Almost Self-Reliant
I agree with you totally. It seems 'they' (not all 'they's, but a lot of them) take advantage of people at their most vulnerable time. Having been through having to make 1,000 decisions, while still in shock and buried in grief, at a funeral home - I can see how easy it is for a sleazy director to take advantage. Thankfully, I had two things going for me: My scary-looking husband was right there beside me, and the funeral director was a very kind and understanding man. He asked a few questions, to determine what I wanted, then went above and beyond to accommodate my wishes WITHOUT running up the charges. We did some interesting things with my son's funeral that were called 'crazy-frugal'
and creative that worked well for us. One thing I realized and did because of my experience, was write up a list of my wishes. DH's Grama decided to go to the same funeral home, prepay for everything and make ALL the decisions for herself. OK, I guess I'm ranting a bit too, so I'll quit now 
Wish your Dad a Happy Birthday, please!
Wish your Dad a Happy Birthday, please!