Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I agree with you totally. It seems 'they' (not all 'they's, but a lot of them) take advantage of people at their most vulnerable time. Having been through having to make 1,000 decisions, while still in shock and buried in grief, at a funeral home - I can see how easy it is for a sleazy director to take advantage. Thankfully, I had two things going for me: My scary-looking husband was right there beside me, and the funeral director was a very kind and understanding man. He asked a few questions, to determine what I wanted, then went above and beyond to accommodate my wishes WITHOUT running up the charges. We did some interesting things with my son's funeral that were called 'crazy-frugal' :rolleyes: and creative that worked well for us. One thing I realized and did because of my experience, was write up a list of my wishes. DH's Grama decided to go to the same funeral home, prepay for everything and make ALL the decisions for herself. OK, I guess I'm ranting a bit too, so I'll quit now ;)

Wish your Dad a Happy Birthday, please!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys...

its NOT goo...
the vet belives its liver cancer. his white blood cell count is off the charts, his urine (which was normal yesteray) is now dark green and heres definatly no blockage.
vets wiating o one last blood test, theyve let him come home for tonight, but want him back in the morning for more iv fluids and the results of this last test.
she "wants" them to go get an ultrasound, but its a 2 hour drive to the specialty hospital, charlie HATES the car...and the vet and neither me or dad think it would be good ot put him through that kind of stress.

hes home with the iv still in...but hes aparently too weak to move under his own power...he was walking this morning, seemed "tied" but walking, now he can barley lift his head.
Dad is pretty certain he wont make it through the night...
and if he does its likely they will be helping him over the bridge tomorrow...

I HOPE, as horrible as this will sound, that he goes to bed tonight, goes to sleep and doesnt wake up in the morning...
it sounds terrible and id hate for mum and dad to have to wake to that...
but he doesnt like the vet, doesnt like the car ride, doesnt like being poke and prodded, and i think it would be much more peacefull for him to ust go to sleep in his own house in his own be surrounded by familiar smells and sounds...
rather than them having to drive him there sit in a cold room on a cold table, sterile and unfamiliar.

this dog had a slipped disk abotu 2 yrs ago...
other than that he hasnt had a single sick day...
4 days ago he stopped eating, 3 days ago he started acting "off", 2 days ago he began peeing alot and vomiting whenever he drank....and yesterday he was at the emergency vet already slipping down hill quickly.
Ive Never known cancer to move this quickly, but after reading up on it hes the right age and all the symptoms fit.

Its also an incredibly difficult one to treat, while technically they can remove a part of the liver is the cancer is localized...the surgery is less than effective, and obviously the issues with having only a part of the liver...and the risk of surgery...and liver cancer doesnt respond to the usual "treatement" is to pump em full of pain killers and go with it...

Tomorrow we may be saying goodbye to one of the sweetest gentlest most well rounded dog in the universe.


i told them to give him a snuggle for me, and if the vet is pretty positive its liver cancer, not to rehydrate him tomorrow morning, instead just let him go...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
:hugs That is just so sad. Poor Charlie! I have to agree with you though, better he go at home, in his own bed, with his family. :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Poor Charlie. And I agree, if he's able to go at his own home, it's better for all. I've heard of vets that will come out and put them to sleep at people's houses w/out charging an arm, a leg and 3 fingers for doing so.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sorry about Charlie sis :hugs Your dad messaged me on FB this morning or last night, he sounded so sad, makes me wanna cry :( Wish I could help. I think not rehydrating him is a good idea, as it could be making him more uncomfortable. Poor pup. :hugs :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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not sure whats going on this morning, my sister doesnt know whats happeing, dont know if he passed away in the night and theyve taken him to the vet to be cremated or if there at the vet having him rehydrated ect right now or what...she doesnt know anything all she knows is that he was supposed to go to the vet for rehydation this morning ndnoones home right now...
they woulnt have woken her to tell her if he did pass away in the night anyway....
I feel like dirt because im not there AGAIN...
our first cocker (MY cocker, she was my first birthay gift) passed away and i wasnt home (we had actualy gone on vacation and she passed away in her sleep of old age, its the ONLY vacation ive been on in 11 years and we all saw how that whent...)
and now charlie...and again im not there to upport mum and dad, not there to be the one eeping my head and telling them to realy think about whats best for him at this point...
not there to give him a hug and tell him hes a good boy...
my sister is the overly emotional one whos going to make them feel guilty if they have him put to mums the emotional one whos going to want to do "eerythign they can" if theres even a 1% chance...and my dads the one who despite how he feels (charlie realy is HIS baby) whos going to have to say "sorry no we just cant do this to him anymore" an be the one who looks at this form a financial stand point too...hes the one whos potentially going to have to be the bad guy here and teheres noone there to tell him "you did the right thing" while he tries to be strong...

but this is why i moved away...this is why i bought my farm...was so i would force myself to put ME first and stop worrying about doing everything right for everyone else...

i ust hope i havent heard anything because he either drifeted peacfully in his sleep or because there was some kind of breakthrough in the night...
i hate the thought of him back in a cold metal cage in the clinic wondering what the hell is going on...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well littl bit of an update...

he made it through the night, mum dropped him at the vet this morning...
white cell cout is through the roof and there still thinking either a tumor or an abcess, eitherway theres nothing theyc an do about that but on its own its NOT causing the symptoms
however the white count is due to a massive infection, the liver is so enflamed from infection that its taken over most of his abdominal cavity, pressing on the bile duct and squishing everything, those things woul make him vomit ect. hes also running a 104 fever...

so theyve put him back on fluids and injectable antibotics...
the next step is still unclear, dads told them if hes still in serious pain this evening then they will let hi go tonight...if however the vet thinks hes made any improvment then theyll give him untilltomorrow afternoon to let the antibiotics REALY work (injectables generally start to show improvment in 12-24 hours)

they have ecided they wont allow him to suffer and that they wont allow themselves to suffer either.
so its still kinda up in the air right now.
my sisters a mess, mums a mess, eighbor is amess, my brither is hiding that hes a mess, and dad is quietly breaking up inside.
this is so danmed hard...

someone mae the mistake of telling me it was just a dog via a pm on facebook...neeless to say they were ripped a new one before being blocke AND reported for harrassment...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pinky, I don't blame you one bit for ripping them one. I HATE it when people have that kind of attitude. No matter what the animal, it's not just an animal. It's something you care for, so if it's hurting so are you. :hugs

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