Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys, your right.
so while everyone else is out grocery shoppig im curled up with my babies and hot tea and tissues LOL!
heads a little swimmy and im stuffy, its certainly been worse, but hate having to breathe through my mouth, throat and lips are so dry no matter how much lipbalm I use.

supposed ot be sending the dutch and my nz mix home today so just waiting to hear form her as a time
and then the angora doe is also supposed to leave this evening, (waiting on a time there too)
and thatll be it for outgoing until show day (when my 3 elops are leaving)

did get an additional o do on the list though.
mums getting very tired of having a houe pig...(I warned them LOL!) so...
new jobs on the docket include adding a line of welded wire to the back pasture fence about 2ft tall to make a ball pen. bubbles and squeak will move up to the female goat pasture and the stall currently used for storage (going to put up a playpen at first so they can all get used to eachtoher.
Mr B will then move out to the girls pen during the day where he can start getting acclimated to the weather (and the electric fence) and eventually he'll move up to live with the male goats.
the current piggy house/pig pen will become the turkey pen (saving me a whole lot more building since mum doesn't want them living in the barn) and mean I don't have to move the current piggy house.

well probably til the area the pig have started to dig, level it out and either reseed or use that area to plant the grape vines (and let the turkeys roam that area)

im also going to talk to dad about building the greenhouse ONTO the front of the barn (using the barn as the greenhouse back wall wont be as large but I think itll be a little prettier ad more structurally sound lol, plus it might help keep the barn warmer in the winter as the greenhouse would warm up warming the main barn wall. means moving the flowerbed that's thee (and currently stuffed full of sedum gone crazy (I can dig it up and move most of it) but it would be right by power and water there and get a nice amount of sun all day. I could then put a pretty flowerbed infront and plant with herbs or whatever to make it realy pretty and fit in since its completely visable from the house.
well see.

nothing else planned for today, being as lazy as I can be...
need to bring the angora doe in and get her groomed out, just wish I knew what time these other 2 are going so can plan my afternoon.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
ugh...I COULD have gone grocery shopping with the family today, looks like the bun pickup I thought would be earlier wont be until later tonight, and the other one is supposed to be sometime after 5, they were supposed to message me at 3 to confirm and let me know exactly what time...UGH, sent them a message...we'll see.
well least I didn't go sharing the crud with the passerbyes, angora bunny is groomed and ready to go, big bunny got her nails done (just need to do lil bun) and ive spent the majority of my day curled up under a blankie.

will get the buns that are going home into carriers when I do bedtime chores so I don't have to go back up in the dark, need to prep dinner too, just don't realy feel like it.
suposed to be having stuffed pork loin...not yet sure whats going with it
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Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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got a confo for the angora, so yay on that front :) means 2 trips but whatever its only 5 mins up the road :D.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well it was amost 11:15 when the lady arrived for pickup last night, wont do doing that every again, nice enough, please with the girls, but yeah, was exhausted by the time I got back home, still exhausted today but that's likely this flu. I don't do sick very not an in person whiney cry baby, I still get the thing si need done...BUT...inbetween the needs I just want to be completely and utterly lazy...

but yeah good news is all the bunnies that needed to be picked up have been picked up, ive got 3 more adults to go at the show...
and ie got 2 young bucks to go as soon as possible, but the once schedualed are gone.

planning the rabbitry upgrade/move and got to do some figuring on the automatic watering system, ill give all the cages a good scrub down as they get moved so they'll be starting fresh in the new area when I get that done...not sure when that will be...but, itll get there LOL!
got to price up materials and stuff.

do realy need to go get more hay and I need to haul both a bag of bunny and a bag of goat feed up to the barn before the end of the day...but I dunno if ive got that in me right this min...right now its more a laze about in my pjs drinkging tea kind of morning


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hope you feel better soon! Lots of honey lemon tea!! That's the only thing that helps my throat when I'm sick, I use the good raw honey that I can get and it makes me feel so much better. Or at least able to better tolerate the sore throat!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, im floating around on lemon green tea (cant do the sugar in the honey) if nothing ele least im hydrated LOL!

very discouraging day, ive gained 5lbs this month, I know its depression/winter blahs and my 100% lack of self control when im depressed...
its so frustrating, I didn't have this problem when I lived alone because I literally didn't have the money to buy junk and only did grocery shpping once a month, mabe twice...I didn't have "naughty" food in the house so even when I was down I didn't hav eacess to the "feel better" naughty stuff and redirected...
here though even though I keep begging them not to put this stuff infront of me, they still buy doughnuts and cakes and cookies and chocolate, and then stick it on the dinner table... right infornt of me...
yes I know..."be a big girl and control yourself" ...
but im a compulsive eater when im deperessed...I try my amndest but just knowing its there it just eat away att he back of my mind.
so today I told myself NO, get healthy snacks, low carb stuff, things your allowed, sock the fridge with some ME yummies, ham and cheese strings and cream and pure cocoa powder and pork rind and low carb stuffs, pick up some cheap meats to make hot lunches with ect...
so off we go to the grocery store...the 79c chicken thigs I usually get (it makes 2 weeks worth of meal for me, NONE...when I saked the guy he says "no we haven't had them in, I don't get them in cause theres a better deal on the perdu...I go "better than 79c a lb? and he goes...well...there 99c...that's close...
im sorry mr, but even 10c a lb is a HUGE difference when your on a $30 a month food managers specials, no good sales, cheapet meat was chicken leg quarters from perdu at the .99 a lb...and the smallest pack was $12, yeah that's a good few meals...butt hats 1/2 my food budget for the month...I looked and looked and became more and more discusted with $6.99 a lb crappy cuts, pork neck bones $2.99 a lb...BONES for goodness sake, they wanted $3 a lb for chicken backs...they were even elling the chicken fat trimmings for $3 a lb...WHAT?! the FAT trimmed of the breasts, they are now packaging up and charging $3 a lb for and it was all the gross neon yellow corn fed junk too...I couldn't do it...I couldn't pay those prices...o I walked away with some 9g carb yogurts (theres some debate on yogurt and low carb because the carb count is from te milk before it becomes yogurt and many say tht the yogurt cultures actually consume most of the carbs...who knows...either way I need goo bacteria lol)...
even the "cheap" froven veg were expensive....mabe ill just start drinking alfredo sauce LOL!thats low carb and filling and yummy and CHEAP lol.
anyway, super frustrating...I hae grocery shopping. and in the mean time mum and sis are trying to make their own eating choices feel better by pointing out "low calorie" options (that I cant have because im allergic to most of the chemical **** storm used to make things low-cal.)

UGH, hate grocery shopping. why cant I just be a flower, get everything I need form the sun and the water and the air...much easier...

im still sick...hoping to be heading to the other side of it though...elt a little better this morning but grocery shopping kinda kicked my tuckus...

hot cup of tea then some niquil and bed I think.
snow supposed to be coming in tonight :/


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm fighting the hunger monster myself right now. I hate it! I had a couple deviled eggs for dinner. Cheap, (cuz I just walk out back and get 'em, lol) high protein, low carb and pretty tasty.

Green tea with some fresh ginger sliced into it is really tasty and comforting too. I've got garden dreams and I really, really, really NEED a home-grown tomato!

Feel better!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pink, what kind of grocery store do you have up there? I can get much better prices than that around here. But, I don't think driving all this way would help. After all, what you save in food, you'd spend in gas.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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we have ShopRight, A&P and Weis...
I miss Kroger lol.

we are planning meat chickens thig year thorugh so that should help a lot

this yucky cold is lingering, feeling yucky and we got snow last night.
I shoveld back, front, pig pen got pens and goose pen, then dad cut me a path up the hill with the snow blower...even still, my boy aches. glad I ddint commit to the show today though, we ended up with about 8 inches of white stuff.

spent my day being lazy and watching Helix on Netflix, made chicken soup and generally did little else...
guess that's one bous of being sick...getting caught up on my Netflix list. lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm surprised that you don't have better prices. We shop in Shop Rite, and their prices are generally pretty good.

Are you ready for the snow they're predicting? You guys could get a foot or more.

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