Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah dads already complaining about the snow they are getting (there in the heart of it I think) im like sit back, chill out, your workin form home so who cared, you got food, water, and heat, you don't have to go out
but it is hitting you guys hard! be very careful out there!

I managed to get the washr and dryer out of the laundry room so that's ready for pickup, and all the canned and boxed goods im letting go are bagged up and ready, though I may go through my tomato based product stash and let some of those go too...

so just go to empty the reezer and get that unplugged and hopefully by tomorrow itll hae completely defrosted (there shouldn't be much) and hopefully thtll head home
once the laundry room is empty of apliances I can put the boxes in there instead of in the back bedroom.

progress! yay! lol.

I think right now im just not feelingt he urgency since I don't have an actual "hey be ready by" date.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah and with the weather you guys are having dad doesn't think hell have the room ready in we may end up pushing it back till closer to the end of march rather than mid march...who knows?!

Oh well.
washer/dryer gone to their new home,
groceries off to go do some good where they are needed lol.
there was ALOT of stuff :D
and some of the hay gone to its new homes :)
I kept back enough hay to keep me until moving (plus a little extra incase its pushed back)

the woman interested in the futon said she wanted to come this afternoon...yet hasn't yet told me a time...who knows :/
haven't done much else this afternoon, ill admit, I ache right now lol.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Bah people who can't commit to a time drive me nuts! Tho sometimes I've originally been that way too...:hide


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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My butt is draggin sister! LOL! I had SO much fun though!! That truly was a LOT of dang food!!! Covered 4 families though so :D Thanks a bunches! I hardly got any of it, I let everyone else take the majority bc I am SO stocked anyway...sheesh! It took forever just to get it sorted lol! Everyone says to tell ya thanks, even the doggies :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im so glad it went to folks who realy do appreciate it and that it wont go to waste, and that the pups also got a treat :) ill bet your exhausted though, that was ALOT of hauling lol.

futon didn't go home last night, now shes saying Saturday, if its not picked up this weekend ill re-list it im not playing games...
guys supposed to be coming for the freezer today said hell drop me a message before he leaves...once again cant give me an actual time...or heck even a time even take an "itll be before noon" or something...
either way, once that's out of the pantry I can move the boxes in my livingroom into there, and probably spend the afternoon boxing up any toiletry type stuff in the pantry, and tools, and mabe even get the rest of my craft stuff sorted and boxed up.

tomorrow im taking a me day in the morning, going to go up to the bird fair in Jackson in the morning, then stop by E's in the afternoon to take a look at her angora buns that I might be getting off her.
afternoon hopefully the futon will head home and I can continue feeling like theres some progress being made.

sunday ive got afternoon plans with friends, then ill probably spend the day monday at the Laundromat. ive got to get all the laundry ive currently got done, much of it will be going into the boxes (ie towels, slip covers extra dog beds and blankies ect...

I think dads waiting to see what the long term weather looks like in march before realy figuring a moving date, don't want to be driving a 20ft truck with a car hooked behind in a blizzard, especially witht he amount yesterdays snow fall dumped on them.
at this point its going to be likely to be closer to the end of march than the middle...
as much as theres no rush, living in a house where the toilet works properly would be real nice!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so guy for freezer is supposed to be arriving right around noonish...
he may end up taking sage the pig with him too...
its the guy who was initially going to buy here, then I backed out on him cause the parents said transport not an issue...
but I didn't get energy assistance this winter (apparently I don't USE enough and theres people who "obviously need it more because they use a lot") so ive got a higher then expected gas bill and the electric bill so an extra couple hundered would be a big help...
im also thinking about getting up there, not having things set up and if she decides to freek out no way to separate her form the goats...
so...if when he sees her he still wants her (and assuming she likes him, as I have explained shes not a pig but a dog in a piggy body and hell have to give her scritches so she can decide lol) then ill probably let him buy her
takes some of the pressure off on the transport issue, as I still have no ida how wed safely confine her shes more than strong enough to tear out of keiras crate if she got upsetkeira can tear out of her crate and shes 65lbs lol.
and it takes some of the immediate need off at the parents place, in terms of secure hosing needs, the barn they have is a little in need of repairs, the goats wont test it...
the pig however would and if she were to break out, well I can only imagine.
this also opens an optortunity to go with kunes or guinneas, something a little smaller, easier to handle come butcher time...ect...
or, heck there are a few GOS breeders in the north and we could go with spots again...but im thinking smaller will be better given everything the parents want to do in terms of mixed menagerie...
gonna be hard to say g'bye if he does take her though, but hes got a spot x Berkshire bore and 2 young 4-5 month old Berkshire mix gilts that she can push around.

ugh, decisions...but either way he should be taking the freezer so thatll be out of the way...
then I can make lunch...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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decided NOT to take the freezer too big he needs a 32" or smaller and this is 36" (brought his tape measure, even though id listed measurments in the thread, guess hefigured girls don't know what a tape measure is lol), but did take sage and gave me the money it would have been if he had...
so, Cindi, if you know anyone who needs a smaller chest freezer (the one you helped put in about 3ft long) let me know, for you/your family/frineds they can have it since the guy paid 1/2 what I was asking origionally anyway...) if not ill relist it, again id rather give it to a frined/friend of a friend who NEEDS it

he was however realy nice, realy good with the hellos with sage, wasn't scared of her (though was surprised when I was giving her pieces of breadabout the size of a quarter off the palm of my hand, says hes never seen a large breed pig that gentle...
I did however tell him "don't sing her praises just yet...we gotta load her first"
you don't realize how fast strong or stubborn a pig is until you need them to do something THEY don't want to.
tried to lure her in with food...managed to trailer up 2 goats but no pig...did that for a good 10 mins...then tried to lure her in with treats (usually shell do back flips...loaded up 2 goats but no pig...tried to herd her 2 goats..but no pig...tried to feed the goats IN the trailer (since shel usually rush and push the goats out of the way...2 pig...but this point she KNEW we wanted her in there and its obviously for some evil diabolical reason so theres no chance in HELL...the guys decided lets try lasooing her, get those fron feet up and she should be easy to handle...I told them I would just get in the way and stood back...caught 2 goats...still no I had the guys give me the rope told them to go a few feet away and give me a few mins...
took the on end of the rope (the other was on a small pully in the trailer) and started rubbing her ears and neck and belly, took a good 10 mins to lure her close enough to the trailer and get her to calm down enough to realy get into it...hypnopig to the rescue, rubbed her tummy till she fell down, looped the rope around her back legs and told the guys to PULL...she screamed, it broke my heart a little but I had the close enough that she was only pulled mabe 3 ft before being on the trailer, and I knew most of the nose was just very angry pig noise and not pain noise, once she was in one guy held the rope to keep her in while the other put the planks and closed the gate. one she was unhooked I gave her what was left of the bagle (treats) and rubbed her nose and she seemed confused but ok...

seriously now very glad I let him take her...because there is NO way in hell me and dad would have been able to get her into the moving truck and keiras crate would never have been strong enough to load her in and lift the crate into the truck with her in it took 2 large grown men, myself and a pulley/winch type system and parking the trailer IN the pasture to get her in...and theres no way there would have been enough room to get the movingtruck close enough to the pasture id have had to herd her over THEN play that game...yeah...
not the happiest day for me, but very definatly the better choice

he did say that despite the malarkey getting her into the trailer shes a stunning pig, thanked me for not overfeeding her/letting he get fat, and said he couldn't belive how friendly she is, I mean she walked right up to him for rubs, and rolled over for bely scritches and despite all the stress getting her onto the trailer once she was in and loose he expected her to be stressed and pissed, and instead she took her bagel and let me rub her ears.
at one point I had to calm her down orshe would have botled across the field so I crouched and she came almos nose to nose and I heard them both take a deep breath when I rubbed her nose...I think they tougth I was going to loose my fingers...or face...but I told them, shes respectful of her nose, and a light tap there keeps her in line...a simple "no teeth" and she knows theres no food in your hand and will happy let you rub her nose and cheeks...just have to make sure she knows you don't have food in your hands cause she might accidentaly nip if she thinks your withholding treats lol.

anywho, shes going to have a boyfriend and a sister wife to keep her company (and as much as she was happy living with the goats, I dnt think its perfect to not have other piggy company.) shell be used as a breeder, hes got 2 acres of pasture for them (pasture raises) bred once a year for pork production which is fine by me, breeds in the spring butchers in the fall which is perfect, no back to back breeding shell get a break inbetween...
and yeah....

im now EXHAUSTED, and its currently pitter patter im going to have a drink and then figure out what lunch is...

and at least now I know..loading the GOATS is going to be easy LOL!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh my - I know that was hard (emotionally AND physically) but you are soooo right - loading a pig is HARD work and would have been even harder into a BIG truck. But, sometimes the right decision isn't the easy one... :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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agreed, just whent and fed the goats, stood and gave them some luvins, destroyed sages bed (shed stolen most of the hay and made a huge pile in the corner for her bed, so least the goats can bed down in a little more soft bedding now lol.
was hard, ill admit there was a tear or two...but its definaty for the best,
im STILL exhausted from the escapades today, and my back is angry, like tylanol and a heat pad kind of achey. the best part about that trailer was it was a tilt so the entrance was on the groun like a ramp...we wouldn't have even had that with a moving truck id never have been able to help lift that monster pig, angry and wiggly 4ft off the ground.

and of course now its raining.

in good news, someones supposed to come get the freezer on sunday.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Wish you were closer enough that we could have taken the freezer. That is always handy!
Glad she is taken care of. It sounds like that was really for the best.

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