Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't have any problem w/my chickens. I kept them caged for a couple of weeks when I got the coop built, and that was it. And, when I'm ready to leave, normally all I have to do is walk towards their pen and they all come running. I'll have the odd one that doesn't at times, but that's not normal.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
I was thinking about trying guineas for rodent control, but the last thing I need around here is more stupid! :lol: I think I'll just get a couple roosters.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and tonight the last three whent straight to bed with NO issues...*GAH*
i wish i could read their tiny little minds!

Cherio, a couple good game type hens would quickly take care of any rodent issues, those gals are VICIOUS!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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not anymore lol.
the last 3 are still alive, good to knwo they cant break out of their house just yet LOL!
im fairly certain there wont be any more guineas joining the flock if anythign happens to these i wont be replacing them...
I am thinking however of big fat chickens...mabe cochins (since i can use them as free incubtors) and they come in so many colors (but id want standards not bnties) or brahmas, they are HUGE and regal and my mums dark phylis is so mush ball (and big) that she waits by the coop door every night so mum can carry her in and put her on the roost...Lazy gal but she lays and stays close to home!
id love me some standard sized mille flure cochins though...and some rhode or legbars but those guys would have to be kept cooped, 1 to keep them pure and 2 because they tend to eb a little more active (and able to fly over a 4 ft tll fence lol) i need to ebabel to keep them HOME or someone around here wil be taking them for the stew pot.

and this morning i go out to find little white beads all over the place (its hail, but it looks like those tiny white foam beads from a bean

no plans for this morning, need to try dozers harness on him and see if it still remotly fits (it just barely clipped the last time i took him for a car ride and that was in the fall) its the biggest size i can buy locally...
if not itll be reserved to the goat box (works perfectly for putting someone on a tie out if needed! i hate tying out especially by a collar)
and hell be measured up for a new one which im betting ill have to special order for him.
to me hes realy not THAT big (id say hes probably about 90lbs and shoudl top out at 120, but hes only about the height os a big boxer...jsut...wider) BUT hes not fnnished growing and i see him every other peopel hes probably ginormous and i forget that because i see him daily, i just dont get a good visial on his overall size lol. ive been desensitized by exposure.

i use the harness soley for in the car, all my dogs get clipped in for walking i got him a prong. only used it once so far (weather has not been walk safe) but the change was instant....
the reason this comes up is because were aparently going to the selmer park this afernoon (depending on the weather) and i think imjust goign to hae to clip him in via collar today (if his harness doesnt fit)
A wants to take fosterpuppy for a walk, they dont have a fence and their yard is too muddy for anythign other than a quick jaunt to the section they are using as a potty patch...and of course, puppy is now feeling bettr and acting like a puppy which means more energy than they realy remember lol

other than that Mr. Dozer is currently in a time out because my mum sent him a new toy a rope ball, hes NEVER EVER been toy agressive so i gave it him without thinking and uess what, i dont know if it just the novelty of a new toy or what but he decided ruby was trying to take it (ruby doesnt have any use for silly toys) and responded in his "im going to eat you" tone...*rolls eyes*
nothing hurt but some feilings but this is why we need to get back into our regular excersize wont cure the issue but if hes too tired to respond it helps lol
its so annoyng though, hes got loads of toys and never done what ws it about THIS toy that garnered that responce? just because its new and once the novelty has wonr off who cares, or am i now going to have to restrict ALL rope toys in the future. didnt react this way when i gave him a new ball and he LOVES his ball...
*shakes head*
mabe hes just bi-polar and i need to start slipping him my psych meds?!
anywho, hes in a time out and will stay there for a little while so jack jack gets some out of cage time...(which he cant have when dozers out ebcause dozer tries to eat him...*sigh*)
im realy hoping he starts to settle/mellow as he gets a little older, i have to keep reminding myself after all he is still a puppy.

i found a couple of numbers or land surveyors so ill make some calls tomorrow when im out and about and see how much itll cost to have them mark out some corners for me
and if its too expensive ive decide my neighbors arnt all that bright so ive got some "alternatives" to make sure they dont come past where i eblive the propery line is lol.
ill check all the maps and such first before doing anything...but im pretty sure the power poles mark the line.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You can always find out who did the survey for the last sellers and contact them. Usually they'll do it much cheaper, especially if it's just one side of the property. Didn't realize that was all you wanted done.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah thankfully the rest of the property has the remnants of what at one time was a very nice preimeter fence LOL!
how would i found out who did it? would the ton hall in selmer have it with the pannign and zoning/property maps?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wel dozer did VERY well on his walk, the prong collar seems to help.
the walk wasnt neer far enough to mae any real dent in his energy levels BUT he did get soem good socilization, he walked right past a few people with barely a glance and walked with A at his side and paid her very little attention...
this is huge.
he likes the puppy and was very good with her. he WANTED to play but knew he was supposed to be walking so after we walked the trac once i put his long line on and let him have a bounce around/wrestle with her...
he was VERY gentle, he only pinned her once and that was accidental (A was trying to keep her leash UP rather than justlet it sit on the ground so they could jup over it and move around easier and he steppd ON the leash) she squeeked and rolled over for him...and he was mightily confused, looked at me wondering if he was going to get put in a time out looked at her like "what?!" looked at A who did tense for a moment untill i said "no its ok..." she ws getting very face nippy with him so it worked out well because after that point she gave him alittle more space/respect.

i DO need to find/make a more handleable leash for him.
with his prong collar he HAS to have a back up collar on (prongs are deigned to pop apart rather than keep choking if a dog pulls hard enough)
hes also at a funky height...
i need a leash that can attatch to both collars, has a small traffic handle neer the collar for corrections and has a"back up" attatch to me belt like feature because if he did give an unexpected shock (or if i was to seize and drop his leash) he could run/wander off (it also makes it very hard to hold a leash and pay when i take him to petsmart/tsc ect.

right now i use the peice of a multi dog leash as a belt, clip that to the handle of his current leash which has a loop tied in it neer the collar for quick correction and i use a coupler attatched to the leash to attatch to his martingale as a back up collar...
I swear it takes us awhole 10 mins to gear up before we can go anywhere with all the parts and they get tangled/wrapped up on themselves so im looing into making a rope leash out of repelling/climbing rope...i have an aquaintence who oes very well with her rope leash buisness but i cant afford to realy buy a pre-made one (especially with all the options i want lol) so im thinking ot trying to make my own...along with a small matching "tag collar" to replace his bulky 2" flat collar, i love the look of the flat collar on him BUT with his martingale and his prong its just too much hardware LOL!.

im also planning on getting him a back pack when i save up another bath of wagbucks. found the one i want, but need another 900 swagbuck to pay for it lol.
the backpack could be REALY good for the enrgy levels too, ive seen it work wonders on some realy high stress/high energy dogs..PLUS it would be very nice to ot have to carry my purse when we go on walks, i can simply put a little wallet together with my lisence credit card and medical info and make HIM carry everything lol.

His behaviour on todays walk gave me hope for puppy obedience class too, so ive deifnatly got to try and get the money together for that. i was so worried id get him there and hed be so excited id get no focus out of him, but after today he had the distraction of the puppy, a new person and a few peple using the trail and he REALY focused which is something i woudl have never gotten out of him before the prong.

anywho...time to think about putting everyone to bed and deciding what im doing for dinner...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So glad to hear Dozer is making improvements - I know he's been on probation for awhile. Hopefully, He'll keep right on improving for you!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the sky is this odd funny blue color and theres a large ball of fire in the sky! im not sure wether to panic or not :p

ran out this orning with E, and now am thinking about donning the booths and going outside to do some bits.

ive got so much that needs to get done. need to tear down the current rabbit hutches, ill be using some materials to make a small community hutch for a pair/trio of angora bunnies that i plan to get for wool, they cant be on the ground due to their ool getting dirty so ill end up resuing some of the wood in the making fo a 4x8 pen or them. i want enlgish angora so a 4x8 shoudl be more than enough room for a trio.
havent yet decided what itll look like but i need to pull the hutches apart eithe way so i knwo what peices i have to play with and en up putting ittogether like a jigsaw puzzle.

Ive also got a metric tonn more privet to chop down as much as i can so that when dad comes to visit weve just got the larger wood left to attack with a chainsaw...

i have a small 4 1/2ft x 4 1/2ft mini "greenhouse" to put together that was given to me...
and at some point i want to se if ive got enough strentgh to move the current duck house. ive decided thats going to be the gooe shelter and id like to drag it down the hill into the orchard area which will give the dogs a little more space in the back yard too.
right now till remain as a duck/goose house but once i decide to expand my flock the ducks will be getting moved and both sides will be for the geese.

ill eventually also need to move the littler red coop i have in theorchard that i used for miss daizy out of the orchard...still gotta figure out where they are going though and not going to move them untill i know.
first i need to decide what im going to be using them for. then location will be based on that.

im going to get someone in to flag the property line, still searching though for that one. will probably run into selmer town hall on monday and find out where to get themap with al the measurments and see what they suggest...their map may be cleare than the one i have and i MAY be able to do it myelf...but we'll see.
once they are marked im going to pick up some CHEAP fencing of some kind and start temporarily running it along the property line from front to back. 3ft high should be tall enough for now. and then ill plant some heddgerow type plants between my taller fence and the boundry fence bewteen us...the shorter fence will keep him from mowing my plants down too. (id like to put rugosa roses all the way along between us as i can use the hips and they are pretty and grow like weeds.

and i need to realy start planning out the gardens too...soo much to do.

need to find a good deal on grass seed to seed out that front acre soon...and i need to start fencing it in too...i realy still want real perimeter fence because im now thinking of baby goats and such ducking under liens like aspen did (plus i need to keep any future chickens ect home!) so im wondering if it might be worth getting 100ft of 4ft fence and turning it into 200ft of 2ft fence...then i could use the long extender insulators and run the electric inside. if i did that i could probably get away with only 4strand electric rather than the current reneck 5 strand im running LOL!
I need 1 strand about 6" off ground or the piggies i want, another one nigerian nose height and another one nubian nose im thinking 6, 18, 30 and 42.

gah sooo much to do...sunny wether makes me happy and makes me think of all the things i want to do...but it also reminds me of all the things i CANT do yet lol.