Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*thumbs up* for FEM, ive never used the horse safeguard simply because i also use it for my dogs and im always worried aboutt he dosage with those big tubes when i only need to give such a tiny amount lol.

daizy is thankfully CURRENTLY very easy to handle...i dont yet know if shes just going to be a sweet naturd goat, or if its just because shes not feeling good...right now the plan is pen g untill wednesday at minimum, i may do a full 14 day course for the antibiotics) shell get another b12 tomorrow, then wednesday and friday then 1 in a cant realy OD on B complex but id rather not stick her with the extra needles. and then safeguard for 3 days, and a repeat in 2 weeks...
once shes looking better all around then ill give her 2 weeks before giving her her CDT vaccine so her system has a little recovery/relax time.

i think spending so much tim working in a vets office...
i realy do think i shoudl take my vet tech cert, but id have to do it online because the closest school offering the course is 2 hours away...
but theres not much in terms of work for techs right now (competative feild) and other than acess to perscription meds that i might not be able to get wouldnt realy give me much lol. livestock seems to be much the same as dog and cat...just more of it lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Awww, shucks (where is the embarrased smiley?)

I've had goats for 25+ years now ---- I've forgotten more than I remember, lol.

Even if Daizy is feeling poorly - she should remember that you've treated her with kindness...and hopefully she'll forget the needles! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thank you...
theres soemthing about balck and white that REALY sets me off lol, she walked itno the ring and that was it...i didnt "need" her, but i had to have her...
i moved one of the little red coops to the area shes in yesterday and she seemed to sleep alot better in there last least she wasnt yelling so loud or shivering this morning like she was yesterday.
gave her a chest and back scritch, she didnt come TO me for it, but she didnt make an effort to run away either and there wasnt that same fear in her eyes that i saw on i think were making progress...slowly...but progress all the same.

today is grocery shopping day.
i also havent found any othe viable options for the goat house so will be ordering that one today for pick up on wednesday...
ill wait on the other untill i can find a good 20%off coupon or find a used one on craigslist, but i do need a goat house if im going to get these girls bred for spring kidding, so...1 now it is.
got my grocery list and whent through some fyers last night, not much caught my eye but ill probbaly invest in some bacon (craving it lately) and i need milk and oatmeal, will see what meats going cheap/sell today and i needmy stuff to make jack jack food.

so yeah. time to get the day started.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sounds like a party :D I got animals fed and hung out with the sow for a minute. She is grunting a lot, so maybe babies soon. She is due literally any day now as far as I know. you can see the babies kicking her sides if she's still long enough. I hope she has a big bunch of little piglies! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i got my shed ordered and am picking it up on wednesday, they were no longer on sale at the North jackson store, but they met me in the middle and gave me a discount that when combained with coupon saved me $35..., with my coupon ontop it came to under $300...which id budgeted $330, i had a second coupon so for an extra $10 than id budgeted (which just means i do need to fix my footy paamas and not buya new pair lol) i got my shed ordered and the paint to finnish the rest of the rooms in the house...not a bad deal...more than i REALY wanted to spend...but i got more than i was planning and had i waited on the paint it would have cost me almost $60 rather than the pennies over $40 it did cost. and i realy do need to finnish the painting, and it gives me something to do on those chilly damp days that i cant get the outside stuff done.

its supposed to be nice for the end of this week so im hoping to get the new goat shed up by saturday.

then mabe next week ill get the painting done.
im hoping to make contact with a guy in henderson selling straw for $3 less per bale than i usually pay, so im hoping to be able to figure out that and mabe get 10 bales delivered...
ive still got 11 bales of hay to be delivered too so im thinking im going to have to put down some pallets and then just tarp everything for now.

i MIGHT have little Dot sold...they are going on vacation so they cant pick her up till after then, they dont expect me to hold her without a deposit BUT if shes not sold when they come home they want her...
so now i just have to focus on getting little penny sold...

ive upposedly got a deposit for the green linnie comming this week too, and hes started refusingfeedings so im going to see if they wat to gom pick him up a week early...i dont need to keep him here if hes decided hes a "big boy" and the sooner he goes home the sooner he'll start bonding to his new people and the less bnded hell be to his sisters. (since i dont have enough cages to seperate them out.)...

got pretty much all my groceries but whent a little over budget...well not "overbudget" yet but spent my mothly budget so by the end of the month im going to be about $25 over grocery budget...
but i did get everything i NEEDED to stock back up and some "fun" stuff that ive been seriously craving this past few weeks...namely..icecream!

and yeah...

OOOO and weve had a goaty breakthrough!

Daizy is niblng fingers :D i whent out when i got back form groceries as M wanted to meet her...i told her shes a little skittish still so dont expect her to actually come say hey...
but i walked over to her, knelt down and instead of walking away form me she walked to me and nibbled on my fingers...

once eveyhting wa put away i took a handfull of raisings along with meds and python dust and she came over to me i gave her a raisin, then gave her the safeguard, then IMEDIATLY offered her a couple more raisins...she doesnt like the safeguard BUT instead of runing and yelling at me like she did yesterday she nomed the raisings and came back for more...
so i gave her her pen-g shots and again offered a raisin...then she started trying to nom my jacket...gave her her b12 and more raisings and we just sat and talked and then i dusted her and some more raisins...just 1 at a time, and only about 10 raisins total (shes got a upset tummy right now and i dont wnt to upset it more by giving her too many treats...
but even without the raisins shes actually showing interest in me when i go in there and sit next to her, she come over and nibbles my fingers and sniffs my hands and she even presed her head against mine a little for a second...

*happy dance*
while i know shes still not "sure" about what i am and plan to do to her..her curiosity is building ad shes starting to want to know who and what i am and have to offer her...this to me is a HUGE relif and proof that she realy does WANT to be loved...she just doenst know how yet.
and when i left ater some raising loving time..instead of looking out over the other goats and claling, she looked at ME and called for a minute then whent back to munching on some grass...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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everything is going quite smoothly here this morning...
its crisp but bright so im thinking today is going to be a "play outside" kind of day.
going to grab some contractor bags and bag up some of the trash from around the shed area that got puled down...will pile up anythingburn safe and start a little burn pile i think (its been wet enough over the past few weeks that i wont be woo worried about it escaping...
but ive no plans to burn things like fiberglass insulation and old shoes...
going to try and go through the wood that got pulled off the shed too, it was all too soft for him to do anything with so im going to trim things up and use them to make some planting beds ready for spring..., anything too bad to trim up/use will also get put on the burn pile.
ive also got bunny hutches to clean today, and im going to try and get some rabbits bred...its been cool enoughfor long enough that i think we shoudl get some action and they need to get busy, would like some litters to sell around christmass time...
not going to stress if i cant get them bred...but seriously buns!
if noones breeding by spring theyll all be going...i cant afford to keep feeding them if there not making some babies either to sell or for the freezer.

going to spend some more time sat with Daizy today too...hes comming round nicely :)

and ive got to pend some linnie snuggle time this evening too, now there starting to refuse formular there getting more independant which means thye need MORE holding time rather than ess...independance is fine but if you give them too much they can become flighty.

so yeah...just givingthe sun another 1/2 hour or so to warm the world up, and let my breakfast settle then its forward gear and get things done!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:ya Daizy! It's so great when a skittish animal comes to trust you - bet she'll be a good 'flower addition to your garden' :D

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