Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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progress in the kitchen...still no word form the person for the loveseat,
drawer/side table people are due anytime...we'll see.

aching, still have dishes to do, and need to make dinner...but at this point my back might not let me get much doen beyond washing dishes and dinner...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

Im DONE with people...
the lady for the loveseat who in the wee hours of this morning told me shed message me with a time frame once her husband got up, didn't message me...ive messaged her multiple times, (please note that she begged me to hold this loveseat about a week ago and confirmed she wanted it and would be comming sunday (today) twice over the past week...
I messaged her at 4:30 tol...d her if I didn't hear anything about time frame by 5pm ill consider her not interested and offer it to the next person who wants it...
almost IMMEDIATLY I get a message reaming me out about how its "raining" (its called a tarp) and how im "impatient" "rude" and "inconsiderate"
i bit my tounge and responded with..."well unfortunately rain doesn't stop a moving truck, laters"

and the woman who was supposed ot get the drawers and side tables who was supposed to be here YESTERDAY then after me bugging her all day asked if she could come today, arranged a time...didn't show up and hasn't messaged me at all...
i messaged her at 5pm too and told her sorry since she didn't show and i don't accept visitors in the evenings without a previous arrangement im offering that to the next person...
no respnce but i doubt itll be a nice one...

im not being unreasonable right?
well you know hat even if i am...i don't care right now, im tired, im stressed and im DONE.
so tomorrow im gonna haul everything out to the curb and stick a free sign on it and on craigslist...first come first serve! i don't have the patients for this stuff on a good day...let alone right now...

why am I the bad guy hen they don't show, waste my time and cant even be considerate enough to let me know theye cant come today or are running late or changed their mind or whatever...
i verging Postal!

so I stuck a "free come and get it first come first serve" on craigslist and facebook, they've got to message me for the address and with a time frame, but everything will be outside I don't even have to realy BE here (I will be but at least I wont have to worry about waiting around or stopping what im doing to help them)
one lady has already messaged me with a time. so hopefully thisll be easier, means I wont get any morney for the stuff but at this point I just need things OUT of here...times getting short and if I have to deal with anymore people that don't show or don't communicate I think ill loose it.
im most interested in the 2 loveseats, im sure the drawers and side tables could get used somewhere if they don't get picked up, but the 2 loveseats NEED to go.

anywho, I managed to get about 1/2 the kitchen done and the bathroom done so I did accomplish my main list, dinners on but dishes will wait, my back is screaming at me right now and im all out of tylanol. :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
so this morning ive put all the inside stuff that's got to go out by the curb and most (if not all) the outside stuff, I say most because as I clean off the patio I may find othe stuff that can be added to the pile, though I think most of whats left now out there is mine or trash.

ive got 2 people that asked for the address, one already said they want one of the loveseats and the drawers (told them its first come first serve)
*fingers crossed*

today I have to run to town to get the form to turn the gas off, its the only utility I haven't arranged to have turned off because its the only one that you cant do on the phone...
and gonna pick up some none perishable snack stuffs for the journey home...(will make a grocery run on Thursday when we pick up the moving truck for the lunch meats and such)
then home, do dishes and work on some house and outside stuff (depending on the weather for the outside stuff, its chilly and damp right now) I can pack my fishtank equiptment, dvd player, printer and wii at this point so ill probably do to figure out the easiest way to pump out what water is left in the tank though, typically id shove the hose end of the python cleaner out a window...but the window by the tank doesn't open and my cleaner hose might not be long enough to reach the door...may have to makeshift with the hose pipe :/

but yeah, back currently kinda mad at me.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Take care of yourself and hang in there! Sounds like you are getting a lot done! I hope you continue to make forward progress easily!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just a few more days, and this will all be done and you'll be in the same state as me, though a few hours away! If once you get here, you want to find people near you that will let you mess w/a horse, LMK, and I'll send you a link to the local horse board.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
that would be awesome deb!!!

todays been a busy but good one.
right now the pile o stuff outside has dropped to a loveseat a little electic sweeper and a 10gal fish tank!
got all the dishes done, and most of the kitchen packed...Got to empty out the under sink cabinates, which im going to go do in a min (my mixer blender ect) and take my folding table off the wall, but after that itll all be last min stuff for the kitchen
also got the livingroom electronic and fish stuff packed and mostly emptied the tank (theres still that last 1" of water that the python just never seems to be able to get (due to the gravel) between me and dad though we should be abel to tip it enough to pour the last out when they get here :)
other than taking the tv and the wall shelf down and some cleaning up, the livingroom is pretty much packed up

tomorrow will be outside stuff...

im just hoping my back holds out, its spasamy today...

I also worked on planning the route home
im realy hoping we can be home by Saturday night, I figure if we leave at lunch on Friday do 3 1/2-4 hours, stop for a rest stop and dinner, then another 3 1/2-4 hours we'll be about 1/2 way...itll put us at the motel about 9pm, have a light supper and bed,
back on the road 9ish the next day, grab coffee and breakfast at a truck stop, then a rest stop after 2 hours, lunch 2 hours later, another rest stop and snack 2 hours later and home for dinner even if we take our time at rest stops we should be home by 8pm even if were running late.
but since dad will be doing the driving itll be up to him...I know he wants to get home asap (and not spend lots of money on motel rooms)
theres a motel 6 hats the half way point that I stopped at when I moved down here that was clean quiet and gave me no issues about the animals so im hoping we can make it to that point.

if he doesn't want to do 8 hours a day theres a motel 6 just before we exit tn and another one just before we exit WV, and well make 2 motel stops, but im hoping we can get home by sat night so we can have the truck unpacked with time to spare, its got to be back at the depo by Tuesday lunch, and since dad will have to drive it there im hoping to be able to return it Monday evening.


proud of what ive got done so far, gonna try and just get alittle more done and then itll be me done for the day.

got brussel spouts with bacon roasting in the oven...I y want to like them, but ive only had boiled (and overcooked) before and didn't like them, fingers crossed!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well, the brusslesprouts were actually pretty good...
I think I need a little more pepper and garlic next time but ill eat them again
ive got some more that I might try sauted in butter with lunch tomorrow...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
mmmm brussel sprouts and bacon is a match made in heaven!

You're moving right along girl....this will be over before you know it! 'Course I'm not saying it won't get worse before it gets better... It'll all be worth it in the end though!