Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And that's why I want out of this state, it's so messed up.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it realy is a little sad, I mean...not that I think women on welfare should be popping out kids...but how can they say "we provide measures to prevent it" when those measures are well out of the reach of the ones who realy need it?
they don't even offer free "wrappers" at this one..every PP ive ever been to has a bowl with a FREE bowl of "samples" for the guys...this one says "too expensive"...
so strange to me...even the PP's in TN provided free male contraceptive measures...and that's a heck-a-poor state!

feeling rather off this evening, chocolate didn't even help...
watched some true blood so I could drool over sexy vampires and werewolves...
probably a good thing men like that don't exist in real life LOL!

not sure what tomorrows plan is, but gonna attempt to make it at least semi productive...and if not productive...a little less "sit and wallow-ish..."

but now...time for BED.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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just put a bid on ebay for rhodebar eggs...well see if I win, not willing to pay much (since who knows how well they'll do in the incy...) but its more affordable than trying to buy chickies lol.
I showed momma the rhodebars and the legbars and she liked the rhodebars more.

didn't get my trip to ikea...a little bitter realy, I haven't asked for much since getting here...the 1 time I ask to go somewhere specific dad says its "too far" (and yet its closer than many of the places weve been running arund to over the last couple weekends for his stuff...) but whatever...
my mood sucks right now as is so im trying not to dwell, instead sitting outside snuggling with Keira and listening to the wind chimes.

ill be honest, the idea of living aboard a camper and upping for the weekends is more appealing than ever, good job campers are expensive and I wouldn't feel safe towing my car LOL!
im such a flight already looking at land to buy even though I cant afford it...

I want "stuff" but I don't even know what it is...

and even more im bugged that I didn't even get a birthday card for my birthday and my sister got a $3000 motorcycle...and that makes me sound like a jealous bitch...WTF is wrong with me?!
ive got a roof over my head a warm dry place to sleep, food in my tummy and people who care about me (even if sometimes they don't show it in the most obvious of ways....) Im lucky, and I SHOUDL be happy...
and yet all my brain wants to do is poke the sleeping bear with a stick until I explode.
ahh mental health issues...gotta love em!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I dunno, it sounds to me like you might have some legit bitches. Like you are being the "good girl" that doesn't make waves, so people are ignoring your needs to deal with their own issues. Might be time to make some growling noises. Just because you've got the basics taken care of doesn't mean you aren't entitled to some of the elegancies of life.
Let them know your feelings are hurt!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im actually the oldest...and for the most part my relationship with my family is a good one...its just once in a while...I generally sit back, no waves, take it as it comes but right now my hormones are so haywire that im having a hard time getting the water to roll off ya know?!

in good news, I wont the auction at $7 less than id planned (I put in a max bid that would put me at $25 including shipping since that's all I was willing to spend...and it came in $7 under! yay!) so that's paid for and assuming confo in the morning I should have 1 oze rhodebar eggs heading my way this week...
im REALY hoping to get a good hatch rate, right now my hope is to have a male and at least 5 females to keep and at least another pair to sell, hoping the pair to sell will pay for the materials to buil a cop large enough for a flock of a dozen chickens...the rhodies will be our main laying flock (and add eggs in the incubator as we go for chick sales too) so I want a nice sized flock of good birds. im thinking 11 hens and a rooster should be enough to keep the family in eggs and fill the bator a few times a season, and mabe even have hatching and eating eggs to sell too...
but we'll see...ill be happy as long as we et a nice little group from this batch and enough chicks left over to get my little investment back.
and if this goes well im going to try turkey eggs next time :D

chatted with WBF for a bit on facebook earlier...that made me smile :D
I miss TN...its the first place ive ever felt at home...I cant see me staying away for too long.

plans for this week involve:
grocery shopping, and picking up our new little mini Nubian buckling...Bilbo needs a buddy, so ive found a Frodo (he looks like a tiny version of my Poppy) 2 bucks wasn't realy on the plan but this gives us more options for the future and a frined for our buck without feeding a, yeah.

and ive not collected banty eggs in a few days and looks like one of the hens has decided to sit, would be nice to get some banty chicks...those'll pay for a bag of chicken feed at least.

tomorrow ive also got to contact e-fowl about placing an order...lone goosey needs buddies and they are willing to do a duck/geese combined shipping to bypass the mins since im a repeat customer :D dad wants "big white geese" and since I cant get pilgrims anywhere im going to pick up 2 pairs of embdens...normally id have to order 6 (or was it 8?!) to make the minimum for the shipping but they'll let me order 4 and combine with a small duck order so ill get my little group of khakis (I mis my ducks!) since they can all brood together for a while at least itll work well, then next year ill get on the pre-order list for pilgrims and get a couple males and another female to make up 2 pairs of pilgrims.

I think once the duckies are brooded I might even put in an order for some Cornish cross and do some meat chickens, the price of chicken right now is insane...

Anywho...I think its time for sleepy.
I hope you guys know how much I appreciate having somewhere to get this stuff off my chest safely and your input and opinions!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I don't blame you for feeling a bit miffed. It's tough to keep the hormones in check and stay balanced when you know you aren't. Take care of yourself!
Suggestion on the roofing. Home depot sells the metal riding like you put on big barns that is colored and it comes cut to whatever length you want it in 3' wide sections. Or maybe it's 4'... but anyway, it is basically the same price as the corrugated kind but way easier to handle because it is pre cut. You'll need to custom order it which takes no more than 2 weeks, but I think it is worth it. Plus is you don't care about scratches or anything, it always comes sandwiched between 2 protector sheets which have a sticker on them that says not to use them, but you get 2 sheets for free :p
We use that stuff on it hay feeders that we build and it is so much easier to deal with. Worth the wait to get it!
Oh you'll need to go to the pro desk to order it, just keep asking for it until they get someone that knows what they are talking about...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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il have to look for that, custom cut would be perfect, and freebies are always good LOL!

I found the 10ft x 3ft metal siding sheets on their website and its cheaper than the roofing :)

got notification that my eggies shipped today so hopefully they'll be here in a few days, gonna scrub the incubator out tonight and get it wormed up, shipping estimate says Thursday...
and got my e-fowl order in and sorted. 4 Embden goslings and 1/2 a dozen khakis, hopefully they'll ship pretty quickly, she said they are doing ok for stock in the emails so, I did ask her to put a rush note on the order.

and yeah...

Wednesday my sisters going to take me to ikea on our way to pick up our newest goat baby (an F2 mini Nubian buck)
so tomorrow I have to work on setting up the 2nd stall, gonna put the boys in the 2nd stall together, then il move the x-pen across their door so they also have some outside acess and give the girls full acess ot the pasture at that point.
Im still debating on the older mini Nubian doe in milk in june...we'll see, but id realy like to have the milk...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You know this isn't the best place for trying to decide something like that. After all, we're a bunch of enablers! :D