Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks guys...

still got some hurdles to get through first, but its getting there :D
i dreamt about the house last night, lol, nawh im not obsessing i swear LOL.
but i must admit, i dont remember everything id done to it but it looked sooo pretty!

i cant wait for the pretty-fying part lol.

i do have some hard descisions to make though now.
i dont WANT to...but im not sure im going to be able to safely transport my fish,
id have to send the tank via moving van either way, the 55 wont fit in my car no matter how much i fenangle it...

then once its at the house id have to get it set up, get it filled (because im not transporting 55 gallons of water in the back of my car) and get it stabalized before i can put the fish in...
in the mean time the fish would have to go into a fish cooler (the styrafoam boxes they ship the fish in) for an aproximat 1100 mile trip over at least 2 days, then will have to live in said box untill i can get the tank set up and take at least 25 gallons with me from my current tank...

but they woudl be in the box for at least 3-4 days while i move them and set up thier new tank with no filtration. i might be able to get a battery powered airpump for the box for 02 exchange, and its not like i have to worry about chill being ill be doing this move in the summer...but all that time in a shipping box?! is it do-able.
i dont want to rehome them...
and to replace them all will cost at least $300.

if i put the filter media in a bucket along with the sand out of their current tank and run an airpump through that it should keep it alive to give me a good starting media, but im still going to have to treat the water depending on what the water reads out of at the well (least i dont have to worry about chlorine...

i think i can do this if i can get hold of some battery (or ac run) air pumps or even if i can get the ac-dc converter for the car, it should easily run the airpump i already have...which is big enough to 02 both the fish and a seperate bucket for keeping the media alive.

i am already planning the tag sale...ive got alot of "pretties" that ive managed to aquire over the years that i dont need...

moving is hard lol.

i was honestly thinking about leaving everything behind and starting new...but i couldnt sell my stuff for enough to replace it on the other end, so it is going to be cheaper to ship it, though im looking at about $1500 to get it there.
but it is going to be cheaper to have a company haul it for me than to uhaul it, which i found mildly ammusing and offputting all at once.
the companies ive gotten general quotes on so far are telling me between $1000-$1600, to use a uhaul, im looking at $1200 just to rent the truck for the week plus about $500 in gas... then whatever it costs to fly dad, whod be the one druving the uhaul so i can drive my car, home (another $4-500) yup, think ill let the professionals haul it for me lol.

yup yup, these next few parts are going to drive me crazy.

but the next step is waiting on the forms to arrive and getting them back.
then getting the utilities all turned on
followed by a property inspection.
followed by submitting the results (which im pretty sure are going to say well pump missing) to HUD to see if there willing to fix it so i can get the well tested and the septic checked...

assuming all goes well there, things will go into major overdrive as i have to get down there for closing...


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Would you be able to sell the fish and tank on Craigs list?
Or sell the fish and let the tank stay at your families till another visit. They could bring it with them when they come to see you, if they have a bigger vehicle. Maybe bring/ship a few of the smaller fish for starting stock?

It's an interesting puzzle, so I tried to think of a few options. Even if you don't bring the fish or tank- you learned how to do it and could do it again later.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well an update on the house buying saga...

hud sent the offer acceptance to my agent at 3pm yesterday, with the order that it had to be back to them by 3pm tomorrow...
now this might have been doable IF things with the us postal service were running good...

it didnt arrive at my house untill 4pm, i then had to read it through, go to the bank get a cashires check for the earnest money (because noone told me that part and i sent a normal check *rolls eyes*) and get it back to the post office by 3pm today to get it there ontime...
since it didnt get to me till a tad after 4pm and my post office closed at 4:30 and i dont own a time machine, theres no chance in hell i could have got it back out in time to get it to them by 3pm tomorrow.

so now ive got to call the asset manager in the morning and see what i should do next.
i do have a question for him reugarding the contract which clearly states hud will make no repairs after the signing of this contract and should my inspection turn up anything thats not good i can back out with full refund of ernest but nothing about hud fixing the theres issue #1 f the well pump is indeed missing i want them to replace it, not simply cancel the contract ive got to ask him about that...

and 2: ive got to ask him if, assuming i got it on my first bid there were no other offers, if its worth sending it out tomorrow and hiping hud will accept it a day late, or if i should not fill it in, wait till they re-list the house on the 19th and resubmit the offer when its relisted and hope all the peperwork gets to me ontime next time...


so yeah ill be calling him first thing in the morning, see what the next course of action is and go from there...

im worried if i cancel on this bid, they wont accept the same bid again...ugh. this is riduclous hud...


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT

take a deep breath. Hopefully they will understand that you can't control the postal service here. Is there a way you can fed ex it?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
*takes deep breath*
*takes another deep breath*

spoke to the asset manager and he gave me the number for the district manager and said she shoudl be able to help me in reguards to geting the contract sorted/best course of action...

but shes in a meeting right now LOL. so ive got to call back at 11, i did leave a message on her voice mail though so hopefully shell call me back before then.

ive decided given the price of a simple jet pump for the well im not too worried about that aspect, itll cost about $300 to replace the pump and since the house was lived in untill february of this past year i doubt the well will have gone bad in the space of a few months...
if they want the sale there going to replace the pump before closing so i can get the well tested, and if not reading the contract through, it is a mechanical system problem thats not on the pcr so at worst i can back out of the contract wth full earnest money refund if there not willing to sort the problem so a well check can be done.

ill be going FHA anyway, so my down payment will be under $1000, there putting in 3% towards closing too so theres some help there, i think in the grand scheme of things a $300 well pump is nothing...right?!
theyve had no other offers on this propery...

now i just have to get all this paperwork in...*wish me luck*

ive never delts with a govt office thats this insane!
i dont like paperwork and forms and such anyway, my brain doesnt like written word so it takes me a little longer to trudge through everything, and things tend to get jumbled alot...
but having to get papers form hud to me and back to hud in the space of 48 hours is insane when they wont let me fax it...

if i could fax everything over it would all be good, ive got a working fax machine, and its practically instant...problem solved...but nooo they need the origional documents...*thud*


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Couldn't they just take a faxed version for now with proof of mailing? Might be a question to ask.

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