Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
and some more exciting news...
ive foundan Opal Senior rex Buck! i cant afford him this month with trying to get everything else done, but shes in no rush to sell her opals off, so shes willing to hold him and meet me at the rabbit show in Lawrenceburg in April!
which will actually be perfect timing, assuming this breeding was sucessfull, ill be picking him up right around the time the girls are ready to rebreed :D
COOL! Wanna go in halves on him? :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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you could use him whenever youd like...if you take one of opals does (assuming she takes this time) even if it were a castor, bred back to an opal buck youd get opal babies out of them.
im excited.

in other news, found out that the black and tan doe i want was born on February 14th (the exact date the buns were origionally supposed to be due!)
shes double checking on the dob for the other little girl (shes alot smaller than the black and tan so probably only about a week :D)
ive told her i want them, now i just have to get her a deposit and get them a house built! could be as early as the end of next week to bring them home :D *SQUEE*

in other news, im sure theres a few walking dead fans on this forum...who caught tongihts episode...GAH! im not going to put any spoilers here untill i know if anyone watches it lol
poor cow...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hey Pinky, I don't know if this would work for you or not. But, when I first got my goats, I had no shelter for them. Hubby was supposed to build it, but wasn't. So at night, I was putting them in my horse trailer. That was a real PITB. I had the framework for a shade shelter. I used some of the pieces to set up a framework, then covered it w/a tarp, and used baling twine to tie the tarp down and to the fence so it wouldn't blow away. It worked. I used that for several months-including during the winter-until hubby finally got something built for them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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something like that could definatly work, looks like with cindis help though i shoudl be able to pull the pallet shelter together.
the other little girl was born Feb 12th so there both going to be right around a month old when i bring them home, so im not yet sure if theyll need suplimental heat, if so theyll spend the first coupld of weeks in the house at night and then assuming the weather is ok outsie during the day
got some more research to go into that and what the weather is going to be like. (ive no way to run power to the shelter without running an extension cord and id rather not do that if i can set them up in a pen in the back bedrooms for over nights :)

in other news, got a couple of emails about the pups in my inbox this morning please keep those fingers crossed, they need to go now lol, especialy since the bigger of the 2 has decided she was an opera singer in apast life and woke me at 6:00 this morning singing her "little" song, after 45 mins of none stop screaching i got up...
im hoping i can get them both into homes this afternoon or tomorrow.

and this morning i found a huge clod of dead worms in the play pen *ewwies* i think there from the larger girl, the little one still has a distended tummy bu this means the safeguard is kicking those worms tails they get thier final dose for this round today and then its up to their new owners to repeat it in 2 weeks (you can buy the safeguard packets at tractor supply) im LOVING how well the safeguard works, albon and panacure have always given me residual issues in the past...would take a few weeks after the initial dose to see any kind of results and I was constantly seeing positive fecals after it untill about the 3rd dosage...
the safeguard takes 1 set (3 doses 3 days in a row) to kill the main line infestation and a second round in 2 weeks to kill any eggs that remained and are starting to hatch...this stuff is awesome!

least im up early this morning to get a start on things, already cleaned the puppy pen, need to fed everyone else including myself soon, then haul the dirt out of my car so im not driving around with that weight in there today...
gonna be another busy day :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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EW @ worm clods..

The goats shouldn't need supplemental heat unless it gets down to freezing. I had some born in December during the coldest winter we've had in a while where it got down into the teens and twenties at night, and my newborns were fine. They just hunkered down in a nest of hay and rode it out :) They had momma in there too, but they did really well during the day without her as well when the tremos were only slightly warmer and still just below freezing some days. I would think they'd be fine, but use your own best judgement.

Oh, and good mornin'! :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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P.S. I have 2 pallets out there for you. I can probably get more soon if you need them though :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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WOOT :D i can do this :D

i keep saying "why am i in such a rush" but then i look at gas prices and the cost of a gallon of milk and think, oh yeah, the sooner i can do this stuff the sooner i can be less reliant on the grocery store and the goats will take at least a year to come into milk buying babies (you know ive found you cant seem to find a goat IN milk here unless you go to a sale barn (somehting id prefer to avoid lol) and i like babies, least i know i can "shape" them into whatever...lord knows well be getting dailry hands on, i dont want to have to wrestle wiht them to milk or trm feet ect.

im thinking get the ducks and the goats squared away, get the buns producing and the kitchen garden going...that should give me a good start.
then i need to start thinking about saving for fruit trees in the fall (I figure if i dont get them planted NOW i need to wait untill after summer instead)
it also looks like im going to need to order at the minimum the apple trees...NOWHERE has honeycrips, i checked tsc, lowes and home depot yesterday.
will check the local nursery at some point but yeah i wants Honey Crsip lol.

Lordy...shes een crying as shes eating! LOL

oh well gonna go feed the bunnies, feed everyone else, feel myself and get my car unloaded lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, called the co-op in selmer, they dont carry diamond...they do however carry science diet :sick...
so eneded up having to go all the way back up to R&J feed in Jackson, timed it just right, whent up there got dog and rabbit food, drove back hit my drs apointment and then came home.
pirce on rabbit food was better than co-op by about $1, but the gas going out of my way back that direction again kinda negated that...oh well, least im "fully stocked" in terms of critter food for a lil while.
waiting on an email back to see if this person wants to come meet the pups...there interested in the dark colored one ive bene calling lil-bit. *fingers crossed*
depending on what time they decide to come will dictate if i get down to Selmer today to drop my water bill payment in...
im hoping they decide to come pretty much now so that i can get her gone and then run down there this afternoon and drop that payment in...

drs apointment whent good, im almost 200lbs lost since my start weight.
got my shot then talked to the dr...
im having some blister/bleeding/raw issues under the extra skin so he took alook, agrees that itll "need to be removed soon" and says hell support the surgical desicion with a referal and try to help for insurance coverage with documentation when the time comes for it...
untill then hes given me a topical and orders to keep everything as dry as possible and apply somehting like gold bond powder liberally to help keep the chaffing down.
he also took a look at my back...goes "its probably muscular" (which it is) then feels the sore side then feels the not so sore side and goes "oh wow...theres some serious spasaming going on in there, so hes perscribed a muscle relaxant and pain killers for that...ill avoid the painkillers but the muscle relazant might be nice in the evenings...he also said to be sure to stretch it out frequently and hes fairly certain it a direct result of the excess skin and the sagging...things are now alot further south up top than they were and its thrown off my posture (and trying to correct it by standing up straight ect makes it even angrier) so he says that will also go on the file for any insurance to cover the excess skin removal.

so at least those issues were adressed and are now On file. got untill september before i can start considering tha, they wont cover the referal untill 2 years out from surgery...

so yeah, just giving these folks a chance to email me back then its either going to play in the dirt or heading down to selmer depending on when they want to come.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the girls BOTH got a good home and get to stay together with a family thats got expeience with pitbull and pitbull mixes!
they were loverly folks, expecting a baby in April (and not even remotly worried about the extra work), talked to them for awhile and they are very knowledgable about training, theyve done their research into how to raise 2 pups together too (i was asking them all kinds of info) and they are aware that once baby comes thre in for 10 times the work.
normally i wouldnt home 2 pups together, but they seemed like the perfect family! they have a pitty mix at home who just lost his best buddy to cancer at 16! they have 1/2 acre fully fenced with 6 ft privicy and an additional 2ft trellis ontop...
he works mostly evenings meaning that he'll be home during the day when baby comes anyway to take over dog chores while shes busy with baby...
couldnt have asked for a better situation.
they handed me $25 which just covers the shots and deworming on both of them and thats all i wanted in terms of YAY!

now to head down to slemer and pay this water bill before its "late" and it costs me more money!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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GREAT job Pinky! :woot Those will be some happy puppers :D

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