Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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You sound pretty busy! My rabbits are vastly multiplying too...I'm getting ready to build on some cages....and a new chicken coop


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah its def chugging along...
a chicken coops on our plans too, and need to put the pen toether for the ducks and geese, and still need to fix the barn and and and lol...
I o more work here than I ever did on MY property lol.

in other words the lady who wanted one of the e-lop girls seems to have backed was all good to go and then she said something about seeing another add about rex and meat rabbits from me...and asked for an address to pick up...
I said yes that's my add, and explained that I don't meet random strangers at my home and that meetings are done in a public well lit place locally, I don't know if it was the meat part of the fact that I don't have strangers on my property part that she didn't like...but she said it made her "uncomfortable" and that she wouldn't be able to buy her...
*shrug* well it makes ME uncomforatbal that your only interested in the rabbit IF you can come and wander around my home/property...what are you looking for? theres pictues of all my setups, pictures of the parents, weve spoken for hours and I want to meet in a PUBLIC place rather than on private property in the middle of the countryside...and YOUR uncomfortable?!

I get that some people think its a little odd to not be able to just come to my house and pick something up...
but generally when I explain that my landlord doesn't like strangers on the property, and that I much prefer to meet somewhere very well lit and public as opposed to out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by acres of open empty fields and lots of trees they generally agree that its a very good its MUCH easier to find the local tractor supply or Walmart than it is to find my street...and theres a lot more parking (which theres ot even space to turn around for another car here lol)
so when 99% of people have no issue meeting somewhere public with security cameras...makes me wonder about the few that are "uncomfortable" when they cant come to the property...
want to meet the babies parents? fine ill bring them too, want to see my setup and cages, ill happily send you pics...poop and all lol...

new dutch doe truffles is ornery and nest building this morning (everywhere BUT the box I put in for her...) the 3 new does seem ok, a little jumpy but ok...def thinking tractor is the way to go for them, they are going to eat ALOT if I don't keep em primarily on grass....) so gonna plan that and a grow out tractor out for a weekend project
thinking if I do a 4x8 for the 3 meaty does, divide it into 3 runs I can move them as a single unit and they'll have cage that are 4x (about) 2...should be enough room for raising litters to weaning age too...

buns seem to be consuming my life right now but after the current litters im taking a break, im going to re-expose my tri-doe to my red buck since she didn't take, but im not breeding anyoe else now for the summer, will take the hotttests months off and start back up come September.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Weird people are everywhere! I also find that most are willing to meet in a public place - if not - sure makes you wonder why, huh?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The only time I'd want to see the set up and the parents would be if I were buying a dog and that's only cuz I don't want to find out that I've actually gotten one from a puppy mill! And, I would not be going by myself to look, but would be taking someone else w/me. Other than that, I much prefer to meet someplace public. It's not only for my protection, but also for the other person's.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
that's my thing...if meeting in a PUBLIC place makes someone uncomfortable, why would I want them at my house anyway lol.

freebie dutch doe had 4 kits, lost 1 but the other 3 seem to be doing good, though shes flat out fefusing to use a nest box at this point and was re-stashing hay this morning (she was in with the male up until we picked her up so who knows if shes carrying in the second horn too, (can happen in buns, they can carry 2 litters of different ages, though typically the younger litter would abort during labor of the older litter...but hey ive seen stranger stuff.

trying to plan out the tractors for the meat girls, not sure yet if I want to go with a pressure treated frame and cage wire, or go PVC and wire to keep it realy lgith for moving (it will have about 35lbs of rabbit in it plus litters at any given time lol)
the cheapest method will ultimately win out as moneys gonna be tight this month with the big car insurance payment ( 2 months of payment to start the new plan :/)

yesterday was pretty busy, put the chainlink run up that's going to be the overnight housing for the geese and ducks, got it up, chianlink on, bird netting on roof, just need to reinforce the bottom 12 inches or so as the ducklings could probably still fit through the chainlink and after the last "adventures in duckling hunting" id rather be sure they are secure for now lol.
ive got some more bird net just need to cut it to height and put it up...
itll be nice to get the ducklings out of the barn as they get stinky FAST so that on the list for today.
the chicks can then also be moved to the bigger tub as they are growing fast too (and still no buyers for the cochin chicks)

I did also get the 2nd stall cleaned out, hay bag up bucket in and up...itll be home for our new doe for a week or so before I integrate her into the "herd" I want to make sure shes comfortable with me (and shes in milk too so need to be sure I can handle her for milking) before letting her loose with the kids.
supposed to be picking her up in about an hour and im super excited :D hopefully it wont be long before im having goatsmilk yogurt for breakfast again :D

gonna spend the next few days figuring things out and making a list of to-dos, I know ive got to drag the brush out and separate off the back pasture and build a small shelter in there, that will be the buck run, our 2nd boy is coming home around the 7th and lil Bilbo is already starting to act a little thatll probably be this weeks big project.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Things are moving right along. Keep up the good work and everything will be all pulled together sooner than later! And pics - don't forget pics when everything is done!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well shes home, she did very well, walks fairly nicely on leash with a little encoragment (I hooked a second leash behind the frnt legs and used that for encoragment rather than pulling around her neck, used the one around her nek just for guidance) into the stall and straight to the hay bag, she looks good, and is very sweet, doesn't seem spooky at all and is sooo pretty :D
gonna go up and milk her out in about an hour (apparently they just pulled her kid a day ago so figure ill do a few days of 3 a day milking then down to 2 a day once shes used to the routein...)
gotta get a good teat wash recipie, and add build milking stand to this weekends list LOL!

her current name is registered as JC's Ruth, and I kinda like "Ruthie" so we may keep it...though it doesn't go with the theme lol.
I think shes going to fit in just fine...will get some pictures a little later for you guys :D shes SOOO pretty!