Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Especially if you're dipping something in chocolate B4 eating it. :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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0ooooo, now im going to have to add melting chocolate and strawberries to my grocery list LOL.

managed to get my cleaning done...moved the baby linnies to their new cage, need to remove the brooder and put that into the storage room to make room for their cage now lol...there fully feathered and starting to explore and pick at food so its time. shoudl be able to cut their feeds back to twice a day now too and another 2 weeks or so and we can start thingking about sending them home :)
if i can find buyers...
still working on getting these 2 puffy pups homes...*doh*

i think im having BBQ pork chop for dinner...was going to have baked potatoe with it..but ive got no cheese, and no sour im thinking of doing mashed taters instead.

and yeah thats about it.

Tomorrow is thursday, im not sure what the day is going to bring but i do know im getting picked up in the evening and taken out to dinner...going to peruse the chilis menue tonight to see what i want (and call them to see if theyll let me order form the kids menue...(i hate wating food and resturaunt leftovers dont reheat well...) if not il probbaly take the queso meat, cheese...hey its protein! lol.
i think ill work on cleaning out more gourds in the morning...
I also need to try on my bodice and see if itll work for my haloween idea...
Friday the group is getting together in jackson to go costume shopping for halloween...not yet sure if ill be making the rive up there, there not meeting untill later in the evening, and i hate putting the ducks and geese to bed that early...also if im going all the way up to jackson i try to make a full day of it if im'll see...i will need to do a grocery shop at some point and i will need some stuff to make my halloween costume too, but im just not sure i want to go all that way JUST for the costume aspect...ya know?!
especially when im not the "pre made costume shop outfit" type outfit is going to need hobby lobby, and a fabric store lol...

I DO need to head into town and pay my gas bill on friday though.

saturday is the exotic auction with actually realy looking forward to that, ive got some money set aside incase is see the right nigerian dwarf or mini nubian buckling...and will be taking a little extra cash for food...but otherwise im not planning on spening anything. the goaty boy would have to be EXACTLY what im looking for to tempt me right now...
there was a goat at first mondays but hed been sold only 5 mins before we got there...and im now looking for his twin LOL! a flashy blue eyes spotted/patched little guy...

also been working on my orchard list...

i figure ill get the trees now (fall) and wait for spring for the berries...

so what you think:
1 Honey Crisp Dwarf Apple (HC are my absolute 100% favorites
1 Cortland Dwarf Apple (the cortland cross polinated the HC well and is a nice pie apple...)
2 ChoJuro Dwarf Asian Pear (aka rum pear) this is my fave or the asians and they dont need to cross polinate but like "company" lol
1 Honey Sweet Dwarf Pear
1 Duchess Dwarf Pear (they will cross polinate)
1 Surecrop dwaf Nectarine
1 Garden Beauty Dwarf Nectarine (they will cross polinate)

then in the spring red and gold raspberries some more blackberries, black red and pink currents and pink anf green grapes....

and then next fall a couple of mulberry, pluot and mabe some nut trees...

im kinda excited!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im currently planning on raintree nursery...
but im going to contact a few local nurseries and see if they can special order for about the same price :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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W.TN a naughty Pinky...

i whent to the auction this morning...and what an experience.

ive been looking for a blue eyed flashy nigerian dwarf buckling so THAT is what i whent searching for...

last night i had a dream however about a tiny black and white patched nubian doe...
guess what was at the auction...


we walked around...lots of chickens, some buns, some "exotic birds" some hair sheep, goats, and cows...
i guess it would belike nay other auction if it wernt for the parrots and some of the beef...

i got to see a cow id NEVER seen before Watusi cow...
there were 3, a young bull, a steer calf and a HUGE not talking big talking GINORMOUS...with horns that were no joke aproximatly 3 ft long and MAN she was attitudy...she was stomping in the pen but they brought her into the ring and that girl CHARGED, everyone was diving behind the livestock barriers and even then a few people almost got gored on those horns...
she was STUNNING, but never in a million years would i want an animal THAT agresive on my farm, let alone that agressive and that large with horns almost as big as me!

an adorable but not frinedly little young buffalo came through and the COOLEST waterbuffalo cow! she was sweet as can be too broke to ride and so mellow.

a tiny little silver zebu bull and a BEAUTIFUL black dexter...all sold lower than i expected.

there was a long horn and a jersey cow in BAD shape that didnt fetch a single bid...such a shame the jersey at one point was a stunner...but her eyes were so glazed she was skinny and have my doubts shed survive the ride home...the long horn cow wasnt any better...

the llama were cool to see go through and sold about $100 under what i expected...but they were in desperate need of some shearing...

i bid on a pair of parotlets missed em by $20...but i set my limit and wasnt willing to go over so am proud of myself...

E. sold everything she took...everything else came through...refrained on a couple of nice little billies but they wernt Nigis, but mytonics and im not interested in fainters, i want dairy not meat if im i passed those...and eventually last but not least into the ring the VERY LAST goat comes the little goat from my dream!
hadnt even noticed her o the walk around...but there she was...adorable little black and white patched doeling with a pretty face and terrified look in her eyes...
i couldnt stop myself...
i stuck within my alloted amount but she DID come home with me...

shes the "wrong sex" breed and not got blue eyes LOL...but shes almost EXACTLY the goat from my dream last night and exactly what i was looking for when i startedlooking for just felt "right"
and she was priced right too, to the point that with a little time and handling if she doesnt fit in here for whatever reason i think i could make a profit reselling her...

right now shes in yucky condition...runny nose, and shes got lice, BUT poop looks normal and shes eating and eyes areclear and bright, her coat and skin are dry though but thats diet. shes eating happily though and is fully weaned...but not by much. id say 2 mabe 3 months old...ish.
E sent me home with some Pen G, B complex and the cdt antitoxin to treat her over the next few days...shes in the orchard area right now behind electric AND on a tie out becuase shes not been electric trained, shes frightend 9and id prefer to to have to chase her) and i want to keep her quarenteind until shes healthy before introducing her to poppy and lilly.shes frightend but thes not 100% wild...shes deifnalty not a bottle baby BUT shes very sweet...she came over for food but didnt want me touching her, and then a little later she wasnt sure BUT she stood there andnot just frozen in fear lol, while i scitched her sides.

once shes got a course of pen-g in her ill de-louse her and deworm her and give her her vaccines, but i want to get her healthy before i assault her immune system with anti parasitics and vaccinations. shes a "flopper" though...when she realized the first time i picked her up that i wasnt oing to let her go...instead of fighting she just kind of floped down like "hey im dead...leave me alone" lol. i think with a few hours a day over the next week or so shell be a pocket goat as shes REALY into food and doesnt stuggle half as much as poppy did the first few times i tried to realy handle her (and now poppy is my seriously mushy goat lol)

id like yall to meet Miss Daizy...
(i want to name all my goats after flowers...(yeah im already feeling sorry for my future buck lol) so theres Poppy, aka Princess Poppy, Lilly, aka LillyPad and now Daizy, aka Daizy Duke!)



aint she stinkin cute. she has 3 dots on her other side too :)

the guy at the stockyard also has my name and number so he can keep his eyes open for a blue eyed nigi buckling for me, says he doesnt see many nigerians go through in general...if i have to wait untill spring though thats fine, ive got a buck lined up for lilly and poppy, and Daizy wont be ready untill spring (and ill probbaly borrow the same buck for her too...) and then the hope is to keep 1 oeling from either poppy or lilly (the buck is heavily moon spotted :D) or if neither has a doe i like ill wait for daizy to ill have 2 does to breed for spring kids and 2 does to breed for fall kids...and milk year round :D
least thats the plan.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ahhhh, she is a real cutey patootey! I'm just sorta partial to nubians, lol. They are a royal PIA, but so full of personality. Congrats!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup lilly and poppy are both also nubians...and theres a resaon poppies name is PRINCESS Poppy, she fought me for about 2 weeks about the bottle and was such a drama queen about it lol, i LOVE their personalities though, there a little bit diva ish, but there so comical (and lilly and poppy at least are very personable) and silly and i love that they talk to me :D

Princess Poppy

and Lilly Pad

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