Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still nothing we got mabe 2 seconds of some sprinkles, enough to make a few dots on the pavement lol.
I think i live in a weather vortex LOL.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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It's still dripping off the roof here. We had a crack about 2 inches wide and couldn't even see how deep right between the bean rows in the garden, we sure needed this rain!!!!! I hope you get some too soon! I am hoarding rainwater for the garden :lol: I have 4 30 gallon totes full, and am about to store a bunch in carboys under the back deck for future use. The Spring garden crapped out over the dry weather. I am bent on getting a decent Fall garden!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still nothing on the rain front...
i made fence progress.
ran the insulated wire for the ground rods and for the hot line. just got to clamp everything up on the grounding rods, and attatch the hotline to the energizer...(its not pluged in yet obviously as the fence isnt up yet lol)
Once thats done the next "big" step is to pull up and repoisiton the current pen fence, thats 7 T-Posts and 50ft of fence to move. not looking forward to that part.
the GOOD news is though, once that bits done, eveyrhting else should move pretty quickly as its just a case of putting the wire up and putting in the step in posts.

in other news...
jasper an Dozer are now on official "not together unspervised" terms.
the neighbor must have thrown in more watermellon last night for the ducks, because im out there working on the wire, dozer comes running over with a big peice of mellon rind jaspers hot on his heals. I get up to go grab it but before i could get that jasper tries to remove it forcably from dozer by biting his nose, which results in dozers immediate rseonce of biting jaspers face...
Dozer got a small gash in his lip and one on his eye lid...Jasper however...Please keep in mind the size difference here, jasper is only 5lbs, dozer is 70lbs...Jasper ALMOSt lost his top jaw...looks like dozers tooth got him just inside the mouth under the lip between here the gumline attatches to the jaw. it LOOKS worse than it is...Jasper May loose a couple of small front teeth as a result, but i called the vet and sent her a picture and she said given the location they probbaly woudlnt even be able to put a stitch in there.
so yeah. there both in bad books...Jasper DEFINATLY started angry at myself for not even thinking to go check for "high value treats" in the yard...
and it could have been one heck of alot worse...

May start jasper on a course of antibiotics as a just in case, mouth injuries are yicky....
so from now on, Jasper and Ruby will be put in my bedroom when im leaving them alone...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Uh Oh...poor Jasper, although he asked for it...I don't think he knew quite what he was asking! Sheesh! Dozer still has no idea how big he is huh? Poor big boy :( I hope they're both okay.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
they both seem to be ok, dozer got off with a scratch and a bruised ego from where i swatted him with a broom...
jasper im worried about, but only realy because he my "baby" hes sleeping, not whimpering but hes VERY upset with dozer (growls at him every time he comes neer, you know...cause we aparently are not learning anyting from this whole experience *rolls eyes*
the gum was partially pulled away from the hard pallet so it must be SORE so im kinda giving him his grumpy gills rights.
hes on a 14 day course of amoxicillin

i need to find a printer so i can print off the SNIP aplications to get Dozer and Jasper neutered...theres a wait right now, BUT its the beginning of a new financial year so im hoping if i get the aplication in NOW ill get a good spot on the list. i definatly think "big boy" hormones played a part in the whole thing, prior to this Dozer would make alot of noise BUT give jasper what he, well now we wont be risking it...
dozer needs doing first, hes not hiking his leg yet so id like to catch him before he does.
Jaspers aplication can then go in next month to get him done then, along with Willow...get both them done and then that just leaves Ruby, and she cant be done untill at the earliest end of September

i hate crunching numbers trying to get this stuff done, wish i could just call the vet and say "do it" but i eed the low cost, especially with dozer being so large!

the major wiring for the connectivity part of the elecrtic fence is DONE.
hoping tomorrow i can get the fence pulled up and moved and then Tuesday hoping i can run the wire and get it plugged in. would like to have the whole thing done by wednesday. the girls are actually starting to push on the fence trying to get to the grass on the other side so it NEEDS to get finnished up.
then the end of the week ill start working on the guinea coop and hopefully have them moved out of the house by the beginning of next week.

yay fence progess, but right now feeling tired and like ive got 50,000 miles to go. i may actually pull UP the fence tonight whe i put the girls to bed, one less ting to do tomorrow...right?! lol. I think if i spray myself with bug spray i could probbaly get the fence moved tonight which would then mean just need to run the lines and do the step ins and some weed wacking tomorrow...
the sooner i can get this done the more accomplished ill feel i think.

Ive got to go into selmer next week so ill stop at the libruary to run the aplications off for Snip.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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If you're coming to Selmer anyway, what day? I have a printer here. Just send me a link to the page you want printed and I'll have it waiting for you.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope Jasper is OK. :hugs Glad Dozer didn't hurt him worse. Hopefully, you'll be able to get them both done soon, and this will help to calm things down.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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OOoo good idea (and i can drop off the jelly and jars and such too! lol)
my apointment is at 9:15 on wednesday morning
so if you got no plans for weds morning :D

jasper seems to be doing ok...ill worry about him for the next 2 weeks lol...
but his mouth already looks a little better and hes showing no real signs of shock...
he is obviously hurting so im going to pick up baby asprin for him tomorrow (i dont keep asprin on hand because i cant have NSAIDS) but 1/4 a baby asprin should help him out with the owies.
he is cleaning himsefl and he had a drink earlier and he whent out and peed as normal...and hes snuggled with me which is his usual place anyway so.
i just feel guilty that this happend on "my watch"...

in good news, i did pull up the fence, got the fence posts out, dragged the fence across the feild and clipped up on one end and laid the rest down.
tomorrow morning ive got to put the T-Posts in along there. and then get the electric up...
im hoping itll go quickly and ill have it done by tomorrow afternoon/evening.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
PM me the link then so I can make sure my printer will print it off. I did a couple copies last night, and it looks like it might be getting low on ink. I'd hate for you to make the trip over here and then not get it. The library charges $2 A PAGE too btw! I will be home Wednesday morning, so that's fine.

Poor pups, I hate that for both of them. Don't beat yourself up over it, you know as well as I do the most well behaved animals have "off" days just like we do :hugs

It should be a nice day to work on the fence :)

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