnt even slightly stale!
yup, freeky bread
tasted ok so im not overly worried but if i grow a third arm or soemthing we know why.
so dinners in the oven, roasting up a chicken thigh with salt, pepper and garlic and having it with au-gratin taters
deskinned the other 4chicken thighs and stuck them in a ziplock baggy with a metric buttload of garlic, salt pepper and the juice of one of the limes i brought home today (my hands smell yummy lol) theyll sit in the fridge tongiht and go into the crockpot on low tomorrow morning for tomorrows dinner + enough left over for sammiches. im thinking tomorros dinner wil need to be rice with a MILD sweet rojo sauce to compliment the zesty lime.