Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Just send your needs out into the cosmos through prayer, and when the timing is right, something will appear, like a ripe plum. The tricky part is recognizing it when it happens; sometimes the answer doesn't come in quite the form you expect...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I hope so I hate feeling likie the wheels are spinning.

in good news though biz helped me today and the got 100ft of fence and a gate and the banty coop moved and set up.
still need to finnish up the banty pen for little roo and his soon to be new ladies... and build the raied bed, but we do now have a 50ft x aprox 35ft space to build raised beds for our veggies...that should be more than enough space...
we wont be filling the space this year...but the hope is to start by building a few beds at a time and by next year will have lots of space for sqft planting to give us plenty of veggies for fresh and canning.

its progress at least.

next jobs include hauling hay to the barn and into the hay loft, building raised beds and getting a larger chicken cook for the rhodebarrs and turkeys built.
I also need a secondary coop for the dels because dad wants to keep them as a pure thinking of mabe putting their coop in the ame area as the duck/geese and let them range the front of the property while the rhodebarrs range the back.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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especially after pricing up lumber...
I priced up a few options, 1 was to do 2 layers of 6" boards but dd didn't want the etra work so paid the extra for the wider planks...
we now have 4 (of what will eventually be 11 4x8 beds if my math is right...we also have room for a 2x20ft and a 2x8ft long bed along the fenceline...) beds built and filled with last years compost form the rabbits and goats.
well give it a few days and some watering to settle and then top up with some dirt
going to be sqft gardening so the 4 should be more than enough room for these veggies..., and then as summer progresses well do a few more at a time until the area is full.
we also need the plastic for the greenhouse and I need about 20ft of welded wire fence to finnish the banty pen.

I want to add some tall posts along the fenceline that I can put some solar lights ontop of and hang some baskets or topsy turvey planters from to increase planting space (thinking of palnting calendula strawberries and tender herbs in them all along the perimeter)
we want it to look nice as well as be functional since you can see the area from the house.
thinking of putting a little table and chair set up in there and sister is thinking of putting her hammock between 2 pine trees in there too. just generally make it a nice place to chill out.

it progress...

next up is tomorrows job of moving the wood pile that's currently against the barn side and moving it into the barn stakcing it nicely as that will ne the heat source in there next winter. and the area the wood pile is currently is going to be laid out for our processing station.
picked up a folding game processing/camp table with built in sink today and were going to make a cone, dad going to work on his plucker tomorrow, and im going to have him make me a hopper popper for doing rabbits hoping to be able to leave the area set up pretty much spring through late fall and just pack the table up for winter since it folds pretty much flat.
and sunday...hopefully...processing time for the meatballs.
ill be glad to see the back of them...

otherwise...that's about all I got right now.
we added 2 new babies to the farm over the last week, 2 little barn kittens, kitty and top-cat. will have to get pictures of them soon :)


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR



Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
LOVE the face in the wall :D he makes me smile! the marbles as a gazing ball is cool too!!!

so far this morning ive moved the big log pile at the side of the barn ot the barn porch, it now in 3 piles, pile 1: what should fit in the stove...pile 2: what im just not sure about, and pile 3 which is huge...of too big needs cutting!
just stopped for a drink break and then will go back up with my gloves want to try and get the brush pile that's in the "airlock" area moved too.... dads friend has offered us some dump space for brush, so were going to move that pile and im going to try and haul out as much a I can from the goat and pig pastures too as theres still a few piles left in there (and probably more logs to set aside for this winter too....)

dads working on his plucker right now too so im hoping by the end of today we will have our processing area cleared out and mostly set up so tomorrow I can drag out the turkey fryer and get this done...
these meat chickens are gross, eating a ton (even with moving their pen 4 times a day they are still eating 30 cups of food a day...) and most of all eat my hand if I didn't toss in the feed first...

im pretty certain that from now on ill just hatch out whatever and process all the males..smaller batches at a time...a little less efficient...but probably a lot cheaper on food...

otherwise...not much going is saying nice today and tomorrow then HOT next week...then cool again the week after...crazy bipolar weather.
in the process of moving the baby buns into gorwout cages, the rex and rex mixed litters are in a cage together, and the angora will go in together
some of these guys might end up in the freezer...I usually get a waiting list a mile long before the buns are even close to weaned...but this batch ive only got 5 pending...out of 20 lol
well see.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
now I seriously hurt...
moved wood and brush all afternoon...body hates me but at tleast the area I want to set up the butchering station is clear!

I think im going to go curl up in he shower now ...
does anyone know if health insurance will pay for the purchase of a hot tub...for medical needs of course LOL

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