Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Energy vampires reminds me of when I first met my husband. I am a classic introvert and he is NOT! There were times in the first months of our relationship that I would literally have to put my hand over his mouth. He could NOT stop talking - in my opinion - sign of someone who is the opposite of self-assured! Thankfully he is not that way now!

So, I know how it feels to have someone just suck all the energy out of you and not even realize what they are doing.

Probably won't work to put your hand over your friends mouths!

But, you hang in there gal... there is a light at the end of this tunnel.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Right...vacation? What's that again? LOL
Our visiting son is doing keto. Drives me nuts, all that meat cooking all the time. I'm just about a full fledged vegetarian now. Mega expensive, for sure. I'm a moderation type gal unless there's a definite problem (celiacs, whatever).

Pinkfox, I hope you can get some relief soon. I know a gal that finally went raw food before she got any relief from symptoms she had for years. My friend, who's diabetic, finally gave up all refined carbs and feels better. Me, I feel better with carbs in my diet. I tried 3 days of keto before the thought of more protein made me sick to my stomach.. We're all different, you might have to do some testing on your own to figure out what helps YOU. You are way to young to have to live with this. Good luck, kiddo. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well some good news and some bad news.
good news, its not Lymes, or rheumatoid numbers are normal for me in all aspect save for my b being low again, back to once a week b12 shots :/

AND...we have a game plan...

the bad news...
he belives that its firbromyalgia agrivated by a food intolerance...
a fibro diag needs 3 months of "treatment" and everything else rulled out prior, but given the hot spots and other symptoms he belives it could be the underlying geneality but he also belives this is something that's being agrivated by another issue...
his bet...both celiacs/gluten intolerance AND a yeast intolerance...
I wasn't sure where he was going with it but we sat for 2 hours, and hes listing off foods...can I eat this, what if I eat that, ect...
then he starts asking about sense of smell, do I get migranes if im around certain orodrs like the gas pump or strong perfume or cigarette smoke...then since im on deppo, does my mood drop dramatically abou a week befor eim due my shot...
irregular mentrtuation, cramps, even going as far as infantile issues, I had infantile exema and cradle cap...
from the list hes fairly certain im having a yeast intolerance, he said theres also signs of a gluten intolerance too but the 2 can mask eachother or fake eachother and often if you have have the other.
so the plan

is the plan I was already thinking of for the need to loose this winter weight.
he wants me to do a modified paleo, he said gluten free pasta or bread (1 serving per day) is fine, and I cant do any fungus (no mushrooms or fungal cheeses like blue) soft fruits are to be avoided unless picked straight off the bush as they start to ferment quickly (additional sugar) but thick skinned fruits are ok (watermelon, crisp apples and pears, banannas ect....) in limits...
he wants me to avoid all smoked and cured meats though...

I told him hmm that's kinda funny cause someone on my group mentioned celiacs...and ive been thinking about paleo...and he goes...
well then, that's perfect, now you've got a medical reason to go for it...

so im on the change of diet, all I can eat in terms of green veggies, and lean proteins, fruit and fresh dairy in controlled portions (yay yogurt and cheese) and very limited startches like gluten free bread or sweet potato...

he also put me on an antifungal medication and warned me if this IS whats going on (the yeast issue) im going to feel like hell, headachy, sick, ect as my body detoxes from the yeast...
he says I should start to see a difference in about 2 weeks and have a follow up in a month...
heres to hoping...and this puts me on the right diet path that I should be on too (low carb)
so tonight im going to be doing some extra reaserch...

I scored a 303 on
anything over 180 generally means yeast issues, over 300 they say is pretty definite yeast connected

he says if this works well then do a gluten tolerance test in a month to see if we can start reintroducing gluten...
so tonight is my 1 last hurrah, ive got a peach bellinni schmirnoff to drink, and my last skinny cow truffle bar and I had the last of my ravioli for dinner...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yep - enjoy it! It'll be interesting to see how the diet change effects the way you feel! I'm feeling very fat and bloated right now - gonna do some really clean (non-processed) eating for a few days too. Good luck!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well I got a 319 on that test lol! I currently have a very aggravating UTI. So, maybe I should diet with you ;) I hope you get to feeling better with the new diet sis!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Well I got a 319 on that test lol! I currently have a very aggravating UTI. So, maybe I should diet with you ;) I hope you get to feeling better with the new diet sis!
I'm telling ya, the ACV sure knocked out my UTI in short order! Maybe it would work for you, too.
Pinkfox, I know a couple of people that can't even handle stuff like ACV, salad dressings, etc. There's all kinds of fermented stuff that we don't even think about. I bet your 'okay to eat' list is pretty stinking short! But it will be worth it to feel better. Hang in there! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the first months worth it is pretty short...its pretty much eggs hard cheeses, meat and low carb (green veggies) with an allowance for some firm/thck skinned fruits, and a LITTLE dairy...
after the first month I can add in a few things here andthere, but only 1 new thing a day (prettymuch an elimination diet) but even still sugars, fungus, and cured or fermented anything are VERY restricted (as all feed the internal yeast...)
and yes, right now at least salad dressings are a no go due to the vinegar being high acid (yeast likes acidic) im going to o more reasrch into ACV though, I know its only mildly acidic and my fave dressings are vinegarettes and Italian, if I can make my own using ACV I maihgt be able to figure this out...

funny ive neve had utis,thrush or yeast infections, but I have al theood allergies associated, an intolerance to strong smells, had infantile cradlecap so bad that all my hair fell out, and I have exema, along with the other health issues I have, reading, it realy does seem to fit...
so far today ive had 1egg scrambled with cheese...I need to fnd some none cured breakfast meat substitues since store bought bacon is cured around here (ive never seen uncured available)

giving up the carbs will be hard, I instinctually whent for my oatmeal this morning for breakfast...its cold and I didn't want to cook...but so far today...not too bad, out with frineds for dinner tonight so scouring the menue for what I can and cant have...its ihop so at minimum eggs are a good option but this is gonna get old REAL fast if all I eat is eggs LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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good news, looks like ive got a buyer for the futon and the chest freezer...
now if I coud only sell the washer/dryer...
and it looks like im selling piggy wig...
I keep thinking t through and keeping her confined in the back of a truck for 2 days is going to be interesting to say the least, the logistics just seem a little silly...
im also thinking about her size, and here shes got 4 1/2 acres to wander freely on, thre shed have a 1 acre lot to share witht the goats and rotated as needed, I don't thnk the logistics of havinga breeding trio of large pigs on the property with everything else we want is gonna work out the way id like...I just see way oo muhrooting going on (or too much grain feeding) once the 1 acre pasture is stripped bare...

ive got someone who wants im going to sel her if he comes and decides shes the one (she would be bred once a year and otherwise a pasture pet)

ill replace he with a trio of mabe kune or guinnea (smaller meat breed) in the spring once things are figured out...
im thinkingsmaller breeds would be much easier on thepasture AND easier for us to butcher outselves if wecant find aproessor...

I will be keeping lilly and poppy however as I think they WOULDsuffer in a new home...
still trying to work out the moving logistics too which makes things al kinds of fun.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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How much for the dryer? And washer for that matter...I am kinda in need lol!

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