Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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So sad, a very tough decision to make, but at least he is not in pain anymore.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys and ive passed the condolences on to my family too.
he was a GREAT dog and he certainly int eerve to spend another moment in pain...
hes playing ball on the rainbow bridge now... :)

in other news, was going to get some outside stuff one toay but ow that sun is HOT...
so im waiting on the weed wacking untill the sun goes own some...ill put the goats to bed THEN do then it should have cooled off some...its not hot hot...but that sun is REALY brght today.
got to get the swath cut so i can put up the "fence" for the orchard soon thinking of puting bird mesh on the lower 2 ft then running the electric line on the opposit side of that, assuming i get the mesh tight it shoulnt be a roblem touching the electric...but it should keep the birds form meanering off under the wire. right now my concern istheres no permimeter fence so ifthey get uner the electric theyll wander right into the neighbors yar an i ont want that happening...the guinneas im not going to be able to stop (i ont think a 28ft fence would keep them home lol) but the ducks and geese i can prevent any escapage...then electric to keep the goats out.

i need to find someone with a trailer an some seriously strong backs...E has some small red chicken coops with runs shes going to give me IF i can get them moved...but there aparently rather heavy...would mean i could add some chickens in the fall so ive got eggs for spring which would be cindi if you knwo anyone in the bethel springs area with a truck an atrailer...let me know, i can help lift...but ive got a feeling its NOT going to fit in the back of my sebring LOL.
and this has also made it very clear, i do need to start figuring out what im looking for truck wise...need something small enough to not hog gas but big enough to haul a small trailer or a 2 horse bumper pull...not too worried about the horse trailer itself as i plan on getting one with breaks, so im thining a V6 should be big enough to hual but smell enough to get the same as my v6 thats currently looking like spring of next year as a hope...
technically i could haul a 4x6 trailer with my sebring...but add any REAL weight and the breaking would become a problem.
my other thought would be instead of a "truck" get a small cargo van type vehicle...again assuming i go with my eventual horse trailer having breaks (all horse trailers in the uk have break systems so they can pull them with relitivly tiny vehicles because well, they ont actually MAKE big cars for the uk LOL...even the jeeps and lanrovers in the uk are tiny compared to the us models lol...

otherise today is a lazy day, got up early, hung out with E...i now have a small icecream maker LOL!
came home put some stuff away and had am now being entirely 100% lazy...
in a while ill be out with the weed wacker and after that...dinner...which will be fish and rice...just got to figure out how to season the fish tonight to compliment the yellow rice...
tonights thursday which means its usually big bang theory night (there all reruns but i unno i like them lol) unless syfy or chiller have any fun low budget movies on... an then, i think...are i early night?!



Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i had a post here reay to go and then my internet whent own last night...
thankfully after leving the router unplugged all night it was back this morning (i was starting to orry LOL)


managed to get the fenceline weedwacked last night.
foundthe newest guinea keet ead, cant be sure if the others killed it or not, there was a large wound on the bac of its head but no blood, so i dont know if the wound killed it or if mabe it fell off the roost or something and then they peckedits head after it broke its neck...
either way, im back down to 9 *grr*
then this mornign as i was ging to chage the water one of the guineas decide to jail break...
i flat out wasnt awake enough to chae it round the pasture untill we both passed out so instea i opend the "gate" on the run unerneath and let the other guineas decide what they wanted to do...
everyone is currently tightly clustered but exploring the back pasture...
will be interesting to see if they ecide to come home at bedtime LOL!...
theyve been in the run since late july so its been a good 6 1/2-7 weeks, they know where home is an know where "easy" food know my voice so ivegot my fingers crosse that they do indeed decide to return home tonight...

todays supposed ot be upper 90's and i nee to go get milk and hit up the printer at the libruary so this afternoon will be a trip into town...
next week i want to get the swatch cut through the back pasture for where i want the orchard fence to go so i can work on that at the beginning on september and get the ucks and geese more room...theyve one a good job of trimming a 8" wie path arounthe OUTSIDE of my back yard fenceline form sticking their heads through so im hoping it wont take them long to trim up the orchard.
think im going to use some of that cheap plastic bird netting to make a "saftey barrier" along the orcharfence to keep them in that area for now...(i dont want them getting under the electric and wanering into the neighbors yard) once i get the preimeter fencing finnihsed theyll be able to have free range of the enitre property , but right now i want to keep them confined to the orchard area anyway...especially since i want that area well mowed by the time tree planting time comes in october lol.

i need to find someone wiht a coule goodstrong backs a truck and a trailer.
E. Has some small re chicken coops and runs (you know the little tractor design type ones) that she doesnt use and sai i can have them if we can figure out a way to get them home.
i think 1 coop woul fit in the bed of a truck, but i belive theres 2 of them Plus runs so it would either be multiple trips or nee someone with a trailer...
Cindi? know of anyone in the bethelsprings area? will pay for gas and something for labor if we can do it beginning of next month :) ill get the measurments off E so i know exactly where i stand. they be perfect for getting a couple of birds started so ive got eggs next spring. or even for raising a small batch of meaties...heck they might even work for grow out pens for the bunnies...either way i WANT ust fairly certain they wont fit in the back of my sebring LOL!.

otherwise not much going on...puppies are oing well, growing like little wees and i nee to get new pictures soon. they spent thier first night without moma last night, shes retty much had enough at this point lol and was trying to climb out of the pack an play so i let her sleep in her own be last night and it was a much quieter night lol.
Willow has healed up nicely and i can think about letting her go out again now...(which is good cause she drives me nutz some days sat by the door yowling lol), want to get her a new collar and tag though before i let her out realy...
need to fin usties collar (she manage to hide it somewhere around here last night...

an on a frustrating note...i aparently fail at getting bunnies to bree right now...
monday i put bluebell and haystack in with bigwig and silver...a little bit of chasing but then nothing...the girls an boys ust lay around with a bore look on thier aces...
ok the girls mustnt be ready...tire again wednesday...nothing so tried blackberry and strawberry....nothing ...and today...STILL nothing...the boys are just complelty unintereste right now...*GAH* lazy boys better get their acts together...
we had such a long hot spell though that that could have effecte their count/levels and it can take some time to recover, but that usually just effects sucess rate not interest levels an they just ont seem a amne dinterested...anyone else ever have this issue?!
id like at least 1 fall and 1 winter batch...but at this rate itll be spring before we have any buns on the ground :/
id put them together an ust leave them...but i hate not knowing if a breeding occured and i cant jsut sit there and watch them for 12 im going to try putting them together each time i take the dogs out over the next few days untill we have sucess...i can sit out for about 30 mins before the dogs get antsy and want back in the ill just take a chair out there an my laptop and sit for 30 mins with them together then seperate them again when its time to come in...

stupid bunnies...

goats are doing well, growing nicely but slowly and SLOWLY working on the fiel...think im going to take pictures today and see if i ca see the difference in the pictures.
they arnt as interested in the grass as they are the taller weeds at the back so im keeping my eyes peele for a CHEAP market lamb that i can put out there and then have butchere once hes finished mowing the grass that the goats dont seem quite as interested in...
i also think i nee to buy a gas brush trimmer at some point to take care of the wees the goats arnt all too intereste in...
and a chainsawto work through the brush they clear up but obvisouly dont eat the right now ive got a few patches that are pretty much just bare twigs LOL.

still nee towork on the brush pile thats been builing to make fire pit sticks...

ive got SOOO mcuh i want to do round here LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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this morning i got up and got a nice little suprise...

my lineolated parakeets (a small south american parakeet)

Lokie the slate and Cricket the green have been tryng since ealry spring to raisea clutch and they just havent been fertile...
theyve lost 2 clutches prior to this...
well they finally had 3 fertile eggs. as of this morning 2 hatched, the 3rd is fertile an should hatch anytime before mondy morning depening on when it was laid...

for size reference...
thats my pointer finger...the babies are just about the size of a bumble bee...

baby parrots arnt nearly as cute as baby chicks lol...but babies the size of bumblebees.
so far Lokie is doing a great job as a momma,
right now the hope is she will contnue to be great and the babies will be pulle when the youngest chick is aroun about 2 weeks old for hand feeding.
mum has been saying she wants one since i got lokie lol so one will be going home with her...
hopefully the other 2 will sell, its going to be interesting as linnies are relitivly "new" to the pet trade and can be hard to theyll either go like hot cakes or theyll be hard to move...

anywho...other than that toays been slow, did some playing in the dirt, we got a little tiny bit of rain, not enough to realy do much, but still...
it did bring the guineas home early though, i whent out to put the buns togehter again around 5:30 (still nothing from them ugh) an the guineas were already hovering around thecoop waiting for feed time LOL, aparently, like the goats, they dont like the rain LOL.

but yeah...thats about all i got right now :)

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
I love to hand raise birds. They are so fun when they are learning and growing. I have raised sun conures, cockatiels, lovebirds and English budgies. Unfortunately, the lovebirds get ornery no matter what you do, when they start maturing sexually, but the other birdies made wonderful pets.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They're tiny! Hope you're able to find homes for them easily.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
How adorable! I know nothing about small birds, how long do they take to grow up?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
linnies like most little birds grow pretty quickly, they are usally fully fethered out and look like the adults by about 5 weeks old.
weaning is ifficult to say i abunance wean (let them have formular untill they decide they no longer want it...) but generally by 8 weeks there starting to if not alreay weaning.
assuming these babies make it they should be reay to go to new homes at the end of October time.
both chicks are oing well this morning, and the 3rd egg is still there, still intact and theres still a chick inside, so should be joining the world any time now (they can take up to 48 hours between eggs being laid so a chick can hatch 2 days after its sibling...)

im hopefull for this clutch, so far so good :D

not much planned for today, its warm but overcast, might try and get some outsie stoff worked on today depening on how the weather plays out...wuld take ozer to the park but its a fairly long drive, i dont have gas money right now and knwing my luck id get there and it would rain so instead i took him this morning just a 1 mile loop down the road and back...
so instea ill probably just focus on stuff around here for now.
got a sink full of dishes to take care of, an plenty to do outside...and if i ont want to do that, theres always break out the can of paint and give the kitchen it second coat (which ill admit ive been putting off lol) but now the stove and fridge have been moved it certainly needs a fresh coat before i can work o th backsplash...ive also got 1 final cabinate in the kitchen that nees to be painted too (the one above the fridge) i coul definatly work on that stuff at some point too. lol. (ahh motivation...where are you?)
theres some spots in the livingroom that could also benefit from a touch up...

watching puppies play is FAR more entertaining lol.

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