Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im getting there, slowly but surely lol.
should be out there today hacking back more privet but my backs aching...(dampness in the air) so im having another lazy day.

MIGHT have a home lined up for the little lutino linnie tink...would be trading her for a pair of proven for previous Parrotlets (she cant get them to breed and is looking to thin dow her "breeders" and wants a "PET" bird because none of her current ones are friendly.
ive been looking for p-lets and while cash would be nice, the p-lets have the potential to make me a little extra cash over the long term...and thus far ive had no other ill take the pair lol.

otherwise goign to be a slow month, money is TIGHT this month, with the loan payment comming out it will be for the next 2 years but i can make this work.
i am trying to get some horseriding lessons in this month as a birthday gift to myself. trying to trade chores for all ill have to find is the gas money to get there and back...
*fingers crossed* its something ive wanted to do for a long time, but finding someone willing to barter/trade service for service is hard...
theres one local gal who does lesons but she chargeds $40 a session...HAH! just not happening.

hard to belive its already december though, my birthday is in 12 days, christmas eve in 22...ive still not got anyone gifts and am just not yet "feeling the season".
i assume the 65+degree days arnt helping that one lol.
ive also NO idea what im getting folks so THATS not helpful either. even making gifts costs money though i do have some ideas there at least...
no clue as to what dad and brother ae getting though. *grr boys, so hard to "shop" for."


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there saying a high of 75 today...this weather can stay! lol
unotunatly my spring bulbs are rather confised and keep poking their heads up, i told them to go back to sleep but i doubt theyll listen ith days like this!

as of right now definatly will be trading Tink for the pair of parrotlets so thats currently planned for thursday afternoon after my drs apointment

i got a start o mums christmas gift so will probbaly work outside on that this afternoon
need to go into town to get the stuff i need for some other gifts and stil no idea what to get/make the brother or father

i MIGHT have someone willing to give me horseback riding lessons, hes about 1/2 an hour south of me so its a little bit of a ride, but hed be wiling to exchange not looking to learn the fancy stuff, just get the basics down so i cna be safe when i finally get my own horse.

otherwise thigns are going good...
the buns are doing well though Bluebell found a tiny weakspot between the pens this morning and was in there smoozing with silvers colony...
i removed her an dput her back in her own and fixed the spot i think she got through. otherwise everyoens settled in.
will start checking nestboxes for signs of nesting just after christmas...but from what im told bunies like ducks and chickens can be dependant on dayleanght for breeding so it may be spring before i get babies since im not providing any additional/artificial light to in no rush lol.

jasper the goat buck will probably be heading home at some point this week (while the weather is nice too) and then the baby boys will get moved to their new temporry area...
they shoudl be weaned by christmas at which point theyll be going in with the girls.

and this spring like weather has me thinking of gardens and veggies and planting lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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goaty buck whent home this morning, ducks are aparently loving this weather (ive had 7 eggs out of 5 females in 2 days!!!) ive no doubt theyll stop again once the cold comes back lol.
and all billsare paid and livestock eed is purchased for the month.
still need to get dog, cat and inside bird food but otherwiasmajor expendature for the month is done.
still need to finnish mums cristmas gift, make bizzies gift and figure out the dad and brother gifts...but im not feeling "the season" yet...

in other news, idont know WHAT i did to my chest but lordy it hurts whenever i bend down pick things up with my right side or breath too deep. i was out chopping privet a ew day ago and slipped and hit the handle of the bypass pruners right against the diaphragm, left me a litle winded so im hopign i just bruiised a rib in the process but im at the drs tomorrow so ill run it by him. while im there being stabbed by things (Deppo, Bshot and my flu shot too)
doesnt hurt more than a dull ache when im sitting, but when i bend over or move too fast or carying a gallon of milk in a little while ago from the car i half felt like i washaving a heart attack! only its dull and achey rather than sharp and stabby and almost directuly under my right breast rather than centered. and it hurts i i aply pressure so im pretty sure its not a heart attack lol.

otherwise, nothign going on around here right now. i think im going to go outside with the dogs and put Aspen and chino in the orchard area...only going to put the in there supervised for now but they o need ot learn what the electric fence is so hopeully as of monday when i cut them to 1 bottle a ay i can put them in the orchard full time (right now im worried about them slipping out when im not watching) and hopefully just before christmas i can put them in the big field with the girls :)
but they have to be aware and respect the fence before i can move them into the main field.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today was a long and painfull but generally productive day.
had my drs apointment this morning...
got my deppo in my hip, b12 in one arm and lue shot in the now ive got a tender spot in all those 3 places.
bought up the "chest pain" turns out its NOT muscular, but he hooked me up to the monitor anyway, reading came back normal for e which we both expected...
so ive got a ct scan schedualed or tomorrow and he took blood to test protein levels, right now hes fairly sure its either costochondritis or tietzies syndrome...
both are chronic inflamation of the cartlidge in the rib cage at the rib/sternum connection.
the oly real diference is if its costochondritis itll go away after a few weeks an while may come backonce in a while it probably woulnt be a "regular' occurance tietzies however is considered "chronic" and can lats days, weeks, months, go away for days/weeks/months and come back ect...theres no know pattern or cause...

i its tietzies the blood test and ct scan should confirm certain symptoms that wouldnt be preent with costochondritis. but there is visual swelling of the area so he said thats more common with Tietzies.

the OTHER consideration taking into account my ongoing none reletnging back issues, and migranes, and now this is a possibility of Fibromyalgia...
he did the "tender spots" test (which he did say he doensnt belive is realy accurate, but would give him a basis to keep check on it...) oficially one must have 11 of the 18? tender spots to consider fibro as a iagnosis, i have 9... (mabe 10 (one of the spots is the inner elbow and i just had blood drawn from one side so it was tender lol))
he said costochondritis can be a symptom of fibro and tietzies is more common in people with fibro,but oly having 9 spots its not an "official diagnosis" but we are going to be keeping an eye on it, this rib cage issue is new and he said in its early stages fibro can come and go slowly spreading or it can be sudden...

after that i made the 2 hour drive to deliver Tink to her new owner (the linnie) and picked up my 2 new babies, Sunny and Skye, a cute little pair of parrotlets, Sunny is a yellow female, Skye a pretty blue male. she bought them as a proven pair (previous clutch had whites :D) but shes not had any luck getting them to breed. looking at them though i think there lacking dietary fats. parrotlets are related to amazons and need quite ahigh fat (nuts, seeds ect) diet, most poeple though pu them on those little pre-mae parrot pellets and i dont think there a good full diet. she says they like frozen thawed veggies too...
im hoping switching them over to a good uality seed mix, with lots of millet and bos and add in a little protein too i shoudl see a big diference. they just look a little dull is all. hes adorable and talks (difficult to tell what hes trying to say though) but they are NOT pets lol hes got an adorable little amazon attitude on him lol.

the drive home waswhen the pain realy started botheringme though because not only was my rb cae back started bugging me form being on the road or so long...
so tonight ill be taking the pain meds he gave me for my back an picking up stonger anti-inflamitories tomorrow.

got my psych apoitnemtn and ct scan tomorrow but once i get home im going to sit around and do nothing for a while...mabe even get my heating pad out...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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My goodness, you were really put through the wringer today, huh? I have my own diagnosis for you - you work too hard! :)

Hope everything works out for you and that you feel better and get good answers to the medical questions.

Congrats on the parrotlets.... they are the cutest little things ever!

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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You have me wanting to grab my heating pad just reading your post Pink. Sounds like you need to put your feet up and relax a spell (I know you can't) with all you have to do. As soon as you get that fur blanket done post pics please I'm sure as soft as the rex fur is it could melt away most of those aches. :bun Hope you feel better soon and Happy Birthday.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys
i took an anti-inflametory and a muscle relaxant last night and slept pretty well, achey but not the "omg heart attack" pain i had the night before.
i have to be carefull with NSAID's due to the stomach, so im only allowed to take 1 a day and only if i NEED it.
otherwise its tylanol to take the edge off but it barely touches it...

ct scan was today should have results monday.
otherise not much going on. moved the bucklings to the "orchard" pen for now, they were umping the playpen so time to put them beind electric. they did very well today aspen got zapped once but i think theyve now decided better of it lol.

had my first psych apointment, very nice lady and ill continue going probably twice a month. the bonus, this clinci does NOT push meds...infact she asked me if i thought i needed them and ive got to make a seperate apointment with the nurse to sort any of tat stuff out...we were tlaking about the possibility of geting something to take on an "as needed" basisfor the anxiety and mania since those seem to be the ones im having the hardest time managing...
otherwise all good.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sitting on my back deck enjoying the sound of rain pattering on the metal roof above me (and have decided when its time to replace my roof theres a metal one going on :D) and the occasional rumble of thunder...
i definatly think im doing this "living" thing right :)

im realy glad duks and geese cant interbreed...
my male runer has spent the morning chasing the goose i thought was male around the feild and mounting it...
hes got 5 hens of his own species to "play" with...seriously Mr. Puddleduck!
now i also find myself wondering if HE is a she...
going to have to get some pictures for my goosey frineds to take a look at and see what they think...i want more geese anyway, but id like to be sure i have enough of each gender to make or fertile eggs.
they will evetually have the run of the orchard and the berry/vineyard area and the ducks will be moved to a different area (closer to where i want to put in the pond) where ill be adding a flock probbaly of khaki campbells too.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I have to agree with you, Pink! There's nothing like the sound of rain on a metal roof.... only downside is the deafening sound of hail on a metal roof, lol!

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