Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i had a lovely day.
got an invitation to have dinner with some frineds from another group im a member of, and another frined form the same group got an invite so having similar "issues" we rode in together (so we could use getting the baby goats fed as an "excuse" to leave as early as we wanted lol)
was a lovely afternoon, great people...

then came home and the girl who rode with me hung out for a while, sometimes its nice to have company, especially when said company understands your "issues" because they have the social anxiety stuff going on themselves. shes also an animal nut...
even Jasper (who hates everyone under the sun except me) actually whent over to her, not just to say hello, but wanted her to pickhim up and snuggle with him...
those who havent met my crazy 5lb ball of nerves wouldnt understand but around strangers japer is a serious basket case, hes barky nippy al kinds of nervous and would NEVER in a millenia aprocah someone who was actually LOOKING at him (ignore him hell come over and sniff you but the moment you say hello thats it hes barking and freeking out again)
with her though....nope barked for a while in the beginning but when we got bafter dinner he ran up to her and jumped up to be picked up...he LOVES her...
i honestly thought i was halucinating for a minute!

im tired and ready to go curl up in to feed the cat and then its me done.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You got an invite from me too on your old voicemail :lol: I had no clue you had your phone cut off :( Sad we missed you! We had a great time! :hugs Glad you had a good day too :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i got the voicemail this morning...
my phone is still on untill the 10th (i shoud have a new nuber in the next few days, have a tracphone comming...)
but this morning the tupid thing starts bzing and beeping to tell me i have a "new" voicemail...
now i dont check my voicemail usually unless i recognize the number and it cae up with i checked my incomming/recived/missed call folder and NOTHING from you...
listend to the message anyway and its form 2 days ago..
yeah thanks phone...

and then i trie to call ya back this morning and the stupid thing wont call out. tried a few numbers and nothing, so i called 611 (direct line to customer service at ATT) and they confirmed im still in service untill the 10th of december and theres no reason i shouldnt be able to make calls out...
then even better the "please stay ont leave we'll make you a good deal" begging started again...
its like come on now, i just told you a few days ago i cant afford the service anymore and that i get crappy signal in my house...
and no my phone isnt telling me im reciving calls, or that ive got voicemail untill 2 days later and wont make calls out and you want me to stay?! unless your giving me a free solid gold phone with free service for the next year...its sooo not worth the hassel!

im tired today so im pretty sure im comming down with a seasonal cold (i always get a litle yucky at this time of year, change in weather and all...)
it rained in the wee hours of the morning and made it damp and chilly but now the sin seems to be out some...i havent yet decided what today is going to bring. i need to do some more work on the rabbit pens, get the nest boxes figured out and finnish wiring the floor and wall pannels together...
im also thinking about putting a coat of paint in the guest bedroom...i cant o my bedroom untill ive made a trip to lowes or walmart (need a patch kit to repair a hole in the wall) and i cant do the kitchen untill ive made said saime trip because i need some sandpaper to repair a raised edge where we moved the cabinates around for the cooker/fridge.)
but the guest beroom should be fairly straight forward.
i do however want to pick up some clear plexi/something for the wall behind the bird cages in there (and the livingroom) to make the occasional escaped poop easier to clean. i also want to put a plastic mat under the birdcages in the back bedroom to try and keep the seed and stuff orm getting embedded in the carpet. my vacumes good but even so it mises the occasional oe and even 1 is mouse bait around here.

mum and dad left ct for florida yesterday, ads ging to be learnng this new product for the potential new job..but the guy hes staying with/being trained by is leaving sunday night for the week for work, so dad asked me how far it is from where they are in FL to me..its about 11 hours so they may end up driving up her from FL leaving there sunday niht, theyyd be here ealy monday morning, take a nap and stay probbaly late thursday/early friday...its just a few days but still...theyll still be commign out again befoe he takes the new job, but he figures why hang around in florida...
they are going to play it by ear through, i wont know probably until sunday morning if they are planning on comming or not.
i think dad will want to go take a look at the house too and talk to the agent about getting some names of local lending companies...he can get the mortgage through his current company, but hes thinkinghe might be able to get better rates locally...
it also means if he doesnt like this house ive got a little while to look for other options for them lol.
hes thinking asuming all pans out, new job would start beginning of the new year...get the holidays out of the way...
his curren compnay have told everyone "yeah were layingyou all off...BUT were not going to tell you when" and then they tell him "oh and you have to work christmas" dads like...umm talling me your firing me and then telling me i have to work the holiday doesnt realy make me want to equiese to your request...hes got about 7 days of vacation time left, so as soon as he gets aconfirmation on this job hes putting in his vacation time and as soon as its granted hes handing in his letter of resignation...needless to say i highly doubt he'll be working christmas LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, im feeling ok just realy drained...
i remember last night i dramt i was a shape shifter and i was working with some vampires trying to kill these evil vampires that wanted to bad thigns (dont ask me what these bad thigns were i have no clue lol) and we were in this amuement park/carnival place with this hotel that was partcially all glas on the back...
i think i just probably did so muchrunning aroundin my dreams last night that im feeling it today LOL!
I have some weird dreams but some are beyond the time i dreamt about giant coconut crabs that were controled by a factory whitle and inhabited the same worls as fallout game supermutant and we were hiding in this house with a bunch of weird talking brain...weird place lol.

probably just too much sweet potatoe and turkey lol.

got a busy day tomorrow, going down to help E disbu her newest goaty babies...then to the peoples i house sat for to feed their kitties while there away, then to the grocery store to pick up a few gallons of milk for the goaties. then girly who i hung out with last night is bringing pizza and s'more making supplies for an afternoon/evening of random girly chitchat.
im HOPING i can get the fire lit (it didnt want to light last night) so ill probbaly scrounge fo some dry wood between getting back from milk buying/catsitting/baby goat heping and her arriving.
its nice to have someone my age with similar issues to mine and a simlar love of animals to chat to...dont get me wrong, i LOVE my other frineds, but there all older than me so its nice to have someone my she too was in a crazy long term relationship and LOVES rennaisance faires and pirates and wolverine and sexy lumberjacks and...and...and lol.

as another side note my house smells like maple candy...the dollar general had a sale o all thier "fall ecore" and they had a bunch of jar candles...i snatched everything they had in their maple sugar smell (smells like warm sugar cookies but not as sicly sweet) ended up with 3 larger 3 wick jar candles, 4 smaller 1 wick ar candles, 2 small jar candles and 2 packs of little votives for under $5! WOOT the little votives last about 3 hours...ive currently got a little holder for one in my bedroomand oe in my kitchen. they just burnt themselves out. and ive got a 3 wick currently in the livingroom...its something i love and should do more (burning pretty smelling candles) but i can never justify paying the price, now though ive got enough to last a couple weeks at least.

next time igo up to jackson i also need ot look into getting some cheap parafin wax cubes, and wicks. ive been collecting pine cones off my 2 big pines as they fall and want to make fire starters out of them to give as gifts for christmas and to mabe sell too.

sunday im hoping to get some work on the rabbit pens done (mabe have them finnished by monday?) and then next week ill probbaly start thinking about putting the tree up... :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well so much for being productive...yesterday rained...all day, today is damp and cold and i have no drive to do anything...
managed to dig out for 2 of the 8 rabbit boxes they wont be burried as deep as i origionally planned (due to roots) but theyll still beabout 4" down which gives the boxes enough inside depth below groupd/entrance hole to make sure no babied go for wlakabouts before they are fully mobile.

im kitty sitting for some friends this week, so ive got to head up there shortly, and when i get back im going to work on more digging, once the nextbox holes are dug i can get back to wiring the floor together then dumping some dirt in there to level them out for safety...

with the rain ended up heading up to jackson yesterday, needed milk for the goats, insulators for the strand of electric i want tp put around the top of the bunny pen, and go-juice for the car...
its $3.25 down here and $3.09 in jackson...wouldnt go out of my way to save the money but ince i eneded stuff anyway...

took dozer with me, he needs more out time and ended up picking him up a prong collar. the martingale and choke chains dont phae him and hell pul till he crushes his throat if he has i need a new method with his big ole hard head.
so we tried them on, ound the one that fit best and no joke i saw a change imediatly. at the registerinstead of being all over the place he stod quietly, a guy pased and he tried to pull towards him ONCE before dropping to a sit stay and waited to be said hello to...
this may be the magic wand that gets us on the right path with his overexhuberance.
ive also put doggy backpack on the christmas list for him *fingers crossed*

and then when i got home it was so dark and dreery i put my little christmas tree up...

in other news, i THINK my girls are bred...the buck has been here for 27 days now and the girls havent shown any signs of comming back into heat... heat cycles are typically 12-124 days with 19-21 being "normal" so i think ill be quite ok with sending him home this weekend comming/beginning of next week.
and the baby boys are now down to 2 bottles a day...they are 5 weeks old ad im hoping to wean them in the 8-10 week old range (8 weeks preferably, milks expensive lol), there nibbling hay well but still ot big fans of pellets, which is fine because pellets are just to supliment/get everyone in to bed lol)
once the buck goes home ill move the babies down into the "orchard" (which is still treeless, itll be spring before i start getting fruit trees in now :/) where they will get more room to play, gras to nibble on and can get used to the electric fence...then once they are weaned they will go in with the girls. which should be interesting.

if lilly and poppy are bred i should be expecting late march babies.

and realy thats all thats going on right now...
ive got to get dressed and go do my cat sitting duties...
then come back and do..whatever. depends on how im feeling when i get back and how cold and damp it is outside, i realy should get working on the rabbit pens though.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well aparenty 46 degres the day after lots of rain does not make for a happy 2 nestboxes for the bunny pen, cut out the "door" holes and in place and filledin around...
only 6 more to do lol.
heads pounding, backs killing, i think its the combination of cold AND damp that realy did it though...supposed to be cold tonight and tomorrow but start warming up again intime for the weekend so mabe ill get more done then.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I don't blame you for not wanting to work outside in that weather. That's 'curl up with a cup of hot tea and a good book" weather! Hope you feel better!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, feeling a little better today, temps are up a little bit so i got out, cut some privet for the goats (theyve eaten everything they can reach height wise so now i have to tart cutting it down so they can get the tops lol.)

then did some rabbit pen work. Colony 1 is offically structually sound...floor and walls are wired/secure (the floor is wired to the wall fencing and to itself if they find a way out, they deserve it lol)
4 nest boxes are in and a barrow full of dirt in to level out the low spots.
tomorrows plan is to do colony pen #2, have to wire the floor and walls and burry their 4 nest boxes...good news on that side is the ground is alot more level so no need to haul dirt.
Then i need to make feeding stations for both colonies. I have a 4x2 peice of ply i can use for 1, got to scrounge some wood for legs (ive got some scrap set aside) and scrounge some shingles for the roof (itll essentialy be simply a sloped roof on legs at first, though eventually ill probably add a back to it too.)
once the feeding stations are done all thats left to do is buy a good sized bucket and some of those nipple waterers and a small stock tank de-icer so i can have a freeze free waterer) and a couple of rubber pans for the food.
im also going to rake leaves and start dumping them in there too to help cover the wire some (and as they break down combined with the rabbit poop it sould make for some pretty fertile pens lol)

so yeah, feeling acomplished for this morning.
got to go get dressed, stop by E's to check out her 2 new doelings (her last of her does bred for fall kidded not long ago) and pick up some starts, then stop by the people im kitty sitting, thee ue back this afternoon but i want to mkae sure the cats are fine anyway) and then meeting a lady ot far from kitty house to deliver the plants and sex some baby kitties for her. (a frined is looking for a little boy so shes going to meet me so i cna sex and take pictures of them for her so she can pick out which one she wants :)
then home, do some dishes and get ready to go out.
tonights the group meet and not driving or paying going :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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feeling semi acomplished today

did nothing this morning due to a rather unhappy tummy (serious cramping going on)
and by lunch the ay wasnt improving, i reheated last ights leftovers and they magically turned into rocks, so i made bacon and eggs and while it tated ok it looked gross lol...(im usually rather "pretty" about my food)
so i wsnt holding out much hope however afterlunch i put on getting dirty clothes donned my big girl boots and whent out to work on the rabbit pens and got alot acomplished with minimal injuries! lol.

managed to get all 4 nest boes in pen 2 sank in, put the gat guard up (an extra peice of fencing infront of the gate attatched to the floor about 12" heigh just to stop them from trying to dig/push under the gate and to make getting in and out less likley to result in jail break lol) and got the wire for the electric fence strung around.

what i have left to do is:
put a gate guard up on pen 1
wire the floor sections in pen 2 together
wire the floor to the walls in pen 2
built feeding stations for both pens.