Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Denim Deb said:
Pink, you don't want the plastic from Lowe's. It will fall apart in just a few months. You want regular green house plastic.
We use similar (not from Lowe's but Rona, which is a Canadian big box hardware store) and it's doing just fine after two year's of use, including taking apart the first structure and re-building it. No tearing or holes or anything--and it's been covered in snow off and on for going on two winters now. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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cool thanks moolie...
ive got a fewfrineds in ct whove used it and got 1 year, and other friends in the same area on 2 years and ivegot a friend in AL whos using 6mil lows on its 4th year...
so im sure itll very much depend on use/location/ect...

today ended up being a good but semi crazy, had to go for my therapy apt, then to A's for a BBQ, (yes we made the most of this BEAUTIFUL day!)
then they gota call about thier foster puppy, vet didnt want her left in the clinic over the weekend but she needs to be on they wanted to see if i could teach A how to gie sub q.
i said yes...came home got everyone put to bed then we whent to go get her, then to their house to give them a crash course in fluids.
she behaved very well thankfully and she perked up, played a little and even ate a bit (and dint imediatlypuke it back up!) YAY!
didnt gethome untill 9:30pm lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and its another wet soggy day!
my county (along with many others) are under flash flood warnings and wtches (im not in a flood plain thank goodness) and im realy thinking i should have purchased a boat instead of a house! lol.
everything is a seriously muddy mess right now.

my pied female guinea didnt come home last night so im currently at 5 guinea, this is the first one to ust "randomly dissapear" and it happend at some point during the day because they were locked in untill 8:30 am yesterday and locked back in at 5pm last night...
idnt see her along the sie of the road at any point so dont think she was hit, so im thinking she got too close to a neighbors og since it seems a little too early in the year for them to be "dissapearing" to nest...
thees not much i cando about it though, cant keep em cooped if i want them eating the bugs, cant keep them on the property without a 20ft tall fence, so short of locking them in every night im kinda at loss.
im hoping to expand my guinea flock, not LOOSE them...*ugh* and rather than explore the 29 acres of nothingness around me they insist on heading over towards to road and acros the street...weirdo's

i think as i slowly clear the land out ill end up putting them a house in at the back of the property, mabe being more central to the woodland will encorage them to explore that area more rather than head out to the road...but that could also be wishfull thinking lol.

got up, got everyone sorted did some dishes and then had breakfast, just letting that sit then the cleaning/tidying begins, and more dishes to do too...i swear dishes are never ending.
im also going to go through my seeds today and try and figure out how many of which i hope to put in this year so i know how many "seed trays" im going to need to make/figure out.
somethings ill direct sow, other things need to be started and babied...
but figuring out how much actual room i have is going to be key...
i dont want to start alot of seeds this yer only to have nowhere to put them, but at the same time if i can get some good seedlings and overestimate i could probably sell the seedlings as starts...decicions decisions lol.

but yeah, thats for AFTER the house has been blitzed lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Good deal Pinky! :woot

Deb, that Lowe's contractor plastic is working well, and into the second year, on mine. I did double it to give extra insulating properties, but it is good. You just can't get the thin stuff.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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welli havent washed away yet but im feeling like it wont be long before we do if it doesnt quit with the raining.
EVERYTHIGN is soggy and muddy and just a general mess...plain simple no ways around it.
the garden goes squelch, the pasture goes squelch, the mud gouels SQUELCH!
the bunny pen is mildly flooded thankfully the boxes are staying dry other than some blow in unfortunaty though wve had so much rain that where i dug out to sink the boxes the muds just washed away and water has gotten UNDER them...and plastic floats...once again the buns dont seem to are hiding away in thier little floating houses, but im going to have to figure that out better...

ive left the guineas locked in today, they are NOT happy but they just stand in the rain and get wet, and im going out this afternoon and may not be back intime to lock them in (if ive not locked theminby dusk they head for the treas and theres NO getting the in at that point), and the temps are supposed to drop to freezing tonight...ill wake up to guinea icepops falling out of the pine trees and thats definatly not the goal.
the goats are rather upset about the situation too, the ducks and geese though...they seem less than bothered lol.

the natural run off along the "mid way point" is RAGING it sounds like a river back there and has "broken its banks" it only comes mabe 1/2 a foot into the current goat pasture woodland area and the major flood rea is the spot i want to put the pond anyway LOL!
other than a few funky low spots though the front pasture sems to be running off quite nicely so i think once i get it seeded and grassed over there it shoudlstay at least semi managable even in this kind of wacky weather.

for the rabbit pen i think im going to have to do some digging/modification over there to get the water running around the outsides of the pen rather than puddling by the gate...when i get my gravel delivered for the driveway im going to do extra and gravel infront of the rabit pen...add some kind of french drain system and try and redirect the water away that way...
I may even put a layer of gravel down in the pen around the gate too which is where the majority of the puddling is going on...

this is some CRAZY weather!

otherwise not much going on...had to put the heat back on as the damp is making it feel colder than it is in here...and going to have to turn lights on its so dark!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Dry as a bone here sis...I don't know what in the world you're talking about :p

Does Dozer like to swim? :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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swimming not to sure about but he sure as heck loves to dive and run through the mud and muck...and getting wet doesnt seem to be an issue with him LOL.
crazy mutt!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You shoulda seen Bolt today...out there where we have those holes the underground stream has made, she dove in not expecting to go in over her head...was HILLARIOUS!! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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aww poor pup!!! lol

well this weather is klling me...
we had torrential rain all day yesterday (and for what feels like the past month!) with flooding going on everywhere...and today its sleet/ice/freezing rain crap...
whent form 70 degrees to quick turn on the heat before i turn into an ice-pop
and the guineas would NOT go into thier house this evening and its mugh too cold and rainy for me to stand their begging we may have guinea-cicles by morning.
hopefully theyll be smart and roost on the railing of the back deck where its at least covered...but i highly doubt it.
weirdest animals EVER.
this cod icey yukc is in untill tomorrow yeah...

my neighbor won the dumb person award today by first teling me he needs to use my internet then telling me "his friends" (in otherwords he or his son had the idea but dont want to make it sound like them) told him he shoudl just use my internet and not tell me...
1: youd need to knwo what my router is called, theres currently 6 working in this aea that MY wireless picks up...
2: my internet is password protected up the wazoo, and somehow i dont think they are computer hacking genius
3: i keep track of my usage so yes i would know by up/download usage
4: charter are SNEAKY, they do something with their routers that "locks" them onto 1 "computer address" (they dont tell you this but its their method of making you buy only equiptment rom them instead of buying your own wireless router ect...) so when you try and log on with a different ip adress the internet has a super hissy fit and refuses to work and the WHOLE thing has to be yeah i would know everytime my internet would randomy go down on me...
(this was found out when my dad (who does this stuff for a living) was trying to set up my wireless system, it took him a full day to be able to confugureeverything to get it to behave.

so i told him "sorry not only is it illegal but I dont even know my password (i have it saved because its ungodly long and random),"

i mean SERIOUSLY!?! i pay good money for my internet every month, and you want me to let you use it?! NO!

and the only reason charter wont hook him up right now is because when he built his addition (which has been an ongoing project for lord knows how long) the power line to his house was "too low" and now literally sits less than an inch off his that thing goes his house goes up like a dang tinderbox! its "only untill i can fix it" (me looks at all the projects hes been saying hes oging to do for the past year and hasnt even sneezed at) yeah...ok...

he then goes on to tellme hes going to put a fence in around his grden because he wants to raise some game chickens so he can sell them to his frined who fights them in corinth...
*BLINK BLINK* your going to tell the animal NUT next door you want to raise animals for one of the mosrt horrific bloodhitrsty monstrous human activities in the unverse...good plan. first hint of game chickens and im filing a report with the local law...
see "its ok because i dont like the fighitng, but i like to raise them because their pretty, so this way i get to raise some and make some money when i sell them to the guy that fights em"
*BLINK BLINK* you know because THAT makes the whole situation ok?! realy?!

ive got a feeling spring wil be interesting...
told him i dont care what he does in terms of fences and such as long as its on his property and as long as he doesnt go anywhere neer my electric fence.
however the spot hes proposing oing this he thinks he owns and im pretty sure I do (its right btween his veggie garden fence and my fence...i purpsly put my fence 3 foot INSIDE my property line so i would have acess to mow the grass on the other side...but he thinks all the way up to my fence is im going to need to get some measurments and property info off the deed and maps and start putting in some flags or this could get messy.
im the only person allowed to use MY land.
and im wondering how much it would be to have someone come out to mark it out LEGALLY or me...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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OH boy.... neighbor problems can get really, really nasty! Hoping this guy isn't really as stupid as he sounds, lol! Sorry - I don't usually talk that way, but it's been a rough day....

This weather is getting to me too!