Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i managed to be an idiot yesterday, didnt drink enough of anything, and didnt eat neer enough of anythign then flooded myself with water and CRASHED...yay dehydration/minor heat exhaustion...
id gotten so caught up in making sure the rabbits ducks geese and goats were ok, that i didnt even think about food or drink...(and wasnt hungry anyway...) and eneded up doing myself in...
i managed to semi rectify the situation with a small peice of garlic bread with cheese and fresh tomatoes (garlic brea pizza?! lol) and a 4 ounce peice of cow and about 32 ounces of crystal lite pink lemonade...i dont like the crystla lite stuff usually, but last night it was aparently what i needed, still feeling it this morning (and the humidity is up this morning which means im going to have to be tripply carefull) so im starting my day off with a bacon egg and cheese sammich and a glass of peach/mango iced green tea...
today ill be taking it easy and have my cell alarm to go off for meal times so i DONT forget to eat, and before im allowed to eat i HAVE to drink a 16 ounce glass of fluid of some kind
no ifs ands or butts, i need to stay ontop of this...
today is supposed to be a little cooler than the past few days so im keeping the fingers crossed, and may even pack a little picnic done my bathing suit and go for a swim down at the lake at chickasaw this afternoon...its a bit of a drive but the water might do me good...and ive got enough gas to see me through this week comming.

otherwise not much going to put up some tomatoes at some point today my crisper draw and window sill re full of them...i figure ive got a few left on the plants so ill can up what ive got (keep a few slicers aside) and then whatevers left on the plants will get used as eating tomatoes as thye ripen...whats left are smaller due to the lack of water and the heat (ive been trying to semi conserve water so i dont skyrocket the water bill especially with having to fill bottles and pools and such more right now

i did pull one of those big green hornworms off this morning, which i tossed to the ducks which led t a hysterical display of "chase the duck" as they all ran around quacking trying to get it out of one ducks bill,
the dang thing was huge and duck was having problems trying to swallow it but be deamned if anyone else was going to try...he finally managed to gobble it up by taking it in the pool with him lol.
ducks are funny!
mr hornworm was ony able to damage 2 maters before his untimely and horrific end...but thats what he gets for trying to eat what few maters i have left...and its not even like they eat the whole thing...just a big hole here and there...nope not happening!

but yeah todays plan involves heading out this morning to go see ms ellen, then home to ice the bunnies, then mabe a little later go to the park for a swim...probbaly will be busy and im still not sold, but we'll see.
oh and eating and drinking, those are on todays plan too!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Be prepared for the water to be almost as warm as the air :/ It's just too hot out there! I'm staying IN!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ugh, I get days when it's so hot I don't feel like eating, either.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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That as me yesterday and the day before...actually all this week I have been force feeding myself :lol: It's just blazing hot here, and the humidity is NOT helping!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well that was interesting.

Dozer started going nutz when i let him out for potty time...
like not interested in settling down i hear something freeking out.
and the goats started calling...not in their usual "hey is it food time" tone either...
So i slipped on his leash, clipped him to my belt so i could have both hands free, put on my head lamp and grabbed squeeker (mah gun)

from the sound of the rustling it sounded pretty dang big, and rom the sounds of the goats i thought coyote...

but we had some people in the back woods earlier today according to my neighbor, so i announced first...
Dozer was hair up and growling so i announced," i AM armed, the dig IS agressive and ive got the police on hold! if i were you id come out slowly with both hands visable."
noone came out and there was a rustle down between the goat pen and the falling down shed.
so we whent down that direction, looked around, couldnt see anything, checked the goat pen, no signs of anythign trying to get in...dozer had a good sniff around and then started growling at the long grass/brush between the goats and the shed...
i focused my sights there and out of the grass comes botling this big armadillo and it bolted under the shed
I didnt shoot it...i rbbaly should have as i know they can carry all kinds of nastyness, but i also know they eat ants and grubs by the pound lol...but i also know had i shot it under the shed the dang thing would be stinking to high heaven in no time and id DEFINATLY have to rip the shed down to get to it...

Once the critter stopped rustling in the grass the goats settled back down, dozer took a bit of a sniff along the path it had traveld and decided it was no longer an evil monster and not worth of his focus and was happy to come back inside...

i was actually pretty amazed by him, that leash whent on and his normal excited tugging was none existant he stayed right at my side slightly infront of me growling and letting out the occaisonal bout of menacing barks...
i was worried having the gun i wouldt be able to take aim if he pulled but he didnt even attempt to pull untill we got back to the yard!...

while this wasnt a prowler or a dangerous predator, he did EXACTLY what i needed him too, he sounded incredibly menacing and form his body language i actually dont have any real doubt that would it be needed he WOULD have attacked whatever it was before it got to me...there was no second guess in his step, he put himself just far enough nfront of me to say "Ive got this" but not pulling and not far enough ahead to say "im in charge"

once we got back inside he spent a few mins just going room to room checking thedoors and window and once he was happy the house was once again safe he settled in under my feet

GOOD boy!

I did fee just a little bit silly though announcing to the darkness that im armed but given the people my nieghbor saw earlier i was a tad worried about it being a person...

Anywho...thats my adventure forthe night...

as a sidenote dinner was beef and home mate tater salad (which turned out awesome!) and i managed to drink my minimum 8 glasses of liquid today! WOOT!
now its bedtime.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Tell Dozer he's a good boy for me.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Dozer is SUCH a good boy! I am SO proud of him!! Give him hugs from me! GREAT job! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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he got lots of hugs lol.
i think we both thgouth it was MUCH bigger than it actually was, it sounded bigger, but the brush is so dense in that area that pull 1 little branch and the whole area shakes...
i was a little spooked by it, i think more because the neighbor had seen people walking around back there earlier...

i do know now though that that shed HAS to come down, ASAP...
dillas arnt exactly "dangerous" but they do tend to be high risk vector species (rabies) they do carry a human transmitable form of leprosy and they are hgh common carriers of tape realy rather not have him trapsing around my property leaving tape eggs all abouts the place...i havent seen him about before, and form all the noise he was making im certain id have heard him previously if he were a common resident of the area he was in last night, but i do think hes been living out in the woods.
i wouldnt mind him sticking around (they LOVE ants and grubs) but yeah...leprosy and all that lol
and he got under there good and deep last night
i slept fairly well last night knowing my big strong protector was on the case lol.

today is set to be relitivly ALOT cooler than the past few days but the humidity is going to be up...the humidity gets me worse than the flat out heat so today is slated to be another "take it easy" type day.
lots of fluids, plenty of protein ect...
i do have to go into town to pay my gas bill, wish i could have them turn it off until fall lol, seems silly to pay even a few dollars when your not using it lol.
and i need to get milk...
and the cats are almsot out of canned food too and..and...and. *ugh* i dont realy want to go all that way today to have to go all that way again next week for dog foos and such so i think im going to try and hold off til tomorrow on the other stuff and just go get a small milk from the store across the way, more expensive but least im not spending extra gas money...
Pulled another 1lb of slicers and 1/2 a lb or romas this morning.

off 8 roma plants ive pulled 8lbs so far, id say ill get another 2-3lbs off whats left IF they make it to ripening with the lack of rain. (im going to water them in the evenings just to help them finnish up the last fruits)
ive pulled 6lbs off 8 plants of a combination of better boy and marion, not impressed at all with either of those....ive got mabe 10 more SMALL maters left on both those groups...
think there on the "scratch it" list for next year. would like to try a brandy wine and a colored veriety next year instead...
may try the amish paste along with the romas and see which i prefer :D
lets face it, my garden is going to be all maters next year lol. pink fox farms tomatoe farm! lol.

anywho...gonna go check on the bunnies!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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What a good puppy dog! You may have felt silly announcing to the bushes, but better safe than sorry! Had it been a person and you hadn't said anything, well, we see lawsuits like that up here way too often :/ I didn't know armadillo's were up that far! I used to think of them like tarantula's - they're neat to see, but stay out of my yard! :p

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