Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Glad everything is "regular" again ;) and hope it didn't cost too much to find out what the problem was.

Seriously crappy (groan) that everything passed inspection when there was clearly something wrong for a very long time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys, and dragonlaurel, you are very correct it was a long but productive morning...

unfortunatly moolie the septic people said there seeing this alot, contractors and house flippers tossing an inspector an extra $100 and having pretty much anything pass...

thankfully my realtor who i trust 100% supervised the home inspection, but i didnt get my own septic inspection because the seller provided a recipte and letter of inspection to the USDA final inspector...
the good news is the usda has been informed and aparently this isnt the first complaint, hes sold 4 other properties in the past year (hes a flipper) and all of them havecome back with falsified letters of septic inspection....turns out the govt oesnt ike being lied to...
but unfrotunatly theyve got to find him before they can do anythign about it...
i know im not going to get any money back or anything if they find him...but i want to see him punished if hes taking advantage of people like this on aparently a regular basis...

the rest of the days been fairly quiet, tying to plan the menue and got some new recipies to try too :) so i think ive got a good list...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So glad your septic problem wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been! It's always nice to get a bit of a reprieve. I hope the guy who did this gets what's coming to him. Karma is a _itch!

I thought about you when I saw the bathroom in the hotel we stayed in last night. No tub, but a spa shower. OMG! The shower was at least 5 feet wide and about 3 feet deep. Plenty big enough for two - not saying that's what happened - but big enough, lol. It had two of the 'rain' type shower heads. DH and I usually take super quick showers at home - but we indulged this morning. Ahhhhhh...


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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pinkfox said:
thanks guys, and dragonlaurel, you are very correct it was a long but productive morning...

unfortunatly moolie the septic people said there seeing this alot, contractors and house flippers tossing an inspector an extra $100 and having pretty much anything pass...

thankfully my realtor who i trust 100% supervised the home inspection, but i didnt get my own septic inspection because the seller provided a recipte and letter of inspection to the USDA final inspector...
the good news is the usda has been informed and aparently this isnt the first complaint, hes sold 4 other properties in the past year (hes a flipper) and all of them havecome back with falsified letters of septic inspection....turns out the govt oesnt ike being lied to...
but unfrotunatly theyve got to find him before they can do anythign about it...
i know im not going to get any money back or anything if they find him...but i want to see him punished if hes taking advantage of people like this on aparently a regular basis...

the rest of the days been fairly quiet, tying to plan the menue and got some new recipies to try too :) so i think ive got a good list...
I hope they get him.

Friends of ours just bought a new house and have run into all kinds of issues, not with the actual house but with the condition in which the owner left it--broken windows, drywall screws all over the driveway (they got a flat tire before they realized, because the driveway is "paved" with bricks rather than asphalt or concrete and the screws are in the gaps), etc. Hubs told them to document everything and send the guy a bill for the damages via their lawyer.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh wow...
i hate sellers that do that...i dont see the reason for it...

OOO that shower sounds devine...
if i take out the tub and do a spa shower like that id LOVE to put in a rain head, and keep my hand held head too....oooo and fancy jets! if i won the lottery it would be amazing, id even put in a steam unit! *drools* STEAM SHOWER! (but that is a lottery win the steam unit alone is about 2500-3000 then the steamer fixtures are about $500 for the basic kit! which is just 2 steam jets and the control LOL!
but *drools*

they make all in 1 units where everythin all built in but they look too mod/contemporary for my tastes...but *drool* id love a steam shower.

today was a long day, got my grocery shopping done, came in right where i wanted to be, but didnt have much to show...why do they never put out coupons for lettuce, milk, tomatoes, meat?! all the coupons are for hotdogs frozen dinners and junk food...

oh well, got what i whent for, and got everything on my food list...
still got some none grocery items to pick up from town tomorrow when i go to the docs...but then im cut off, im not allowed to touch the bank account now for the rest of the month lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im alive lol.
had my drs apointment this morning, i LOVE the nurse at my drs (she gives me my shots) there was a woman infront of me but the woman decided to go "wait outside" (why i dont know it was like mid 90's) so the nurse called me in instead, she says to me "you were waiting...she wasnt and im not a messenger boy" LOL!
got that done, picked up a bag of feed for the guineas/ducks/geese (there going through the most feed and its the most expensive so i need ways to cut them down a bit...) then did my house sitting duties and then stopped by E's. Came home with a new (to me) lamp thats going to look realy cool once i clean it up, its realy old with green glass center...need to find a shade worthy of it though! a leather ottoman and some extra wooden birdhouses to paint up :)

got home had lunch and then the neighbor needed a ride into town for yet another tire...instead of fxing the actual problem they just keep putting used tires on the car and using it till it blows out another one, rinse and repeat...
but it was ok cause i had to go into town anyway, someone o a free group im on offered me a free 10gal fishtank (whihc i nee to turn into a brooder for the linnie babies!)

now i just need an unter tank heat pad for it...

the linnie babies now look like...


now as you can see "tiny" is the tiny one, "he" is the last egg to hatch so hes a good almost week younger than the oldest keet
and thats how quickly they grow.
and i was pleasantly suprised on the colors.

Cricket is a dark green
Lokie is a mauve/slate

So the babies SHOULD be Dark Green split to turquoise and Olive Split to turquoise...
however that baby on the top...shes either a lutino (will be yellow) or Creamino (cream) because of genetics she will DEFINATLY be a girl because its sex linked and Mauve cant carry Ino, so i ow know Cricket is Split to INO...

that now means that the other 2 babies could be dark green, olive, cobalt, lutino or creamino depending on if cricket is also split to turquoise!
Ino splits are alot more expnsive as its a rarer mutation so shes worth about $50 more to the right buyer...
The chick on the bottom is no impossible to tell the darker mutations all look the same as pin feathers lol. an the little guy has no pinns yet so itll be another few days on "him"
as you can tell form thepictures, Lokie is quite the mommy, keeping them all kinds of nice and full lol.

need to special order the legbands and looking to see if i can get a better deal on formular...

otherwise its been a slow day...managed to get the fenceline weed wacked again, then after dinner had a nice hot shower...

im still not feeling "life" right now...but im getting through and holding onto the "gotta get better" vibe lol. or at trying :p


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Dang girl - you got your genetics down! I'm impressed! I'm not familiar with the Linnies but I'm about to do some reading on them. Congrats on scoring the aquarium. Sounds like you had a busy, productive day.

You hang in there and just keep on keeping on. You're too strong to let things keep you down for long!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
to make your research easier they are lineolated parakeets :D there SOOOO cute :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i can tell my deppo shot was yesterday....
for those unaware i was placed on deppo provera about 9 years ago after years of birthcontrol pills failed miserably to controll my PMDD/PCOS and unusual "monthly cycle" which started when i was 10, a few years after i "became a woman" i had a partial hysterectomy to try and control unusual growths, soon after that i was diagnosed with polycyctis ovarian syndrome and told it was weight related...i would cycle on a 10-14 day cycle as aoopsed to a 30-31 day cycle and pass so heavily i was constantly anemic (for me) and on a pain pump...

anywho, pills couldnt control the cycle so we started deppo...and i was otld if i lost weight it would "fix itself" 200lbs down and i still regularly get cysts but thankfully with the shot, NOTHIGN close to what i was getting.
I also found that i can help reduce this by avoiding soy products like the plauge! which now makes sense becaue i couldnt drink milk due to infantile exema so they had me on a soy based formular as a baby and even through middle school i was kept on soy products...coincidence? i think not
i get my shot every 3 months, i threaten them that the only way they are going to be allowed to take away my shot is if they remove EVERYTHING because i have a high pain tolerance and yeah, not dealing with that.

anywho, for about 3 days after my shot there go the hormones..i become a "girl" and go through what i can only asume is "normal" pms for the majority of the womanly population (or given how hormone shots work, what a pregnant woman goes through LOL!. i become tearfull, i cry at happy and sad things for no real aparent reason, im cranky and have no energy and i get a serious case of sugar munchies! which nothing but cake and diet dew seems to cure LOL.

i can be thankfull however that this only happend for 3 days eveeyr 3 months as opposed to for 2 weeks EVERY month (yes thats how long i was ON...14 days on 10-14 days off, rinse and repeat!)

anywho...what brings that up is THIS

i watched it and it made me both smile and cry!
so please, watch and if it brings a little faith in humanity back to your life, please share...
i think we all need to "give a little bit" and live like some of the people in this vid...

in other news...done nothing today, its been too hot and my internal fule guage is running on empty...its SUPPOSED to cool down after this weekend *fingers crossed* i realy want to try and get the ducks into that back filed to try and cut down on feed a bit and get some outside tidying up done.

I think when i decide to move next time...its going to be somewhere that only has spring and fall lol.

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