Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Just got to find a tiny sink that will fit and you're in business :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im thinking a small vessel sink...because it sits on top it wouldnt matter so much if it utted out a little further than the cabinatry...and ive seen some nice frosted glass ones for relitivly cheap :D id take the cabinates set them up then put a peice of ply ontop cover the ply with some pretty glass mosaic (since i wouldnt have a huge space to cover i could do the counter top this way for about $10 if i go wiht the one i saw that i liked...) and with the glass mosaics, cutting for the faucet and drain acess wouldnt be as difficult as the little mosaci peices are small enough that i could probbaly avoid actually cutting tile completly and ust pop out the peiced that would need to be removed :)

it wouldnt be super super cheap (assuming i bought the uppers brand new...) but if i could find the right sized uppers USED (or scratch and dent) i think it would look awesome!

the theme for the bathroom is going to be turquoise chocolate and im thinking white cabinatry, white tile on the walls and floor, then a chocolate/sand colored mix glass mosaic for the countertop and as a band around the room in to tie it all white and browns are then nutral enough that theyd go with any color palet in the future. silver toned fixtures, and a frosted glass sink and lamp shades, and all the linnens would then be chocolate brown. i think it could look fantabulously "high end and custom" without the custom price tag lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
oh boy...ran my numbers this morning, and thanks to 3 "big not regular" things having to come out this month im $80 less for the month than i would normally be...
yup this month is going to be TIGHT...

ive got a little extra income comming in this month for a house sitting job, its not alot but should cover what i need to fence off the orchard area so i can get the duck on moe grass (which should cut back on their feed again which is my expensive one)
but yeah...gotta love THOSE months...
september needs to be kind to me...PLEASE!

got the septic guy coming in the morning and need to call my perscription coverage peopel and yell at them so tomorrows not going to be freeking out about the septic, despite knowing theres nothign i can do about it other than get it pumped and deal with the rest later...if theres a major issue...itll wait and ill just get it pumped more frequently untill i can get it sorted...but still.

so yeah september is going to be a quiet month of me being a hermit LOL!
not that thats much different than any other month LOL.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
As long as you can come on here, you won't be a complete hermit. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well: septic guy called they are running late bt wil be here by lunch problem gave me this morning to call the perscription company and find out what the hell is going on.

according to them thye have no record of me calling in to change my adress (twice)
they DID send me notice of cancelation but get this...
the poilicy canceld august 31st (as in no coverage after that date) They sent the termination of service letter out...THIS MORNING! it shoudl be here in 7-10 buisness days...WTF?!

took me about 30 mins with a woman who kept simply telling me "you have to call when you move' and me repeating "i did..twice" befor she finally transfered me over to someone who could help that point it took only a few mins to get me the number of a system in place to "brige the gap" and get me to someone who can send out the correct paperwork to my new zipcode...

So a new aplication package is on its way, i need to fill it out send it back and everyhting should be sorted within 30 days...
yup i have to re-enroll becuase THEY screwed up, nothing has changed income/sitation wise so ill get the exact same coverage i had before...just in my new ip *rolls eyes*

Called the program number she gave me for the bridge plan and they were WONDERFULL, 5 mins she checked my eligiablitly gave me the numbers i need to take to the pharmacy and everyhting should be ok, thats now active untill October 4th

*takes deep breath*
so thats the plan for tomorrow, ive got to do some grocery shopping anyway so ill get my "list" sorted tonight and make the day out of it tomorrow...need to treat each drop of gas like its laced with gold so ill e doing as much as possible in one day...which includes food for me and feed for the animals...thats it, nothign fancy or special, nothing not planned, no suprises are allowed this month.

Now i just have to wait on the septic guy, hopefully that doesnt come back with any suprises (if it does...well hes getting paid to dig and pump the system and eveyrthing else hell have to come back to do when ive got the money lol.

once thats done, going to clean today and make my shopping list so i can do my shop tomorrow (wedsnedays my usual "big clean" day)

least i know i can get my prscriptions and NOT end up filing for bancrupcy...

anywho...*tying to zen* lol


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Wow, what a huge hassle! So glad it worked out, and hoping that the septic issue is minor and quickly (and cheaply!) dealt with!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well septic is DONE...
was realy suprised when a little old lady, her daughter and her oldest grandson (about my age) showed up...and the little old lady got right in there with the shovel! lol
but they dug up the tank, unfortunatly its a 3 peice slab top so they had to uncover an entire slab in order to gain acess, but least we now for next time...
they cracked upen the top and even THEY i have NOT been having issues with my toilet we dont know, the liquid level was sooooo high that it was literally at the top of the tank and was spilling out form under the lid...
it completly covered the baffle thats supposed to keep said water from entering back into the inlet all technicalities the water SHOULD have been backflowing into the toilet...(so i must have some kind of check valve in place somewhere on that pipe line thats blocking backflow because i havent had any issues. by all technicality my toilet should have even flushed...there was nowhere for the liquid to go other than UP, it literally couldnt have gotten any fuller.
so they started clearing it out and in the mean time the owner (75yr old opal) started digging where she thoguht the feild line woudl come out...sure enough they found it...BAD news...
the field line about 2" from the tank has cracked and collapsed...theres essentilaly about 2" of pipe missing (and theres roots in the rest of the field line) and because the liquid was having an issue getting through the roots and the tank was SOOO full and the earth around it so dry and hard the water had just started to escape any way it could, hence the puddling...

they removed as much root matter as they could reach from the tank and the opposite side of the crack, theres some more roots in there that are going to slow the system but this shoudl at least give the liquid an alternate escape route, then they used some briks and peices of shingel to literally cover the cracked area so dirt and junk wont fall in which SHOULD keep also help keep water flowing the direction its supposed to.

since the septic is all concrete its been sugested thatuntill i can afford the next option to add salt to the system wich will kill and help disintegratethe fine roots that cause the most problems.

the long term goal is to have someone come in, dig up the section of feild line between the tank for about 8ft of pipe (just beyond the large pine thats causing the root issue) and ust simply cutting and replacing that 1 section of pipe...assuming the feild lines are otherwise working correctly by replacing the 8ft of pipe with NEW pipe to ust beyon the big pine thats causing the issue this should solve ALL the issues that crack will cause in the future at a tiny fraction of the cost of replacing the entre system...
So im going to have someone come in...give me a quote for that and see how long thats going to take me to save up for lol.

In GOOD news, i now have a mostly empty 1200 gallon septic tank there wa a little gunk left in the bottom but she said that should help reseed the entire system with good bacteria...
and they think, given its just the one toilet, even if my field line is USELESS at this point as long as im carefull i should be good for about 1 1/2-2 years between pump outs at current usage even with the fluid having no escape line...(thats assuming the feild line is completly and unsolvably clogged and not replaced between now and then...
thankfully the tank loks otherwise helathy and sound, no cracks, no odd tie ins, nothing
*fingers crossed*
id realy liek to put this little adventure behind me.

They did say that unfortunatly what hapend to me is VERY VERY common,
contractors hand the inspector $100 to say the system has been checked and pumped ect and they pass them...
this tank hasnt been dug in about 15 yrs was their estimate..."could be longer" and given the junk they pulled out of the hole where the field line was cracked (blastic bottles and such) Opal is pretty certain previous owners KNEW the pipe was broken and used the plastic trash to try and keep the clay from clogging the field line...
so im pretty sure my neighbor was the one that did that despite him saying "i couldnt find the field line"
but yeah unfortunatly they said its REALY a common problem with scam artists and the like.

The maintence crew instead used bricks i had laying aroundto essentially form a "gravel bed" (which wilhelp water drain down instead of up) then used a couple of peices of the roofing shingles to put a "roof" on it to keep anythign falling down and into the pipe then back filled it with the dirrt they dug out...they said it shoudl dry up fairly quickly now that the moisture is not literally pressurized behind it and it should help anything that cant get down the lines drain a little quicker instead of pooling up.

either way, tank is pumped and should give me at least a few months worry free, ill continue to be stingy with my flushing as usual too to try and keep this good for as long as possible

but yeah thats been my morning...

this afternoon i need to get some cleaning done, do some dishes and make my list for tomorrow...


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Congrats on getting your sh!# taken care of today. Please forgive the 12 year old humor. At least you know what the problem is and it wont be awful to deal with.
Plus you got the scrip stuff figured out. Even if it was a pain, you wont have to worry about that again. It actually was a very productive day.

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