Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Jun 27, 2011
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I hope you hear about your order today! Can you take half of a pain pill? Save money and maybe not be so groggy.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i might be able to split them, there SUPER tiny though, but i think its the muscle relaxant rather than the pain killer that sends ya to groggy land...and those have on them "do not cut or crush", i mean i guess it makes sense that a muscle relaxant cant distinguish between the muscle thats activly spasaming and the rest of your muscles so it just "relaxes" them all, but i will definatly have to remember not to take it if i need to do anything other than sleep that day.
its only to be "as needed" anyway and my back usually doesnt start its realy angryness untill later on in the evening so it should be fine :)

in other news, my duck shipment confirmation came through in the very wee hours of this morning, 4am to be presice (i was told confos are sent out "at the end of each business day" this however had a 4am time stamp on it) so ill probably get a call at some point today abotu th message i left lol.
either way the duckies are "on their way" and should be here tomorrow (thurs at the latest)

i headed to bed relitivly early last night and slept through out cold to the point i dont remember much of dreaming beyond trying to groom a golden retraiver with bad skin in the back of a moving convertable...(i blame the meds lol)

todays plan is to wake up, get everyone fed and fettled including myself then go play in the dirt some, want to get the strawberry and the 2 smaller veggie beds done, then after lunch ill be bug-spraying up to head back into the woods to try and salage enough metal to make a roof for the goat shelter :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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uh-oh, momma is going to kill daddy...
hes not talking about getting ducks...not just any ducks, pekins...
told him to get khakis or something instead if hes set on ducks because there quieter, but he wants big white ducks or geese to "chase the neighbor" and eat the slugs that attacked his cabbages last year.
this has all been prompted by tractor supplies "chick days" but hes been going on about geese for a while now.

ive already decided if they move before next spring ill get him some goslings after there settled in...
but ive got a feeling im going to get a skype from mum about me "encoraging" him to gt ducks, all because i told him "no...i belive its a minimum of 2 ducklings at tsc (cause the sign says 6 chick minimum he assumed that meant duckies too, but ive always seen 6 chicks or 2 ducks..." LOL.

mum already thinks im crazy with the farming type stuff...least now there wont be any doubt as to where i get it from LOL.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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strawberries are in
onions are in
lunch has been consumed
and i just sold that protein skimmer (need to run into town to get some brown paper to wrap it up and get it sent out)
that money will pay to fill my other 2 veggie beds with dirt!
and hopefully buy some lettuce starts :D

WOOT, i feel like im making a little progress around here!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ended up having to go all the way up to walmart to get packing paper and even they were sold out.
ended up getting dirt and peat, filled the last 2 beds (though the deeper of the 2 could do with another 4-5 bags of compost mix i forgot it was DEEP lol. (thats going to have my carrots in it :D)
got 3 hanging baskets and another pack of strawberries, this batch will be left to blossom and fruit this spring while the bed will be pinched so that they can grow nice and big and fruit heavier next year)
a chive plant (which i split to make 2 chive plants) and lowes had some realy sorry for itself looking lettuce left going at 50% off (someone forgot to water it..ever) so i grabbed 4 of those and 2 clearance spinach that looked a little happier...not sure if theyll do much but it was less than $1 a pack for 4 heads...

managed to find a box out back of lowes (i asked first) that i can cut apart to make a box to ship the skimmer in so thats the net job (that couns to my 30 min creativity period right?!)
i also need to get the light on and the thermometer in the brooder box tonight so its stabalized for tomorrow :) (i have a dimmer on the light so i can control the temperature a little easier without fussing with "is it high enough, is it low enough?"
right now the hope (and expectation) is ducks arrive tomorrow morning, get everyone in and settled into my brooder, get my cleaning done, then head up to WBF's after lunch to deliver her babies, hang out there for a while, and bring home any pallets she has for me (hopefully the weather cooperates so i can go topless itll be easier to fit the pallets in i think lol)
so that then means thursday and friday i can work on the goat shelter.

so yeah...busy day considering.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hey, it's creative, so yeah, it counts. :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so: all the beds are filled except 1 needs a few more bags of mix.

bed 1: strawberry bed now has 10 june bearing strawberries...these will be pinched back this season so they dont fruit which should give me a bumper crop next year, i will let them send out runners though, runners will be clipped and hopefully planted. (id like another 3 beds 2 will be june bearers and 2 will be everbearers) so the hope is use runners from box one to seed box 2, and keep working back and forth so i wont have to buy any more...strawberris tend to fruit realy well for 2-3 years before needing replacing if kept as perenials so this is the hope.

Bed 2: the "salsa" bed
this box right now has yellow, sweet and red onions, eventually it will have basil, tomatoes, bell peppers and some half long or parisien carrots

Bed 3: the "doesnt have a name yet" bed
right now this bo has chives, and what was left of the yellow sweet and red onions,
This bed will also have tomatoes, hot peppers (for jack jack lol) and garlic.

Bed 4: the "big shallow" bed
this box currently has lettuce, spinach, beets and sugar snap peas.
this bed will also have regular peas more lettuce and more beets (ill sew them in a few weeks ot spread the harvest on them as the greens are for the bunnies too)

Bed 5: the "big deep" bed
this bed will have more tomatoes and lots of carrots

i also got 3 hanigng baskets which now are on the back deck home to 10 everbearing strawberries, these guys will be left to "do their thing" for strawberries this year...
im planning on doing 3 more hanging baskets with everbearing strawberries...
Im planning on scattering some small flowering seeds ontop (probably pot marigolds)

i need to get taters started too.
I also planted a hydrengea (peegee) and a Mojave Rose in the front bed so now the front bed has 2 clematis, 2 hydrangea, 2 azealea, 1 rose, 6 day lillies daffodil bulbs and however many hosta. I keep my eye on craiglsit for people splitting changing lanscaping ect :) need ferns, astibile, more day lilly (cause you can never have too many day lilly) lol.

i feel like its been an insane day.

I also set up the brooder box, playing with the dimmer to get that temp right but i think im going to have to swap out for the smaller bulb, ive got it as low as its going to go and its perfect temp fr the first week lol, after that though lol.

And i managed to play box maker and get the skimmer "wrapped" in cardboard so thats ready t go out tomorrow.

tomorrow if the ducks do arrive its tidy the place in the morning then WBF's in the afternoon.
then thursday/friday its focus on the goat house day. if i managed to get that done saturday ill head on back to lowes to pick up a 50ft roll of fence and t-posts to build the goat yard.
Busy busy bumble bee this week!

hoping to be able to bring home the baby goats by the end of next week, they will be about a month old at that point.
Cindi? do you know anyone that disbuds?! one of the girls looks to be polled the other not so much, im told females gan generlly be disbudded up to about 4 weeks old and i dont want horns but the breeder doesnt disbud...
I cant afford my own disbudding iron right now lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I don't know of anyone who disbuds around here. You can buy a powder to put on their horns at TSC but I'm not sure how well it works. I hope I get to see ya tomorrow!

I have a fern you can dig up and split if ya want it. I hate the thing, it's WAY too big for the spot it's in and I trip over the lower fronds :/ The thing is gargantuan when it comes out, so I think it could safely be split. I'll have to dig around and find the stub :lol: It's in the front bed though. I have day lillies you can get some of those as well. I have HUGE clumps of those! I have shovels and we can put them in plastic bags to take home with ya if you'd like.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yay plants :D

the ferns are great for the shady spots so that works for me lol.

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