well chickie person was a no show, got there 1 min to 12, stayed till 12:35...
made a quick run into town and home...
got ome to a message sent AT 12pm that she cant come because shes got sick grandkids and shell get them on Monday...
shes the one, who at 11pm last night was asking me to meet her today at noon...and suddenly sick grandkids prevent it...and she cant tell me until the time were supposed to be meeting?! she lives in selmer area so it snot like shes 2 mins away and didn't know till last min...she could have eailed me at 11:30 "sorry looks like were not going to make it.." SOME kind of notice...but noooo...
oh well shes got till Monday if there not picked up by then they go back on the market...
got soft tortillas baking in the oven to mae tortilla chips for tonights get together...I love tortilla chips but I cant eat them, all the unk ingredients and fried before bagging to boot...
I don't mind home fried tortillas but even so that's a lot of extra...
so I started making baked tortilla chips...
then I started maing my own tortillas to turn into tortilla chips...
sooo uch nicer...
I use a combination of whole grain and white flours (100% whoel grain doesn't taste right to me) add in some flax and use olive oil...then to turn them into chips,,, cut into the sizs you want brush with some olive oil, sprinle with whatever easonings you like (I typically just do salt and pepper) and bake at 400 for about 15 mins! YUM (and even better when served warm)
do cinnamon or nutmeg and brown sugar for a desert version that goes realynicely with icecream
I mean technically still empty calories...but someties I just crave chips lol. and this isn't quite as guilty lol
we have babbits...
angora moma has babbits in the box, but its POURING and I didn't want them getting damp/chilled so I did a quick check to make sure they had plenty of fur to bed down in and that thee were no colds....and then got soaked pulling all the tarp covers down...when it ust rainy I dot bother the top tarps provide enough shelter..but its windy and the rain was getting blown all about.
will count them tomorrow
had a good time with frinds last night and now have 2 official thanksgiving invites...hmmm....one included "limo service" so im pretty sure that the one im going to lol.
did not sleep wel last night...excitement I think... fell asleep about 2...was up at 7 lol.
I did manage to forget the tortilla chips in all of the mental nutzoness..but that's ok, im going to take them along today for an in drive snack.
as far as I know (and the weather is good outide of our county) the trip is on today to go pick up my girl, im excited and nervous and more nervous and more ecited...nervous mostly about her reaction to another 'stranger" loading her up...and about meetingthe lil oes when she gets here...shes een around small dog (bostons) but my guys could have copletly different personalities then the ones shes been around so im usthoping everyone settles in pretty quickly. wont happen overnight...but hoping it doesn't break the peace too much lol.
so yeah its 9am, time to get dressed gather up what ineed as a just in case (harness, leash, water bottle, baggy of treats, and nom a little breakfast.
well, were home safe and sound! long day!
she rode beautifully in the car
shes a bit pully on the leash but that could also be excitement...and she doesn't seem to know much in terms of comman...but well work more on figuring that stuff out when shes not so strung lol.
shes a snuggle so far, shes currently got her head on my arm and shes a nudger nudging hands and arms for snuggles and head rubs.
ive put a blanket besides my chair and right now shes sat on it not sure what to do.
shes a little confused and nervous but...nothing neer the level I expected her to be...
cats are curious...I doubt shes had much actualinteraction with cats before...
Ruby is "to be avoided" right now after she got a little too nosey and ruby grumbled at her. she immediately backed off!
Jasper is confuing...she cant understand why the tiny blue dog (hes wearing blue pajamas) keeps giving her play signals but not actually playing WITH her LOL!
hes confused as to why the big black monster squeeks like a mouse at him lol.
but theres calmness right now, aspers sleeping in his normal spot, ruby is wandering round getting a good sniff of eeverything shes touched so fa and keira is giving me humongopuppydogeyes and slowly flling asleep on her feet.
(ive got food and shes apparently a master begger LOL!) plus I think shes confused and just wants contact...shes so tired but wants to be touched right now...
I think once we establish some rules and get settled n shes going to fit in perfectly.
shes perfect and will onlybe more so with some time and training!
first night was a little rough at first.
she tried to eat her bed...and then had a few boughts of acid reflux (I didn't feed her supper last night due to switching her to raw this morning. raw is best swuitched to cold turkey (or in the cas chicken, lol) and on an empty tummy due to the different rates at which kibble and raw digest.
I removed her bed and gave her a couple blankets and she slept nicely through the night...the bed is currently in the livingroom next to my chair and shes lay on it asleep right now so I think eventually we'll reintroduce it to the crate...but until she gets settled in im not interested in an "I ate the bed" blockage lol.
thi morning she met the chickens...got a peck on the nose from moma hen when she tried to sniff the things underneath her...but otherwise not much interest...
she bristled and barked at the goats, then sniffed aspen through th fence and settled down...funiily enough she seemed more at ease with the pig...
i did notice shes got some separation anxiety and is going to have to be watched for hopping the fence. shes tall enough that she can get her front paws ove rthe fence ic she stands on her back legs, and my fence is not exactly strong so it tends to bend inwards...she jumped up 3 times while i was out attending the buns got down when i told her to but repeated a few times...then sat in the middle of the yard watching me and crying a little...
routein will help that but im deifnatly going to have to watch her for jumping fence.
brought her in, got everyone fed and gave her her first raw meal.
she immediately wanted the chicken so i led her to the crate put her in and gave it to her then sat back and watched...
took her a fewmins to figure out how to getthrough the skin...but she looked over t asper and rubies crates, listend to them crunch a few times and a little lightbulb whent off because she got realy into it and cruch crunch crunch!
she had a bought of super excitedness after breakfast whee she had to be ubbed vigerously and was smiling and wiggling...then a bout of squeak at the cat...now shes lay next to me taking a nap while breakfast goes down (ill be honest, i do worry about bloat in general so these going to be quiet time after beakfast for at least 60 mins.)
ears are a little dirty as is her tummy...the guy gave her a bath but im assuming shes not easy to bathe or hes jut not got the knowledge because theses quite a bit of built up black yuck (dad skin cells dirt ect) on her belly. coats omewhat coar and skin is dry but those are, im sure, dietary, raw and some omega 3 should solve that. turns out she was on ol-roy for mo tof her life *YUCk*
today shell get her ears treated, and a dose of flea control and heart worm preventative.
with my wrist still not being in top shape im not sue i want to isk trying to bathe her so i might end up taking her to petsmart later in the week and having them give her a good bath and nail trim and dremmeling to get usstarted.
im worried if she does fight it i might hurt my wrist again and then find myself in a problem area. so first bath and nails done by someone else gives me chance to see how she reacts.
and this weekwe get started on training...she seems to have a pretty good recal, so solidifying name and recal will be a goodstarting point. sit down stay are the next 3, then well start on some working bhaviours, paw, touch, fetch to start
so todayim supposed to have the chicks going home...
and WBF is supposed to be coming for her duckies and gourd...
depending on all that ill probably take keira to Henderson later for a walk and work on some basic leash manners
we may have to start with the prong and work up to the martingale as she was a little pully last ngiht and she is STRONG.
would realy like to get an accurate weight on her...
shes probably about 80lbs...shes taller than ozer was by about 4" at the shoulder...longer legs) and has a longer neck, but a more refined build obviously...however shes got POWER, id say eaily as strong as dozer if she put her mind to it.
im hoping to teach her harness means pull/support work (this way i can use her for stability assistance and helping me get up when im dizzy ect)...and then collar for nice walking...
im going to make a short handle specifically for the harness that i can use as a pull tab if i need help getting up...
and right now shes trying to get jasper to play by squeeking and bowing at him and cant understand why hes having words and growling at her lol.
hes giving her such mixed signals she has no clue what to do about it lol.
mnaged to check the angora box, 3 big fat healthy looking babies
im happy with that
She really does sound like she's going to fit in very well... minor adjustments are to be expected with any new critter! I'll bet she'll be a wonderful companion and protector. So glad you got her off that Ol' Roy feed. Double yuck!
And, three babbits is much better than zero babbits any day!
Keira is perfect for sis! I love her!!!! Had a nice visit today sister, even if it was mostly piddling with the overheating truck lol! Duckies are all getting along great!