Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, I don't feel "bad" so much as I just wish I could breathe, im sooo stuffed up makes my eyes all sleepy feeling...

did some running around today, so tomorrow itll be cleaning day for the most part I room still looks like a disaster zone :/
and I NEED some form of countertop, im using my fridge as a counter and that's not exactly energy efficient...and I need something to put the cat boxes in because litter everywhere isn't making me happy (and the dogs are constantly trying to get in for "snacks")
and I need to paint...
but this week realy its more about my brother, hes away and mum wants to get his room done before he comes back next painting to do in there...

and yeah, that's about all I got right now lol
not much interesting.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still kicking my in the "why is my nose not working" and "my head hurts" stage
this one is Stubborn! stuff to trying not to let it hold me back.
got a little gate kit for up at the rabbit area (itll also be the banty yard) its pretty "iron" look, will keep the dogs out, need to make sure its lined up right though before I put the posts in (it the no dig type) so gonna ask mum for her opinion then get that in. will get my roll of welded wire up there once the gate is in place, the roll I have should be long enough to do 1 side...then will need another roll to do the other.
I dragged my quail cages up there, need some t-posts to get them up on, wont be getting quail fro a ltitle while yet but want to get the area laid out.
also need to get 1 of the ltitle red coops up to its spot...once the fence goes up ill move the banties in. also need to figure out something to better manage the rabbit doesn't want it collecting on the ground under the cages so ive got to figure out some form of collection system for the cages that don't have thinking plastic roofing on an angle directed into storage totes, or mabe heavy duty tarps...
I need to do it under the quail cages too...
but theres progress lol.

had some hair pulled in the rex colony this morning but no other nesting activity...kinda hoping to be surprised by a new litter in the morning :D.

anywho...gonna go grab a cup of coffee and check email and stuff.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
I think ive finally passed the peak of this cold and am on the way back down the mountain, less stuffy today, heads not hurting nearly as badly.
got pictures and sex's on the baby rex, sadly my 2 harlis are males, got a castor male and a broken black otter male too...then a castor doe, 2 broken castor does and a black otter doe...50/50, not bad.
took a pic of my e-lop babies, got a tort, a fawn, a cream and little 1 ear is a blue tort...
and in the angora box looks like a black, a white 2 chestnuts and possibly a chinchilla...
wont know sex on them for a little while.

my mini Nubian buck has been born
Say hi to Frodo (assuming dad doesnt change his mind between now and then)

and im also debating bring home merry and pippins half sister form 2013, shes in milk and very pretty, had twin doelings this year and will be for sale when they are pulled, would be nice to have a doe already in milk but would also mean building a milking stand asap., shes not broke to milk either so could be a bit of a challenge...we'll see itll depend on how much shell take for her.


but im still not 100% sure on her yet. would be nice to have milk now though :)

I have to treat the 3 current babies for cocci (Bilbo has some loose tummy movments so just gonna be cautious, hes so tiny) and then in about a week ill deworm and give CDT vacines. hard to belive there almost 6 weeks old already.
im realy hoping Bilbo and Frodo can be quick frineds, the girls still push Bilbo (whos about 1/2 their size and only 3 ays younger) around lol.
im going to fence off a section of pasture that will become the buck pen as the boys mature and while we don't realy need 2 bucks itll be good to have A a backup and B an unrelated boy to breed to the next gen (and any Nigerian does we goal is 3-4 mini Nubians 3-4 nigis...

otherwise not much going on today, sat outside with my computer and keia and Gypsy (both fast asleep on the floor :D)
got ruby face and sanitary trimmed, I realy need new clippers to do her body shes such a scruff ball) and got jaspers face trimmed, now neither look like mountain men lol
going to order my unit for the kitty litter boxes in a few mins, hopefully thatll solve the litter everywhere dogs snacking issue, don't want to spend the money but its either that or putting the boxes in cardboard boxes...and quite frankly my room still looks like a moving zone and I HATE it, I want it to start looking put together...not "hey look a box lets stick this in here...." may seem selfish, but this is still not feeling quite right rooms still a shambles...I still feel out of place, and that needs to be fixed soon
but that's whiney whiney stuff....

its a beautiful day, froze my feet dunking them in the pool earlier, but sooo worth it lol.
thinking it might be a dinner outside and night by the firepit kinda evening if this keeps up.
then tomorrow back to the grind, need to pick up fencing and t-posts, need to weed wack/maintain the pasture electric line too

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's nice down here as well. I wouldn't mind being able to sit by a fire and relax, but I'm not quite set up for it here.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
It's really important for a woman to feel good about where she lives, much more so than for a man. It's part of our nesting instinct, and probably one of the driving forces in civilization, lol. (God made man and rested; God made woman and nobody's rested since :p)
So don't apologize hon, take a deep breath, turn toward the chosen spot and say I want it THERE!

Glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks ladies, good to know its not the crazy lol
hand looks like ive got a weird case of the measles today from the rose thorn pricks lol
another beautiful day today, high in the mid 80's
got some running around to do today, need to get the fencing for the rabbit area and get that done, and a few more t-posts to get for getting the quail cages up.

I don't think my goose eggs are gonna hatch day 28 today but no internal pips or any visable movment last nights candling...they were fine a week ago but mabe all the power problems ive bene having in that room made them weak :/