Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that would be fun :)

Heard back from Athena the dobes current owner...
deal is he work construction and right now is working 10 hour days 6 days a week...he thought he was ready for a young dog, but hes realized hes not...he cnt give her the time she wants, she wants to be with him all the time and needs a ob to kee her from getting bored and he doesn't belive in cratingbut he doesn't want he on the couch and she gets on the couch when hes gone nd drags the blankets off his bed ot ake herself a den whil hes at work
shes sweet, a little shy, rides well in the car,likes ot learn, is playfull but not hyper and needs someone who can spend lots of time with her and o some training.
shes good on leash and knows ome basics and is crate trined and housebroken and fine with his cat.
im going to go meet them next sunday since he doesn't work sundays and I already have plans this afternoon...
hes going to meet 1/2 way which is about 3 1/2hours for each of us, better than the 6 it would have taken to go get her from the breeder.

ave e his email address so we can work out meeting point and time and assuming all goes well!
im excited!
and now have this week to get things ready.

otherwise, not much happening, hanging out with ome friends for late lunch/early dinner today, tomorrow the smaller of the 2 pigs is going to her new home, im keeping big pig who dad has already claimed "shares" in lol. (he loves pigs)
got to arrange with miss wannabefree as to when she wants the duckies and her gourd :)

put the batch of 4 wees old quail out into the pen today...theres 5 made it to this stage, and ive got 6 A&M's in te other pen. will be making plans for butchering them very soon...
same with buns, ive got does expose due in the next week, will be thinning down the rabbit numbers before minimum ll have 3 bucks going to freezer camp, but im thinking I should probably add a doe or 2 to the list too...

this week ill be spending blitzing the house again, ive got enough wrist movement now that cleaning should be a little easier.
got to clean and bleach my 10gal brooder so I can pull the 3 baby parrolets for hand feeding which will be Monday (don't want to pull them this week and then have them go hungry while im out n sunday.)
and going through some clothes...

and yeah that's about it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I think you and Athena will make a great team!

Kinda, sorta sounds like you've decided to go ahead and make the move? I've always believed that extended family/communal living could be a great thing. You've definitely gotta set ground rules, and live up to 'em, but I think it can be done - especially with family. In some cases I'd say especially NOT with family, lol, but sounds like ya'll can make this work. Separate living quarters for you will likely go a long way towards keeping harmony.

Getting a little help with all your plans will be great. Whatever you do - I wish you well!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah im pretty sure im going to, ive started making a list of all the things i need to do to fix the house just to make it livable and even with the loan paying for it, im completely over valued on my houe by about $6000 that's before fixing up the bathroom replacing the contretop and fixing the kitchen window...i don't have it to be frank.
but we'll see, theres stillthe winter to think things through and probably change my mind about 50-million times lol.

todays news...
rosemary the pig whent to her new home, she didn't go without a fight they origionally wanted to ust pick her up and lift her into the crate in the back of the truck...HA, she LOOKS smaller than she is...and quite frankly i cant say ive tried picking her up since he got too big for me to crry they were trying t make it ALOT harder than it needed to be...i told them, ok put the crate on the go over there, walkedup to rosemary put a handful of feed under her nose tossed it in the crate and told her "in ya go" and in she whent...
MUCH easier to lift a 300lb crate that's not iggling screaming and having a hissy fit...then had them back their truck up close and between the 4 of us lifted the crate into their truck...not easy by any means shes no lightweight, but MUCH easier than their original plan...sage didn't even cast a glance in the direction of the screaming writhing i think shell be ok with the separation...she was busy snacking and rubbing heads with aspen the stinky headed goat buck lol.
sad to see her go but of the 2 girls she was the most standoffish, and tempermental...and that $20 of pig feed a month is now $10, and potentially less because ill haveenough produce to realy supliment rther than dividing it between the 2 of them...

so sent her off...come in have a drink while i try t recatch my breath and then let the dogs out to the sound of PEEP PEEP PEEP...
momma hen has been sittin gon a nest of 9 that were due to hatch a few days ago by my just about given up on the, 7 baby chickies...then PEEP PEEP PEEP from across the yard...number 8 had gotten a little lost so i put him with momma...then another peep peep peep...baty day olds are tiny and i couldn't see it anywhere so i asked ruby to "find the baby" (she LOVES baby anythings!) and off she whent...shestopped nose to the ground and i go over and theres baby #9 beak to nose with ruy like she was his long lost he got put back in the nest with his siblings and momma hen...mean while the other hens seemed to be a little upset that i was messing with the babies and tried to peck my feet...silly chcikens.
the lady that bought my last btch said shed be interested in more so i essaged her, hopefully all 9 will sell pretty quickly...that's next months layer feed in that there definatly helping out on the feed bill.
plus baby chickies are adorable!

and in final news for the day...beein thinking on new names for Athena...i don't like 3 syllable names for dogs...
heres the options so far:
shorten Athena to Theena, easiest but not my favorite...
others im liking:
Keira, Kara, Tiva, Amber (Amber the gemstone is the stone of Healing), Gypsy, Rayne (like Rain)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yes, I still want the ducks. Hopefully I can get them the end of this week. And, WOW, sounds like things are falling into place for you to move back. I am gonna miss you(though I am one of the ones too busy it seems to EVER get out there to visit). You're such a lovely person to be around and I love having you over for dinner! :) Part of me wants to cry that you may be leaving :( and the other part of me is absolutely ELATED at the prospect that things will be better for you there :D I hope it works out for all of you. Sounds like your mom really needs you and you need them as well. I am glad it looks like you'll be getting the dog too :D I love you sis!!!! BIG HUGS :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks hun! itsa tough decision either way but I dunno, just kinda feels right for the "right now" plan would be take 3 years to get thigns into place and then re-evaluate, either travel or work on buying land and custom building a home exactly how I want it...

todays arms ache after helping hoist rosemary into their truk yesterday
got someone interested in this batch of bantie chicks...
and have a deposit on one of the parrotlet babies (and the most expensive one of the group to boot! WOOT!
little white guy has a home lined up. that leaves little yellow guy and little nekkid bird (hes got another week before hell get any obvious feaher color and possible sex lol. im just glad p-lets are sexually dysorphic.

got the Holland buck, angoras and rex advertised...hoping to sell the Holland and angoras, the rex im not worried about, any that don't sell will go to freezer camp...
don't relay wan tto sell the angora but having a hard time grooming them with my wrist...though the wrist IS improving.
got a frined selling a trio of English lop though that im DROOLING if I manage to sell the angoras and the Holland I MIGHT make her an offer on them...but im not sure yet...the goal is to thin down the buns and e-lops ae BIG rabbits...but its the breed ive always wanted and im still sad thistle my buck passed away :/
once I thin out the rex ill have cage space even if I don't sell the angora, but yeah...silly giant floppy ears bunnies! lol.

mum managed to get me the measurments of the garage at their house today...
its the sie of my entire house...makes me sick lol.
so far ive put together 2 plans that woulduse only 1/2 the room...more than enough room for just me especially since I wouldn't need a full kitchen...
im going to play with it a little more just to see how many ways I can do it that would give me the space im hoping to achieve, which is pretty much room for the bed a couch and a space for a kitchineette/craft space.
trying to design itin a waythat would require the least amount of work too (ie no funny shped walls ect lol)

its COLD out
so this has been keeping me entertained

tomrrows plan is to clean the house, and get trash sorted for Thursday morning, Thursday im going to run to town and get ome tuff to make a bed for the 42" crate since dozer the the original lol. (thinking of simply getting a matress topper and 2 super cheap fleece blankets to make a "case" for it...I want to be able to take the cover off to wash easily since if she works out as a service dog cleanliness is a big concern and ill need to beable to wash her bedding frequently...
I might spend thurs afternoon pulling the rabbit hutches apart...
I need to move the little red chicken coop into the back yard to replace the greenhouse the banties currently reside in...
unfortunately the plastic on the greenhouse apparently got very brittle and over the last couple of days has been POUNDED by acorns form the big oak that have literally just shredded the plastic to pieces...figure that's NOT a good thing and need ot make sure they've got a warm dry spot before the cold realy sets in
this means dismantling the hutches ot make space.
going to put the roof in the goat pen so they can use the shingles to help trim hooves, and the rest of the wood will get set aside for now...ill probably haul it over to the old barn and store it in there...

Friday ill try and do some outside work...Saturday eveive got some plans with frineds so sturday will endup being a lazy one...
and sunday I go to pick up my new girl, of which im VERY excited. :D

so yeah busy couple weeks, even if I am moving, im stil here for the winter (hoping to aim to move around mid-end of march would like to wait for snow up north to go away but get there before spring growth so I can get some electric fence up easily...

goats, birds and buns need clean bedding to snuggle down in...
got some butchering to do...
and plenty of planning.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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not yet lol.
I think the above list are the choices unless someone comes up with any good ones...
so not itll be a case of getting t know her and seeing which one fits and which she responds to, given her age nd having already been given a name it might be a ittle more difficult to change it
Amber, Kiera and Gypsy
Amber meaning healing
Kiera is a celtic derivative meaning black lady (the masculine is black lord)
and Gypsy is kinda obvious...ill be her 4th home is we count the breeder she was born at too) so gypsy kinda fits, but im hoping im her forever home and she doesn't need to ramble anymore!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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here she is!



Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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She's beeeeeeeyouteeeeful! I'm sure the right name will come to you...maybe just a matter of getting to know her.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
I keep coming back to

ran to town today...
pad for 42" crate, $42
Dog bed supposedly 42" (mabe BEFOE filled with the stuffing it was more like 38") $23
Twin sized matress topper and a fleece blanket to make my own a little under $13. so that's the upcoming job.
going to take the twinsize matress topper, cut it to fit then use whats left to make a second layer making the whole thing about 4" thick should be a good thickness to 1: keep her warm and 2: be good for her joints.
a cheap fleece blanket will make the cover, going to make it "pillow case" style so itll be sewn on 1 edge and down the long sides and open with a flap on the last edge should be eaily removable for wash :)
I picked up one of those water reistant stain proof crib matress pads thatll go ontop of the foam under the fleece to protect the foam from any accidents too.

also managed to get some pretty ribbon on sale which wll get sewn to some of the old collars and leashes I have to give them a new lease on life :)
got enough to cover my multi leash, martingale and flat nylon collars, the martingale will be her working collar, the flat collar simply a tag collar.
im going to play with the harness I have to turn it into a working harness and add 2 small saddlebags so shell be able to carry some essentials ie her own water bottle in 1 side and my wallet, keys and copy of medical info in the other for emergencies. going to make a tak for that side thatll clip to the zipper that says "medical information inside"
that means ive got a little wesing to do to put the ribbon on the collars and leashes. haress cant get much mods until she gets here and ive got it sized right for her...ill make some flece strap covers to prevent rubbing and a chest and back pad that will help distribute the weight and put a barrier between the webbing and he fur, but be completely removable for washing ect.
I also want the saddlebags to be removable too for those times when she doesn't need to be "on the job" but still needs to be clipped in in the car.

can we tell im excited?

the plan for the rest of today is fairly simple...
clean! kitchen and bedroom are particularly desperate for a good vacuuming, dishes done/straightening ect...
need to do the litterbox and parrotlet cage and brooder tank too so that stuff can al go out with tomorrows trash.
and I realy could do with doing some more laundry before the average temps remain so low that they'll never dry under sun/wind power alone lol.