Here's wishing you a smooth and easy trip! Can't wait to hear your updates when you're back on the air waves again. If the weather between there and home is anything like what it is here in MD, you should be in luck!
Looks like you have some good weather for it. It's going to be nice here today and tomorrow, then a bit of a cool down on Sunday. We could get more snow on Tuesday, but by then, you should be good.
got here safe, 2 long days of travel, some stress and crazyness, my body hurts all over and im cold and sad, and tired, but here safe and sound...gonna have a hot drink, and head to bed,
got to unload the truck tomorrow, and then will update at somepoint in more detail later.
well heres the story:
dad and bizzy arrived Thursday...
picked up the truck, got it home, dad tries to turn it round, partly his fault for being a ltitle too cocky, my fault or not realizing how much space hed need to maneuver and not realiing how soft the ground was in the spot hed choose and partly bizzoes fault for navigation errors, but he managed to not just get the 24ft moving truck stuck, but sunk down to its axel!
tweedle dumber to the rescue, frineds in town with a wrecker...
wrecker got there, im almost in tears, and theres no chance in hell that little f350 was gonna haul a 24ft box truck knee deep in soft clay...but man was I wrong...10 mins to freedom, I wanted to kiss them.
ontop of this, id taken my internet box back, service had been calcelled I was out of cellphone mins and neither o their super fancy smart phones could get service, no calls, no internet no nothing!
once free we pretty much started packing right away and had everything except the livestock IN by 6:15, then of to dinner.
met up with a coupel of rineds, enjoyed lots o catfish and hushpuppies and headed home.
dad woke me in the middle of the night, stressed and hufing an duping, so we had to talk, he was freeking out about he legality of the goats crossing state lines, due to size we had to pull into weigh stations and he was worried one MAAAA would have him in cuffs and slapped with huge fines
I told him not to figure out a way to get the girls to someone local who can keep them...
then spent the rest of my night while he slept like a log without that stress, awake, sad, rustrated and worrying that I wouldn't be able to find anyone last minute...
next morning I was up super early so I headed out to E's to arrange for her to come get her stuff and I popped the question, she agreed to take lilly and poppy tempoerarily until either I had a buyr or until our own WBF can pick them up...ive got someone who was interested so im going to drop a message and put an add out, so hopefully I can find them a permanent home without WBF having to make the go-get-em trip, she would have been my irst stop but it was early and she lived a lot urther away and without being able to call first... :/
anyway, I got that arranged, cried all the way home, stopped 5 mins away fo recompose to no one would see me upset, got home, e came for her stuff, loded up the goats and got that done.
got back finnihsed packing the truck, my frined A stoped by to say g-bye, and then WBF showed up for hugs (just in time too)
we were on the road by noon.
drove through the majority of the trip, got to just past the half way point at midnight and stopped, had a relitvly good night, dad and biz slept well, I was still stressed and wound and sad to see the back of TN so unfortunately it wasn't my best nights sleep. but yeah...
then sat on the road early and home to nj by 6:30.
unfrotunatly we arrived to find my doe acorn had delivered 3 kits, all cold and dead and not even an attempt to nest, I figure the stress got her and the chill got tonight before bed im gonna make sue to put a couple of boxes in wit straw just in case the other 2 are bred.
this morning on clearing out the truck I found a total of 8 kits dead most had fallen through the wire and wiggled away :/
then to add insult to injury found my little female English budgie dea
today we got the truck unpacked, we worked like cray and did a great job, then lunch at the local diner and then this afternoon I built the rex a new colony.
tomorrow weve got some bunny work to do, its supposed to be COLD so im not looking forward to it but I want to make sure everything that can get done gets done...
thenl itll be a case of working on getting my space sorted.
its been an incredibly sad, stressfull move.
its cold here, and unfamiliar, and odd and echoey, but right now im sat on my bed with my 3 dogs and 3 cats curled up around me, tired and sore and achey, but alive...
and now I think I should go check on the progress of dinner...