and the people for the kitten stood me up...waited till 1, grabbed puppy pads and bleach came home. email at 12:30 (we were supposed to meet at 12:15) saying they wernt coming.
just checking alive...bout all I can realy say right now.
waiting on the rain to stop so I can go dig a hole and burry her next to jack, willow, and dozer.
so shes in the ground, the rain must of now because the ground is wet enough to be fairly easy to dig.
I told her I was sorry, place her genly and covered her with dirt,and that was it...sometimes im glad im the only one one to keep a brave face for.
on my way up the neighbor goes "oh whatwere you burying" with a smileon hisface..
****ing treasure douchbag! should have been my reply...but instead I just looked away and dragged the shovel back to the house.
after tis past few mnths with jack and willow and dozer and tallie...if my heart breaks one more time itl be into dust...the peicesare too small...
and adding the frustration of my hand, my will just isn't strong enough. I dont have the energy or mental capacity right now,
I keep wanting to get out of the house, Theres a Halloween party tonight id been looing forward to, go, pretend everything is fine for a while...but then at the same time all I can bring myself to do is sit here...
I sincerely hope you went to that party and are having a great time right now. Love you girl! If you need anything message or call me. If you want to just come hang out or want company or whatever...I'm here for you. We don't even have to talk. I know you're in a bad spot right now. ANYthing...