Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Nice on the attagirl! It is always nice to hear those kinds of things and when they don't often come that makes them all the sweeter.
Good luck with the sales! Sending a sense of abundance!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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in his happy mood he also agreed on brining in the F2 mini Nubian doe that's in milk, brining out little herd up to 5 (3 mini nub does, a mini nub buck and a nigi buck, hoping to add 3 nigi does next year and I think thatll have us set.
so excited for milk, fresh moz and yogurt are "on the list" :D
also finally managed to connect with the budgie guy...little pickle now has a new girlfriend her name is Cloud (shes white and very lgith blue, absolulty stunning girl)
and I got more mulch to finish the flower bed!
oh oh AND I got my car registered, it is now legal in the state of NJ.
probably gonna clean her out tomorrow and get the plates on, then take her for a tune up and emmissions on Tuesday.

im exhausted and I realy haven't done any work yet, gonna go do this bit of mulching then see if the pools nice enough for a dip.

need to hit the hardware store or something tomorrow, got some 90degree days coming and I need to get the freeze on for the buns. got the tiles ill put in the freezer tonight for tomorrows 88 but would def prefer to have something easier to transport. I go to get this mulching finished :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They're calling for in the 90s on Wednesday!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Here too, I'm thinking I'll finally end up in pool at the farm. ...
Yay for getting the car stuff done! That's a big thing to check off the list!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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2 more buns gone home , an adult rex and a rex baby boy...
they wil be back for tris as soon as my doe co-operates too :)
got someone else interested in a couple angora...fingers crossed
trying to make room for 2-3 new MEAT does since that's what I realy need to focus on...found some fairly local, just need to make sure ive got cage space to put them in.

finished the bunny ac unit today and VERY happy, need to reinforce the attatchemnt points (going to cable tie to the down vents nd then re-ducttape)
ran it all morning and while it wasn't a big breeze there's enough airflow to make a difference...added a couple bottles of ice around 2pm when I noticed one of my angora does panting and a little wet on the nose....seems to be holding out great, its not omg AC, but it is enough of a cool breeze that the bunnies do sem to notice angora boy was sat right infrnt of his vent :)
planning to get some spray foam insulation so I can add insulation to the lid of the cooler sinc theres now 2 big holes cut in it reducing its insulative factors lol.
but otherwise is good to go! very happy with how it came out, though ill admit I wish It was prettier lol.
eventually ill build it a little house to live in so its not just sat ontop of the cages lol. but hey if it works im happy.
next big job up there is putting up some kind of shade structure so im not bending and clambering under the tarp tents ive rigged up...I want to put proper roofs on the cages then put up some poles along the perimeter of the rabbitry, in the summer ill have shade cloth the winter the tarps...just need to figure out the actual logistics of all that and real roves on the cages come first...

other news...
spent 2 hourse chasing an excapee duck though the brush the oher day, finally caught her when she got her foot stuch between 2 rose branches where the throwns intersected just right...shed been out since the afternoon before...silly duck is now names Houdini...
our older gosling is spending her daytime in the rabbitry right now and seems to be enjoying the sunshine and grass, the younger 4 come out for a few hours a day supervisd, another week or so though and they'll be out full time during the day.
we need to get their pen set up too

banty cochin has 3 eggs left under her, 1 pipped and raring to far we have 12, looking at 13-15 for the final head count. hopefully we can find a buyer, if not were going to have micro-chicken in the freezer lol.
otherwise things are...going..
almost finished the back flowerbed...need some more mulch and another stretch of border fence and thatll be done on my still hasn't decided if hes screening in the oil tank or not...I hope so...its same with the ac unit...if he doesn't do it...I just might lol.
got a couple small beds with just a tree here or there that needs weeding and mulching too and then we start the front bed...(ive got multiple large beds in the back that need work too but dad wants the front done next.
theres a beautiful climbing rose in front that I want to save, and were planning on saving a couple of the large shrubs if possible as they do make nice anchors, theres also a Japanese pireas that im planning on keeping and some hosta that need rescuing underneath it all. so those will become the basis for the front bed...planning an English country cottage feel, roses, peony, chamomile and echniacea are definates, in the more shady parts bleeding hearts and various hostas and astebile...fingers crossed I can pull this off.


got a chicken roasting in the oven for dinner, baby potatoes form the farm stall at the fleamarket, plenty of greens in the fridge for me to have a salad...though ill admit ive been bad and had chocolate today :/

not much planned for this week...just keep on tuggin along.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like you're making steady progress! It would be great to see pics of the garden when you get 'em done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If you weren't so far away, I'd be interested in some banty cochins.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Sounds like a right nice time! It's a bit nice when things just rock along.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well today I added 4 new rabbits to the
I whent for 1, mabe 2 does and a couple of bucks to put in the freezer...
I left with 4 new does, one of which is likely pregnant...

so we get there, he shows us his rabbitry (huge old dairy barn, had some SERIOUS barn envy! lol.)
points out the ones im interested in but gives us a little tour (me and my sister...) she starts cooing over some pretty little dutch he shows me the pens with the for sale buns.
I whent specifically for some 8-14 week old New-Zealand x Flemmish giants...
showed me the pen with the 6-8 week old buns, they are HUGE, twice the size of my 8 week old rex and hes not midget! then during the tour he pointed out 2 does from another NZ x Flemmish breeding, they are 12-14 weeks old, and both does....and HUGE, like the size of my dult rex girls..
he doesn't keep good breeding records because ehe typically loads them up and takes them to auction...but all the current litters in the barn are 6-14
he showed me their cousins/sisters at 6-8 months old and they were lovely so...into the carrier the 2 older does whent...he gave me 3 for the price of perfect...
in the mean time sis is still cooing over those little dutchy meat bricks...he was chatting about how they don't bring anything at the meat auctions because people don't think of them as meat breeds, bu the pet market has been slow for him lately "pick one out" he tells her... wed been walking through id noticed a harliquinized dutchy pulling fur form herself and her cage mate..he thougth they were both boys, about 4-1/2 5mths old...turns out the sex change fairy had visited nand the harliquinized is a was added to the batch...FREE!
im hoping she delivers and does a good job, even if I don't get uch for her kits, if I can get back what I just spent on the 3 meaty does im happy...I can always re-sell her as a proven breeder at a later time when sis gets bored if I don't like the way the kits grow out...and if I do I can breed her to my rex boy. shes a little oversized so should be able to handle it.

so now I find myself with more rabbits than I should have LOL!.
the good news is ive got the young rex male going home sunday...
someone else interested in the fawn lop girl
someone else interested in the cream lop girl and possibly an angora kit
and someone else interested in an angora kit and one of my adult angora does.

if all them can go hom ill just have an anora and a lop kit and 1 adult angora to move on...
the 2nd adult angora is bred due in a week, so we'll see what colors she gives me and if shes a good momma.

looks like july will be tractor making month...
want a meaty growout tractor at 4x8, and a 2nd 4x8 for the "for sale" buns.
wit the other cages I have if I move out the buns for sale I SHOULD have enough room for everyone, but im thinking of putting the 3 meaty does into a 3 compartment tractor me a little free space for any growouts in the main rabbitry.

otherwise...milking doe gomming on Friday so tomorrow ive got to clean out and bed down the 2nd stall (shell be separate for a few days until she gets usd to me) and mini Nubian boy coming home early july :)
bsuy busy.